Saturday, March 15, 2025

Free CLE Webinars March 2025+

March 2025 Free CLE
* Trauma-Informed Spanish for Lawyers Serving Unaccompanied Children. By ABA Children's Immigration Law Academy (CILA).
March 27: 
March 28:

April 2025 Free CLE

April 1:
April 2:
* Early Case Assessment. By LexisNexis.
April 3:
April 4:
* April 4: Radical Inclusion at the DisCo: Reproductive Justice is Disability Justice. By Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
April 8:
April 9: 
April 11:
April 15: 
* Minnesota's New Clemency Law Reforms. By Minnesota State Law Library.
April 16:
April 17: 
April 18: 
April 25: 
* Construction Defects from the Developer & GC Perspective. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.
April 28:
April 30:
* Breached! Cybersecurity 101. By LexisNexis.

May 2025 Free CLE

May 1: 
Being an Advocate and Shaking Hands Afterwards.  By National Conflict Resolution Center.
May 2:
May 5:
May 7:
May 8:
May 9:
May 14: 
May 16:
May 20: 
May 22:
May 29: 
* Allocation of Responsibility for Construction Defects. By Pete Fowler Construction Services.

June 2025 Free CLE

June 3:
June 5:
June 10:
June 12: 
June 12: 
* Bankruptcy Fundamentals. By LexisNexis.
June 24:
June 26:
* Probate Pitfalls: Understanding the Impact of Elder Financial Exploitation.  By National Conflict Resolution Center.

That's it for now! Share this information freely, send me any updates, and best of luck to you and yours in the year upcoming - REW.

P.S. If you're in Texas, subscribe to Abdul Faraki's Free CLE for Texas Lawyers.
P.P.S. If you're not in Texas, why not create a Free CLE for Your State website? Very likely you know your state better than I do! If you have technical questions, let me know and we'll chat!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 27: The State and Future of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education

The Second Annual Education Law Symposium
Please join us for the Suspension Representation Project’s Second Annual Education Law Symposium on the state and future of diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) in education. The two panels will cover attacks on DEI initiatives and the practical implications of these actions, as well as what options remain for states and educational institutions that remain committed to DEI.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time
In-Person and on Zoom 
Fordham Law School
Bateman Room, Second Floor
150 West 62nd Street
New York, NY 10023
Register Now!
Fordham Law School
CLE credit for this program is pending in accordance with the requirements of the New York State CLE Board for a maximum of 1.0 transitional and nontransitional professional practice credit. In many other jurisdictions, you may be able to self-apply for credit.

April 17: Navigating the Evolving Prevailing Wage Landscape Under the Trump Administration

Navigating the Evolving Prevailing Wage Landscape Under the Trump Administration
This one-hour webinar will explore key labor and employment developments during the first three months of the Trump Administration, from three different Cozen O'Connor lawyers’ perspectives. The issues we will focus on include: the impact of recent Executive Orders (issuance and rescindment) in areas such as federal and private DEIA policies, programs, and related issues; prevailing wage and other wage and hour developments, including federal and state minimum wage; labor organizing and related union issues; and additional related L&E topics. The presenters will also provide a general overview of what to expect and how to handle DOL prevailing wage investigations.
Webinar Date+Time:
Thursday, April 17, 2025
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
CLE is approved in NY, CA, PA, TX, IL, and NV. MN CLE has been applied for approval. You may be able to self-apply for credit in some other states.
  • John S. Ho Co-Chair, OSHA-Workplace Safety Practice
  • Eric Leonard, Co-Chair, Government Contracts
  • George A. Voegele, Jr., Member
Cozen O'Connor, established in 1970 and ranked among the top 100 law firms in America, has 750 attorneys who help clients manage risk and make better business decisions.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

April 2: A Quarter for Your Thoughts: New York Employment Law Q1 2025 Developments and Trends

A Quarter for Your Thoughts: New York Employment Law Q1 2025 Developments and Trends
Updating New York’s Newest Employment Laws and Addressing Proposed New York Legislation to Watch Join Michael Schmidt, Janice Sued Agresti, and Jamie Ansorge as they host the latest installment in this quarterly webinar series. In this webinar, Mike, Janice, and Jamie will discuss the most recent New York legislation and proposed bills from the first quarter of 2025 that employers should be watching.
Webinar Date+Time:
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET 
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
CLE is approved in NY, CA, PA, TX, IL, and NV and available in NJ through reciprocity. MN CLE has been applied for approval.You may be able to self-apply for credit in some other states.
  • Michael C. Schmidt Vice Chair, Labor & Employment Department, Cozen O’Connor
  • Janice Sued Agresti, Associate, Cozen O’Connor
  • James L. Ansorge, Principal, Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies
Cozen O'Connor, established in 1970 and ranked among the top 100 law firms in America, has 750 attorneys who help clients manage risk and make better business decisions.

March 21: The Resilient Government Lawyer in the US and the EU - Dilemmas and Strategies

The Resilient Government Lawyer in the US and the EU - Dilemmas and Strategies
Roundtable with Scott Cummings (UCLA), Lauren Rikleen (Executive Director of Lawyers Defending American Democracy) and Kutsal Yesilkagit (University Leiden)
In both the United States and Europe, rule of law and democracy backsliding are taking place. This situation presents government lawyers with increasing professional dilemmas, arising from the tension between the political agendas pursued by governmental authorities and the fundamental requirements of the rule of law.
This roundtable will explore what strategies government lawyers can pursue in navigating these dilemmas. We will take the call of the American Bar Association as the direct occasion for our discussion, calling on lawyers to speak out and stand for the rule of law: “There are clear choices facing our profession. We can choose to remain silent and allow these acts to continue, or we can stand for the rule of law and the values we hold dear.”
While this call is intended for the context of the United States, it can be used to foster a comparative analysis and transatlantic dialogue on the role of government lawyers in countries experiencing similar rule of law and democratic challenges.
Date: March 21, 2025
Time: 11:30 -12:30 ET
Amsterdam Law School, Roeterseilandcampus - building A, Room A7.23/zoom
Register Now For Zoom Link
The announcement does not mention credit. You may be able to self-apply for credit in your jurisdiction.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

March 26: Trauma-Informed Spanish for Lawyers Serving Unaccompanied Children

The ABA Children’s Immigration Law Academy (CILA) invites you to a webinar presentation
Trauma-Informed Spanish for Lawyers Serving Unaccompanied Children
The ABA Children’s Immigration Law Academy (CILA) invites you to join us for a webinar focused on enhancing your trauma-informed Spanish language skills as a lawyer or legal staff. The training is being offered by CILA staff. 
During the webinar, we will offer practical strategies to help you build rapport with Spanish-speaking youth clients and advocate for them in a trauma-informed manner, even if your Spanish is mas or menos. During the webinar, CILA staff will:
• Offer key pillars for a trauma-informed approach in working with unaccompanied children
• Provide useful vocabulary and phrasing in Spanish to convey key concepts
• Demonstrate role plays in Spanish, highlighting helpful communication techniques
• Share culturally relevant resources for continued learning.
March 26, 2025 
3:00-4:30 pm ET
2:00-3:30 pm CT
1:00-2:30 pm MT
12:00-1:30 pm PT
Speakers will include:
• Marissa Barrera, Managing Social Worker, CILA
• Shalom Hernandez, Social Worker, CILA
• Yasmin Yavar, Attorney & Deputy Director, CILA
ABA Children's Immigration Law Academy (CILA).
The ABA will seek 1.0 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states, and 1.2 hours of CLE credit for this program in 50-minute states. Credit hours are estimated and are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules. Please visit for general information on CLE at the ABA.

March 26: Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions: 101 Basic Concepts

Description: This one-hour seminar will go over the fundamentals of immigration consequences of criminal convictions. This includes an overview of what types of consequences are triggered by criminal convictions, what types of consequences are triggered by other contact with the criminal legal system, what constitutes a “conviction” for immigration purposes, what information is needed to do a competent immigration consequences analysis, and the duties of California defense attorneys as far as investigating and advising on immigration matters. 
The seminar will provide a basic overview of the criminal grounds of inadmissibility as well as the criminal grounds of deportability and explain how advocates can determine which grounds may apply, and familiarize attendees with “crim/imm” terms such as “aggravated felony” and “crime involving moral turpitude.”
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Register Now!
About the Speaker:
Raha Jorjani is a detention and deportation defense attorney and runs the Immigration Representation Unit of the Office of the Alameda County Public Defender. From 2007 until 2014, Raha served as a Clinical Professor at the UC Davis School of Law in the immigration law clinic. In 2015, she taught the first course offered at the UC Berkeley School of Law dedicated to “Crimmigration.” Since 2005, Raha has provided pro bono representation and legal assistance to hundreds of immigrants – detained and non-detained - before the Immigration Courts, BIA, U.S. District Court, U.S. Court of Appeals, and California state courts.
California: 1 hour participatory MCLE credit. In some other states, you may be able to self-apply for credit.
The Alameda County Law Library is a public law library located in the heart of downtown Oakland. Empowering all Alameda County residents with access to legal information since 1891. The Alameda County Law Library is a multiple activity MCLE provider approved by the State Bar of California.

March 26: Navigating Ethical Waters in Modern Legal Practice: The Use of Open Web and Generative AI for Legal Research

In an increasingly digital world, legal professionals face unique challenges in ensuring the integrity, reliability, and ethical use of online resources for research and documentation. In this CLE course, legal professionals will explore the ethical implications and best practices for utilizing open web resources and generative AI tools in legal research. 
Attendees will gain insights into the potential risks and benefits of these technologies, understand the ethical guidelines governing their use, and learn how to integrate them responsibly into their legal practice. This seminar will review the duty of technological competence under Rule 1.1, along with multiple model rules and attorney duties related to cybersecurity concerns, client communications, and supervision requirements. Additionally, it will delve into the evolving landscape of legal technology and its implications for practice management. It will also examine the benefits and risks for legal professionals in using Open Web and Generative AI for investigative and legal research.
Attendees will:
• Understand the meaning and scope of the duty of technological competence and review interpretive decisions.
• Learn about the benefits and risks of using digital tools and resources for investigative and legal research.
• Understand other potential consequences of using digital tools and resources for investigative and legal research.
• Identify and analyze the ethical issues and ethical rules associated with using online resources in legal research.
• Understand the impact of digital phenomena such as deep fakes, editorial erasure, and sock puppets on information reliability.
Navigating Ethical Waters in Modern Legal Practice: The Use of Open Web and Generative AI for Legal Research
Webinar Dates And Times:
March 26, 2025
12:45pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Angela Chmielewski, Brittany Conklin
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

March 25: Legal Lunchbox™ Series: Yoga to Stay Calm, Focused & Ethical

Legal Lunchbox™ Series: Yoga to Stay Calm, Focused & Ethical
WSBA Legal Lunchbox Series
Join us for an enlightening CLE that integrates the ancient wisdom of yoga with the modern principles of legal ethics.
First, we’ll briefly discuss yoga: what it is, what it is not, and the sheer breadth of what yoga encompasses. Second, we discuss yogic concepts to help you stay calm and focused, including how a meditation practice creates more time in your day, how breathing helps you stay present and best able to say no when needed, and how not to let other people’s angst become your angst.
Lastly, we spend approximately one hour on yoga ethics, discovering that seven out of eight limbs of yoga don’t focus on postures, but instead on morality, ethics, conscious breathing, concentration, focus, and meditation. We delve into a comprehensive discussion of how yoga’s ethics and morality systems provide a fresh understanding of the MRPC through the lenses of yamas (universal morality) and niyamas (personal behavior), such as how these tenets help us remain diligent (MRPC 1.3) and guide us in representing our services (MRPC 7.1, 7.2).
Webinar Date+Time:
March 25, 2025 
11:55 AM - 1:30 PM PT
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
Dan Crystal - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
Adely Ruiz - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
Alysa Freeman - Alysa B. Freeman, P.C, Kailua-Kona, HI
Dan Crystal - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
Washington State Bar Association Legal Lunchbox Series
  • Washington State: Credits: 1.00 Ethics: 0.50 Other
  • Other States: A Certificate of Attendance can be provided on your request.

April 25: Researching Experts and Judges

Judges and Experts are two of the key players in any litigation. A Judge has wide discretion in all facets of a case, and it is important to know their likes and dislikes. Just as critical is to investigate the Experts (including your own) involved in a case. 
This seminar looks at the various types of online resources that are available to investigate Judges and Experts as well as tips and strategies on how that information might be utilized. This seminar will also address how to use online resources to learn more about those individuals who hear your cases. 
Even if you are not the one who conducts the research, just knowing what resources are available may help you better prepare the presentation of your cases.
Researching Experts and Judges
Webinar Dates And Times:
April 25, 2025
12:45pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Brittany Conklin
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact