Friday, August 30, 2024

October 30: Performing Effective Securities Law Research

Securities practice requires the ability to seamlessly navigate a broader variety of resources than perhaps any other area of law. 
This course will leverage substantive examples ranging from the use of Non-GAAP financial metrics in financial disclosures to cybersecurity risk factors and even hot topics in SEC enforcement for purposes of equipping attendees with the skills they need to effectively approach any securities research task with confidence.
Performing Effective Securities Law Research
Webinar Date And Time:
October 30, 2024
2:45pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Tracy Duplantier
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact By:

Thursday, August 29, 2024

August 26+30: Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace: Legal Implications of Using AI in Employment Decisions

In this CLE, the presenter will present emerging issues and trends in any employer’s use of artificial intelligence for employment decision-making. Discussion will include the new Equal Employment Opportunities Commission’s new Strategic Enforcement Plan and other attempts from state and local governments to combat the growing trend of bias and discrimination that is weaving its way into employers' hiring, promotion, and firing decisions. Finally, this CLE will discuss the implications and ethical responsibilities lawyers have surrounding this topic as well as how lawyers should advise their employer clients. 
After completing this course, you will be able to: 
1. Analyze the nature of AI, how it is being used in employment decision-making, and emerging issues.
 2. Recognize the impact of EEOC and USDOJ concerns and guidelines involving the use of AI in employment decisions. 
3. Federal, State, and Local Regulations in effect 
4. Discuss the future of AI in employment and a look forward.
Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace: Legal Implications of Using AI in Employment Decisions
Webinar Dates And Times:
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Karen Groseth
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 28: Sober Curious? Tools For Overcoming Substance Abuse

The daily pressure of being a lawyer can unfortunately lead to addiction and substance abuse for many lawyers. Thankfully, there are many resources for those that may be struggling. Join Erica Grigg, J.D., Grigg Counseling, and Michelle Fontenot, Attorney with the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program, as they thoughtfully examine substance abuse, offer tools to help lawyers find the path to sobriety and wellness in this 60-minute webinar.
Sober Curious? Tools For Overcoming Substance Abuse
Webinar Date+Time:
August 28, 2024
1:PM EDT / 12:00 PM CDT / 11:00 AM MDT / 10:00 AM PDT
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
Erica Grigg, J.D., Grigg Counseling, and Michelle Fontenot, Attorney with the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program
CLE Credit:
Alabama, California-1 competence, Colorado-1 general, Connecticut-approved, Florida-1 substance abuse, Georgia-1 general, Hawaii-1 ethics, Iowa-1 wellness, Illinois-1 general, Idaho-1 general, Indiana-1 ethics, Kansas-1 ethics, Kentucky-1 general, Louisiana-1 professionalism, Maine-1 general, Minnesota-1 general, Missouri-1 ethics, Mississippi-, Montana-1 general, North Dakota-1 general, New Jersey-1 ethics, New Mexico-1 general, Nevada-1 substance abuse, Ohio-1 professional conduct, Oklahoma-1 ethics, Pennsylvania-1 ethics, Rhode Island-, South Carolina-1 substance abuse, Tennessee-1 ethics, Texas-1 ethics, Utah-, Virginia-1 wellbeing, Vermont-1 ethics, Washington-1 ethics, Wisconsin-1 awareness and understanding, Wyoming-1 ethics; for other states please consult your state's website.
Attorney Protective

Monday, August 26, 2024

September 26: A Term in Review: An Overview of Key Supreme Court Decisions from the 2023 Term & Thoughts About the Upcoming Term

In this seminar, a panel of Dechert attorneys consisting of former Supreme Court clerks and experienced Supreme Court litigators will discuss the significance of the most noteworthy recent decisions from the 2023 term and cases before the Court in the 2024 term. The panel will provide practical advice on how to address the impact of these decisions for your clients. Applications for CLE credit are pending in NC and PA.
A Term in Review: An Overview of Key Supreme Court Decisions from the 2023 Term & Thoughts About the Upcoming Term
Webinar Date+Time:
September 26, 2024
4:00pm-5:30pm ET
There are also in-person Sessions in Charlotte, NC, New York, NY, , Philadelphia, PA . and Washington, DC.
Applications for CLE credit are pending in NC and PA. In other jurisdictions, you might be able to self-apply for credit.

August 27: Artificial Intelligence in Employment: Emerging Laws and Compliance Requirements

The course will feature key local, state, and federal laws and guidance that regulate the use of AI in screening and hiring, and other employment law issues that are addressed by government action. Attendees will receive best practice tips on following developments in the legal landscape as regulators anticipate and keep up with rapidly evolving AI technology.
Artificial Intelligence in Employment: Emerging Laws and Compliance Requirements
Webinar Dates And Times:
August 27, 2024
12:45pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
 Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Bobby Puri, Julie Webster-Matthews
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

October 30: A Handy Primer on Drafting and Updating Employee Handbooks

A properly drafted and updated employee handbook not only states the terms, conditions, and expectations of employment, but can also help employers defend against claims of discrimination, harassment, breach of contract, wrongful termination, and other employment law claims. Employers who conduct business in multiple jurisdictions and industries must be diligent in ensuring employment policies comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. This webinar will give attendees a greater understanding of the purpose of an employee handbook, provide tips to effectively draft employee handbooks and best practices to monitor changes in the law which necessitate handbook revisions.
A Handy Primer on Drafting and Updating Employee Handbooks
Webinar Dates And Times:
October 30, 2024
12:45pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
 Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
  • Bobby Puri
  • Julie Webster-Matthews
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

August 27: Pollution Insurance: Are you covered?

Environmental law intersects with practices such as real estate, corporate transactions, banking, energy, infrastructure, and litigation, among others. This course provides foundational knowledge of key environmental laws and regulations for attorneys who do not regularly practice in this area. 
The program also provides background on environmental insurance coverage, the types of coverage historically offered as well as a discussion of litigation potential of types of policies and coverage. It will then cover some of the emerging issues in this area as well and court interpretations on some of the most controversial coverage issues. Finally, the program will review practical resources to assist practitioners in dealing with environmental insurance claims as well as how best to manage client concerns in real estate transactions and corporate mergers and acquisitions. 
This course will benefit any attorney new to this area as well as those looking for an update on some of the emerging issues in environmental insurance. After completing this course, you will be able to: 
• Identify environmental issues that intersect with insurance and business risks. 
• Identify the types of polices and exclusions in an environmental insurance claim. 
• Utilize environmental insurance resources to obtain the best outcome for your clients.
Pollution Insurance: Are you covered?
Webinar Dates And Times:
August 27, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Robin McManigal, Aaron Eberle
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact
More Information And Registration

August 27: The Record Officer’s Perspective on PRA for Litigation

The Public Records Act can be a valuable tool for litigators to obtain records from public agencies. However, there are fundamental differences between records requests pursuant to Chapter 42.56 RCW and the production of documents under the civil rules of discovery. These differences fundamentally impact which tasks these tools are best suited for. 
This seminar compares and contrasts these tools, reviews what practitioners can expect when requesting public agency records, and provides insights on navigating successful relationships with public records officers.
The Record Officer’s Perspective on PRA for Litigation
WSBA Legal Lunchbox Series
Webinar Date+Time:
August 27, 2024
11:55 AM - 1:30 PM PT
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
  • Morgan Damerow – Washington State Office of the Attorney General, Olympia, WA
  • Sarah Meyer Doar – Municipal Research Services Center, Tacoma, WA
  • Moderator: Nicole Gustine – Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA.
Washington State Bar Association Legal Lunchbox Series
  • Washington State: 1.50 Law & Legal Procedure
  • Other States: A Certificate of Attendance can be provided on your request.
Free to all members of the Washington State Bar Association.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

October 25: ESG and the Climate: Emerging Risks & Compliance

This course will provide an introduction of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations for both experienced and newer attorneys. We will examine the current legal framework in the United States and emerging issues related to compliance with newly released SEC climate disclosure rules. We’ll also examine the historical context of how federal and state agencies enforce topics such as ESG, and the potential for litigation on these issues in the future.
This course will benefit any attorney new to this area as well as those looking for an update on some of the recent issues affecting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics. Upon completion of this course, you will:
• Develop an understanding of ESG and climate considerations in various industries.
• Identify emerging issues related to compliance with federal climate-related disclosure rules.
• Gain knowledge of federal and state initiatives targeting environmental and social justice issues.
ESG and the Climate: Emerging Risks & Compliance
Webinar Dates And Times:
October 25, 2024 
2:45pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Aaron Eberle
1 credit hour in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

September 25: Web Gems: The Ethics of Legal Marketing

The competitive landscape for lawyers and law firms in a digital world is fierce. And the more aggressive it becomes, the greater the risks of running afoul of ethical rules and considerations. Maintaining technological competence and client confidentiality when using online marketing tools and social media are critical. But also understanding the compliance issues that go beyond simply reading the Rules of Professional Conduct can be the difference between a successful campaign and a dreaded violation letter. Join ethics attorney Micah Buchdahl, founder and president of HTMLawyers, Inc., and Kate Gould, AttPro Risk Management attorney, as they discuss how to effectively and ethically market in a digital world.
Web Gems: The Ethics of Legal Marketing
Webinar Date+Time:
September 25, 2024
10:00 AM PST | 11:00 PM MST | 12:00 PM CST | 1:00 PM EST
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
Micah Buchdahl J.D.
Kate Gould, J.D.
CLE Credit:
Typically, Attorney Protective webinars are eligible for ethics credits in most jurisdictions; please consult your state's website.
Attorney Protective

Saturday, August 24, 2024

October 24: The Double Edged Sword of Lawyering: How Conflict Simultaneously Benefits and Burdens Us

The Double Edged Sword of Lawyering: How Conflict Simultaneously Benefits and Burdens Us
Date & Time:
Thursday, October 24, 2024 
12:00pm – 1:00pm Pacific Time
  • California: 1 Hour Wellness Competence MCLE Credit
  • Other States: You may be able to self-apply for credit
Julie Cobalt

September 24: Navigating Technology & AI Agreements: Trends, Issues, Guidance, and New Frontiers

Today, every organization uses technology as an integral part of its business. Transactional lawyers – both in-house and law firm counsel – are keen to keep abreast of trends and emerging issues in technology agreement drafting in order to adequately protect their clients’ intellectual property and their clients’ rights when procuring technology-related goods or services from third parties. New approaches are developing to address technology ownership, rights to technology developed during the course of a services engagement, and client concerns for guardrails on AI use, data security, and copyright protections.
The panelists for this 60-minute program will tackle current and emerging issues in drafting and reviewing technology and AI related agreements and developing market standards. We will cover contract drafting principles, privacy concerns and practical advice regarding the preparation and review of technology license, technical services, and AI agreements. Novel AI opportunities and sample agreement clause alternatives will be explored.
Learning Objectives include:
  • Providing commercial counsel, particularly those in non-technical organizations or who represent non-technical business clients, with updated information on current practices and standards regarding technology-related documentation.
  • Based on developments in the law of business associations, providing transactional lawyers with ideas for how artificial intelligence and other software technologies might enable new types of transactions.
  Who would benefit most from attending this program?
  • In-house and law firm commercial counsel who create, supervise the creation of, or review technology licenses, technology service agreements, and AI contracts/provisions
  • Commercial counsel who are interested in new frontiers of technology-enabled transactions.
Navigating Technology & AI Agreements: Trends, Issues, Guidance, and New Frontiers
Webinar Date/Time:
September 24, 2024
1:00 PM EDT •12:00 PM CDT •11:00 AM MDT •10:00 AM PDT
Register Now!
Bloomberg Industry Group is an approved provider of CLE credits in all states. Individual programs are pre-approved in California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. All other requests for program approval are subject to state-specific approval. The approval process may take approximately four to six weeks in some states.
  • Moderator: Denis Demblowski is a principal legal analyst with Bloomberg Industry Group, focusing on commercial transactions and corporate law. He practiced in-house for 32 years at a global manufacturing and industrial company in such areas as compliance, corporate, executive compensation, finance, corporate governance, general commercial, international, M&A, and securities.
  • Beth Ebert is a dynamic transactional attorney with over two decades of expertise in technology transactions. Currently serving as Principal Corporate Counsel on the Customer Pursuits Team at Microsoft Corporation, Beth drives strategic and complex transactions that propel digital transformation and innovation. Beth focuses on high-value, complex cloud services transactions, data privacy matters and generative AI transactions. Beth's approach is shaped by her extensive experience across various disciplines. Her unique perspective, rooted in a diverse background in both business and legal fields, is evident in her multifaceted approach to tech transactions. Beth's passion for technology and its legal intersections has established her as a trusted advisor and a thought leader in the industry.
  • Cassandra L. Gaedt-Sheckter is a partner in Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher's Palo Alto office, where she co-chairs the global Artificial Intelligence (AI) practice, and is a key member of the Privacy, Cybersecurity and Data Innovation practice, including as the leader of the firm’s State Privacy Law Task Force. With extensive experience advising companies on AI, data privacy, and cybersecurity issues, Cassandra focuses on strategic product counseling, regulatory compliance counseling, global program development, regulatory enforcement matters (including in connection with the California Attorney General’s Office, California Privacy Protection Agency, and Federal Trade Commission), and complex transactional representations (including assisting companies with targeted assessments in M&A, joint development, vendor and outsourcing agreements). Cassandra advises clients in various industries, including technology, retail, luxury fashion, gig economy, financial, energy / oil and gas, and transportation.
  • Shawn Bayern is the Larry and Joyce Beltz Professor at the Florida State University College of Law. His teaching and research focus on common-law issues, primarily in contracts, torts, and organizational law. Professor Bayern has visited at Berkeley Law, Duke Law School, and the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. He is the author, most recently, of A Research Agenda for Organizational Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024), The Analytical Failures of Law and Economics (Cambridge University Press, 2023), Principles and Possibilities in Common Law (West Academic Publishing, 2023), and Autonomous Organizations (Cambridge University Press, 2021). Before his legal career, Bayern worked in computing research, served on groups responsible for developing programming languages, and wrote several books and articles about computer programming. He also created the Central Authentication Service (CAS), a framework for computer security that has been adopted by many universities and other organizations.

September 24: Imagining a Healthy Environment for All

This seminar provides an overview of environmental justice and Washington's Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act. 
Passed in 2021, the HEAL Act is the first statewide law in Washington to create a coordinated state agency approach toward eliminating environmental and health disparities among communities of color and low-income households.
Imagining a Healthy Environment for All
WSBA Legal Lunchbox Series
Webinar Date+Time:
September 24, 2024
11:55 AM - 1:30 PM PT
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
  • Jamie Hearn – Front and Centered, Seattle, WA
  • Aurora Martin – Front and Centered, Seattle, WA
  • Nico Wedekind – Front and Centered, Seattle, WA
  • CHAIR Saleena Salango – Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
  • MODERATOR Jason A. Foust – Washington State Attorney General's Office, Olympia, WA
Washington State Bar Association Legal Lunchbox Series; Presented in collaboration with the WSBA Equity & Justice Team; Sponsored by ALPS.
  • Washington State: 1.50 Ethics (Equity)
  • Other States: A Certificate of Attendance can be provided on your request.

Friday, August 23, 2024

October 23: Trends to Watch in Antitrust Law

Staying current with the latest developments in antitrust law in an evolving regulatory and political climate can be a challenging task. This course provides an update on key judicial and regulatory actions to monitor this year and surveys a range of effective methods to stay up-to-date.
Trends to Watch in Antitrust Law
Webinar Date And Time:
October 23, 2024
12:45pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Susan Trachta
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

Thursday, August 22, 2024

November 22: Artificial Intelligence for Lawyers: Ethical Concerns and Best Practices

Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) and other emerging technologies, while holding the promise of helping lawyers serve their clients efficiently and effectively, can also raise many complex ethical issues. Although an attorney’s ethical obligations remain unchanged regardless of technology relied upon in practice, in certain respects, the current rules of professional conduct may not have entirely “caught up” with emerging AI technology. 
This seminar will explore the evolution of tools leveraging AI in legal practice and will cover the ethical issues arising out of the use of AI in the practice of law. This seminar will focus on improving the ability of attorneys to understand Artificial Intelligence and the application of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct (the “Model Rules”) in leveraging Artificial Intelligence, with specific emphasis on the following: 
  • Current trends in the legal industry and tools leveraging Artificial Intelligence; 
  • An overview of Artificial Intelligence; and 
  • Review and discussion on the Model Rules and their applicability to an attorney relying on or leveraging Artificial Intelligence in practice
Artificial Intelligence for Lawyers: Ethical Concerns and Best Practices
Webinar Date And Time:
November 22, 2024 
12:45pm - 2:00p
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Angela Chmielewski, Jen Stringfield
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 22: AI and Legal Analytics for the Data-Driven Attorney

In the United States alone there are over 11 million case opinions with 350,000 added each year. Despite the vast amount of data, attorneys want more than just a list of results. They want content that is actionable and insightful. 
This seminar will provide an overview of innovative tools that can help attorneys sift through the masses of information to find trends and patterns. It includes an overview of current trends and technology such as Artificial Intelligence and Analytics and how attorneys are using them to accomplish their everyday tasks more efficiently and effectively including answers to common legal questions, determine motion strategy and develop more persuasive motions.
AI and Legal Analytics for the Data-Driven Attorney
Webinar Dates And Times:
August 22, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time> Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Angela Chmielewski, Jen Stringfield
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

September 20+25: Diving Deeper into Legal Research Potential: Advanced Online Legal Research Concepts

This course is going to be a deeper dive into online legal research. According to the model rules of professional conduct, attorneys need to maintain competency, and a component of maintaining competency is to keep abreast of the benefits and risks of relevant technology. By the end of this course you will be made aware of advanced online legal research methods to harness your potential as a researcher and to maintain a standard of competency in the legal profession. 
After completing this course, you will be able to: 
•Discover how online legal research can assist you in search methodology 
•Leverage provided connections, common terms, and formatting of content. 
•Obtain visual representations of the validity of cases and statutes. 
•Learn how online legal research platforms provide organization methods, delivery methods, and recovery methods so you can better maintain your research. 
•Gather information by practice area, topic, jurisdiction or publisher. 
•Realize alternative and advanced ways to begin research with statutes. 
•Acquire archived materials in multiple ways. 
•Find connections between results of separate searches.
Diving Deeper into Legal Research Potential: Advanced Online Legal Research Concepts
Webinar Dates And Times:
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Danielle Wayland
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

August 16+21: Diving Deeper into Legal Research Potential: Advanced Online Legal Research Concepts

According to the model rules of professional conduct, attorneys need to maintain competency, and a component of maintaining competency is to keep abreast of the benefits and risks of relevant technology. By the end of this course, you all will be made aware of advanced online legal research methods to harness your potential as a researcher and to maintain a standard of competency in the legal profession. 
After completing this course, you will be able to: 
•Discover how online legal research can assist you in search methodology 
•Leverage provided connections, common terms, and formatting of content. 
•Obtain visual representations of the validity of cases and statutes. 
•Learn how online legal research platforms provide organization methods, delivery methods, and recovery methods so you can better maintain your research. 
•Gather information by practice area, topic, jurisdiction, or publisher. 
•Realize alternative and advanced ways to begin research with statutes. 
•Acquire archived materials in multiple ways. 
•Find connections between the results of separate searches.
Diving Deeper into Legal Research Potential: Advanced Online Legal Research Concepts
Webinar Dates And Times:
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Danielle Wayland
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact
More Information And Registration

November 20: Research Skills for Litigators

Litigation today involves numerous tasks, encompassing investigative research, legal research and much more. This seminar walks you through a lawsuit from start to finish, focusing on the various tasks associated with the litigation and the research tools available at each phase of the litigation. Resources for practical guidance, drafting conducting discovery of lay witnesses, expert witness research, calculating damages, monitoring issues, and incorporating analytics into your litigation strategy will be discussed.
Research Skills for Litigators
Webinar Date And Time:
November 20, 2024
2:45pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Brittany Conklin
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

August 21: Cultivating A Thriving Profession: Insights from Our Membership Demographic Study

The Washington State Bar Association recently partnered with a research consultancy based in Oregon to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the composition and experiences of the WSBA membership. This seminar will share main findings from this research study and their implications on systemic efforts to enhance member wellness, access to justice, and public trust in the judiciary system. We will include recommendations for employers and legal professionals informed by this data on developing workplace policies, initiatives, and organizational cultures that can recruit and retain a workforce enriched by a diversity of perspectives.
Cultivating A Thriving Profession: Insights from Our Membership Demographic Study
Webinar Date+Time:
August 21, 2024
11:55 AM - 1:00 PM PT
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
  • Dr. Ben Kim-Gervey - KGR+C LLC, Portland, OR
  • Saleena Salango - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
  • Elliott Schwebach - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
  • Diana Singleton - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
Washington State Bar Association; Presented in collaboration with the WSBA Equity & Justice Team; Sponsored by ALPS

  • Washington State: 1.00 Ethics (Equity)
  • Other States: Certificate of attendance provided upon request.

Monday, August 19, 2024

November 19: Extreme Risk Protection Orders

Extreme Risk Protection Orders
November 19, 2024
Noon - 1:00 pm
Register Now For This Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Anna Street, Attorney, Tuft Lach Jerabek & O'Connell
Minnesota State Law Library Continuing Legal Education Programs
CLE Credit:
  • Minnesota: One CLE credit will be applied for.
  • Other States: You may be able to self-apply for credit.

August 20: Healthcare Liens in Mass Tort Litigations: A 2024 Back-to-School Webinar Refresher

Topics for discussion include:
  • Healthcare liens you should be concerned about in every case and why
  • The status of Medicare global programs since the Roundup and Talc programs stalled
  • Best practices for managing lien resolution in your firm’s asbestos cases Tips for how best to get ahead of the lien issues well before settlement.
August 20, 2024
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET
Register Now for this free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
  • Michelle Prince, Founder & CCO of LitPRO
  • Shery Ramezanian, Founder & CEO of LitPRO
CLE Credit:
Complimentary registration comes with CLE credit in one state and will be available in California, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

September 18: Ethics and Misuse of Social Media in Court

In this webinar, we will explore numerous real-world cases highlighting how lawyers have intentionally or unintentionally violated ethical rules or trial procedures through the use of social media platforms and messaging apps. We will also discuss how various State Bar Disciplinary Systems are addressing these issues. Additionally, we will provide examples of how fiduciary duty and conflicts of interest often become intertwined and inconsistent with the use of websites, testimonials, and inappropriate communications between parties (and by judges) during trials and ongoing proceedings.
Ethics and Misuse of Social Media in Court
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
4:00pm to 5:00pm EDT
3:00pm to 4:00pm CDT
2:00pm to 3:00pm MDT
1:00pm to 2:00pm PDT
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - register now!
Claude Ducloux, LawPay's director of education, ethics and compliance, has nearly four decades of experience practicing law. Claude has earned many professional honors for his dedication to educating attorneys, including the Gene Cavin Award for Lifetime Achievement in Teaching Continuing Education.
Typically, LawPay programs earn credit in most states, but the details aren't posted yet.

October 18: Artificial Intelligence in Employment: Emerging Laws and Compliance Requirements

This CLE explores the ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used to make employment decisions, and the potential risks of its use, including discrimination and algorithmic bias.
The course will feature key local, state, and federal laws and guidance that regulate the use of AI in screening and hiring, and other employment law issues that are addressed by government action. Attendees will receive best practice tips on following developments in the legal landscape as regulators anticipate and keep up with rapidly evolving AI technology.
Artificial Intelligence in Employment: Emerging Laws and Compliance Requirements
Webinar Date And Time:
October 18, 2024
12:45pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Bobby Puri, Julie Webster-Matthews
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

October 24: The Double Edged Sword of Lawyering: How Conflict Simultaneously Benefits and Burdens Us

Thursday, October 24, 2024
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Julie Cobalt
In-House Connect is an online in-house counsel networking group, comprised of over 15,000 members across the United States. In-House Connect's mission is to help in-house counsel form meaningful connections with one another and cultivate key skills so that together we can advance our careers, derive greater job satisfaction, and provide maximum value to the organizations we serve.
  • California: 1 Hour Wellness Competence MCLE Credit
  • Other States: You may be able to self-apply for credit, depending on the rules in your jurisdiction.

September 18: Maximizing Recovery Based on Damage Assessments

This webinar will cover all the key components of damage arguments including ACV, RCV, depreciation, and code upgrades. The presenters will discuss the importance of damage documentation in a subrogation claim, as it provides the foundation for establishing liability, determining the claim amount, and ensuring the claim's success in negotiations or legal proceedings.
Maximizing Recovery Based on Damage Assessments
Webinar Date+Time:
September 18, 2024
11:00 a.m. ET 
 Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
CE is approved in FL, TX, NC, and GA. CLE is approved in PA, NY, TX, IL, NV, and CA. You may be able to self-apply for credit in some other states.
Golnaz Heidari and Natalie Keusseyan
Cozen O'Connor, established in 1970 and ranked among the top 100 law firms in America, has 750 attorneys who help clients manage risk and make better business decisions.

September 18: Settling the Matter: Navigating the Appraisal Process

Whether it's mortgage lending or private appraisals for divorces, estates, litigation, and more, a deep understanding of the appraisal process is essential. Enhance your ability to serve your clients by mastering how to select an appraiser, exploring different reporting options, and learning how to effectively respond to disagreements. Gain the confidence to identify flaws in appraisals presented to you.
Join us for an engaging one-hour continuing legal education seminar, "Navigating the Appraisal Process," presented by LEAP Legal Software. This session features industry expert James B. Jordan Jr., a seasoned real estate appraisal veteran. Don't miss this opportunity to gain invaluable insights and knowledge that will empower you to better navigate the complexities of real estate appraisals.
Date and Time:
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
12:00pm to 01:00pm EDT
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
  • Jim Jordan Jr. is President of Quality Title & Abstract Agency and The Jordan Real Estate Group which have served the real estate, lending, and legal community for over 35 years. Jim is a licensed Title Officer as well as a Certified Real Estate Appraiser. Quality Title & Abstract Agency provides commercial and residential title insurance in 13 states along the east coast as well as a host of property search and reporting services. The Jordan Real Estate Group provides residential and commercial appraisal management services to banks and mortgage lenders, as well as local appraisal services to homeowners, attorneys, and realtors. Jim is a resident of Monmouth County, New Jersey. He served on the executive committee of the Greater New Jersey Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association for over 10 years. Jim’s focus on empowering those around him has not only benefited his staff, who have an average of 20 years on his team, but also has led to Jim being a trusted advisor to attorneys, realtors, and the lending community.
  • Sy Justin Sommer is the Director of Product Enablement at LEAP Legal Software. Sy is a 2010 graduate of Fordham Law School and is an attorney admitted to practice in the State of New York. Sy began his career in the Family Law Department of Manhattan law firm Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP. After three years with DHC, Sy took a role with JPMorgan Chase Bank in Brooklyn, NY where he served as an Associate Vice President Senior Counsel in the bank’s Mortgage Banking Litigation group. In 2018, Sy sought to apply his legal education and experience in the legal technology space and joined LEAP with excitement to further the company’s mission of helping attorneys to be more productive with cloud technology. Despite being a born and raised New Yorker, Sy currently resides in Jersey City, New Jersey.
CLE Credit:
LEAP will seek MCLE accreditation in CA, CT, FL, IL, NJ, NY, PA, and RI. Additional states may be requested upon completion of the course.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

October 17: Deep Dive Into the Latest Trends in Legal

From the impact and adoption of AI to new perspectives on billing frameworks—learn what’s trending in the legal industry today. As rapid advancements in technology push the legal landscape to evolve, law firms are increasingly finding themselves at the cusp of rapid, transformative change.
Keeping up with this fast pace can feel overwhelming, but it becomes more manageable when you have access to the right data and insights.
To help your firm navigate these changes, join Clio’s 60-minute deep dive into the latest legal trends and insights, where we’ll explore what this year’s research means for your firm and how to leverage it to set your team up for success.
In this CLE-eligible webinar, get the lowdown on the key findings from Clio’s research, including:
  • How widespread the adoption of AI is in the legal sector—and what it could mean for your practice
  • Where firms are spending their resources and what is fueling these spending decisions
  • What increased efficiency at firms means for work billed by the hour
  • How technology and consumer expectations may impact billing frameworks at law firms.
Deep Dive Into the Latest Trends in Legal
Thursday, October 17, 2024
11 a.m. PT | 2 p.m. ET
Register Now!
The live presentation of this webinar is eligible for CLE and CPD credit in specific jurisdictions. Clio has partnered with the ABA to seek eligibility for CLE and CPD credits to lawyers with licenses to practice in the United States and Canada who join the live session of this webinar. States typically decide whether a program qualifies for MCLE credit in their jurisdiction 4-8 weeks after the program application is submitted. For many live events, credit approval is not received prior to the program.
Joshua Lenon
Joshua Lenon

is Clio’s Lawyer in Residence. An attorney admitted to the New York Bar, Joshua has worked extensively to educate lawyers on how technology can enhance their practices, while also teaching tech companies about the unique needs of legal professionals and organizations.

Friday, August 16, 2024

October 16: Bankruptcy Fundamentals

As attorneys in corporate finance, general litigation, real estate and other areas work to get up to speed on bankruptcy law, this course, will provide an introduction to the fundamentals of bankruptcy/ restructuring proposing hypotheticals to illustrate typical tasks and working through the case law, legislation, rules, and analysis that exist to help achieve them.
Bankruptcy Fundamentals
Webinar Dates And Times:
October 16, 2024 
2:45pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time 
 Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Tracy Duplantier
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

August 19, 23, 28+29: Breached! Cybersecurity 101

With data security incidents and data breaches happening daily, it’s important for attorneys to turn towards one reality—it’s NOT IF a breach or incident will occur—it’s WHEN. 
These incidents are forcing government agencies, companies, law firms, etc. to address, define, and handle these challenges. As cloud technology and big-data analytics have become the norm, cybersecurity risks have increased and it is more important than ever to have both an avoidance and a response plan in place. 
During this 60-minute CLE session, we will cover 
(1) the latest security threats in the news and what’s being done to address/remedy them, 
(2) explore current data breach laws, 
(3) the roles and responsibilities of government agencies, and 
(4) how to prepare a data breach avoidance plan as well as a data breach response plan. 
After completing this course, you will be able to: 
Know the latest cybersecurity threats the U.S. is facing; 
understand the different roles and responsibilities of various agencies; 
what the legal framework surrounding data breaches look like? 
How both government entities and companies across the globe have been impacted by cyber breaches;
How to prepare both a “data breach avoidance plan” as well as a “data breach response plan.”
Breached! Cybersecurity 101
Webinar Dates And Times:
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Karen Groseth
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

Thursday, August 15, 2024

September 30: Physicians Spreading Medical Misinformation: The Suitability of Regulation with Richard Saver

Physicians have played a surprisingly prominent role in the current “infodemic” of false and misleading medical claims. Disturbing examples include certain physicians publicly discrediting vaccination and others promoting ineffective Covid-19 treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. 
Because they can “weaponize” their white coats, physicians pose especially potent dangers when spreading misinformation to the general public. As a result, there have been widespread calls for legal action, above all increased discipline by state medical boards. 
Richard Saver’s lecture will discuss the prevalence of physician-spread misinformation and the associated harms. Pushing back against the widespread criticism of medical boards for insufficient action, he will question the suitability of medical board oversight. Medical boards have unclear legal authority to regulate physicians’ communications outside a doctor-patient relationship for several reasons, including physicians’ First Amendment rights and limited statutory authority. Institutional design limitations, such as resource constraints and uptake procedures, also hinder medical boards ability to respond effectively. Moreover, because of the difficulty in defining medical misinformation with precision, serious risks arise of regulatory overreach. 
Saver will review data on recent disciplinary actions by medical boards and the policy implications. He will conclude with a brief discussion of regulatory alternatives to medical board oversight.
Physicians Spreading Medical Misinformation: The Suitability of Regulation with Richard Saver
Elena and Miles Zaremski Law Medicine Forum
Webinar Date+Time:
Monday, September 30, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Eastern Time
Register Now For This Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Professor Richard Saver
Richard Saver
joined the Carolina Law faculty in 2010 and serves as the Arch T. Allen Distinguished Professor of Law. He is also professor (secondary appointment) in the Department of Social Medicine, UNC School of Medicine, and adjunct professor of health policy and management in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health.
His teaching and research interests include health law, torts and nonprofit organizations. He has authored scholarship in law reviews, medical journals, book chapters and other interdisciplinary publications. His co-authored book, Health Law and Bioethics: Cases in Context, a behind-the-scenes look at the leading cases in the annals of health law, was published by Aspen Publishers. Saver received the UNC School of Law’s Chadbourn Award for Excellence in Scholarship (2012) for his law review article on health care reform and comparative effectiveness research. In addition, Saver received the UNC School of Law’s Robert G. Byrd Award (2015-2016) for Excellence and Creativity in Teaching.
Saver received his B.A. summa cum laude from Harvard University in History and Science (Biology) and his J.D. with distinction from Stanford Law School. He was a member of the Stanford Law Review. After law school, he clerked for Judge Eugene Wright of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. Saver practiced in the health law department of McDermott, Will & Emery in Washington, D.C. He then served as associate general counsel for the University of Chicago Medical Center, working on a variety of regulatory, transactional and patient-care issues. At the University of Chicago, he also served as counsel to the University’s human subjects research review committee (the Institutional Review Board)and lectured on health law topics.
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
  • Ohio: 1 hour of online CLE credit, pending approval
  • Other Jurisdictions: You may be able to self-apply to your credit-granting authority.
Free and open to the public.

November 15: Social Media in the Workplace: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

With over 70% of U.S. adults on social media, workplace implications of social media activity present countless opportunities and pitfalls to employers. Aside from potential reputational damage, there are practical concerns when it comes to hiring practices, implementing social media policies, monitoring social media use, avoiding discrimination and harassment liability, and triggering NLRA issues. 
This CLE uses real-world examples of employment-related social media activity that “went viral” and provides best practices to avoid legal exposure that can come quickly and unexpectedly.
This program will cover:
• Potential risk of not having or following workplace social media policies
• Required and prohibited social media conduct
• Ownership of work-related social media accounts
• Monitoring employee activity
• Using internal social media networks
• Discrimination, harassment, and retaliation issues
• Avoiding interference with concerted activities subject to the National Labor Relations Act
Social Media in the Workplace: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Webinar Date And Time:
November 15, 2024
12:45pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Bobby Puri, Julie Webster-Matthews
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Vermont, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

October 14: Equal Rights and Protections in Human Subjects Research – A Call to Action with Leslie E. Wolf

The COVID-19 pandemic provided a stark reminder of the critical role of biomedical research in saving human lives. But it also highlighted an urgent need for research that expands the evidence base in ways that reduce health disparities and promote equity. 
the inclusive research needed to achieve these goals may be hampered by the fact any efforts to achieve these goals are embedded in a system that treats research participants unequally. The federal regulations governing human subject research do not apply to all research, leaving some participants unprotected. In addition, because of variation in state laws, participants in the same study may have different rights and protections. Congress has the power to provide additional procedural and substantive research protections that would uniformly apply to all participants, and Wolf will provide some recommendations for changes Congress should consider.
Equal Rights and Protections in Human Subjects Research – A Call to Action with Leslie E. Wolf
Elena and Miles Zaremski Law Medicine Forum 
Webinar Date+Time:
Monday, October 14, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Eastern Time
Register Now For This Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Leslie E. Wolf
Leslie E. Wolf
is the Ben F. Johnson Jr. Chair in Law, Distinguished University Professor, and Director of the Center for Law, Health & Society at Georgia State University’s College of Law, jointly appointed in the School of Public Health, and an adjunct professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. She was on faculty at the University of California, San Francisco from 1998-2007.
Wolf conducts research in a variety of areas in health and public health law and ethics, with a particular focus on research ethics. She previously served on the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections (SACHRP). She continues to serve on the SACHRP Subcommittee.
She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Harvard Law School and Stanford University. She also was a Greenwall Fellow in Bioethics and Health Policy and a Greenwall Faculty Scholar.
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
  • Ohio: 1 hour of online CLE credit, pending approval
  • Other Jurisdictions: You may be able to self-apply to your credit-granting authority.
Free and open to the public.

August 15: Litigation After Loper: Effects on Agency Practice

The U.S. Supreme Court's decisions in Loper Bright v. Raimondo changed the deference courts give to agencies—and in turn, how solid agency regulations are when they’re passed. Join us to discuss the impact of this case, the overrule of Chevron deference, and the effect Loper will have on legal practice involving federal agencies. Our panelists will discuss the new opinions, their practice past and present, and the legal standards going forward.
Learning objectives include:
- Understand the new legal standard when agency actions are challenged in court, under Loper
- Discuss strategy and practical effects on attorneys who focus on compliance or litigation involving federal agencies
- Discuss potential applications of the new precedent by lower courts looking forward
Who would benefit most from attending this program?
- Litigators who regularly engage in litigation involving federal agencies in court
- Attorneys focused on federal regulatory compliance issues
Litigation After Loper: Effects on Agency Practice
Webinar Date/Time:
August 15, 2024
1:00 PM EDT •12:00 PM CDT •11:00 AM MDT •10:00 AM PDT
Register Now!
1.0 General COA, 1.2 General, or 1.0 Areas of Professional Practice in most states. Bloomberg Industry Group is an approved provider of CLE credits in all states. Individual programs are pre-approved in California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. All other requests for program approval are subject to state-specific approval. The approval process may take approximately four to six weeks in some states.
  • Daniel H. Ahn is one of Reed Smith’s leading West Coast and Asia-Pacific White-Collar Defense and Investigations partners, with a focus on investigations, and former supervisory federal prosecutor. David Lehn Partner Boies Schiller Flexner LLP David has extensive experience in environmental and energy law, antitrust law, and constitutional law, developed over the course of nearly 20 years of public and private practice. David previously served in the Office of Legal Counsel at the U.S. Department of Justice, where he provided legal advice to the White House and the heads of myriad federal agencies on various statutory and constitutional issues. Most recently David worked in the Washington, D.C. office of an international law firm.
  • Alexander T. MacDonald, Shareholder Littler Mendelson P.C. Alexander T. MacDonald advises employers on all aspects of the employment and labor landscape, focusing on emerging legislation and regulation. He has extensive experience advising businesses on worker classification, arbitration, the administrative and regulatory process, and the future of work.
  • Kevin Poloncarz, Partner Covington & Burling LLP Kevin Poloncarz co-chairs the firm’s Environmental and Energy Practice Group, Energy Industry Group and ESG Practice. He is ranked by Chambers USA among the nation’s leading climate change attorneys and California’s leading environmental lawyers, and by Chambers Global among the top climate change lawyers. Kevin represents electric utilities, financial institutions, investors and companies in policy, litigation and transactional matters concerning power and carbon markets, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), sustainable aviation fuel, and clean hydrogen. He also teaches Climate Law and Policy at Stanford Law School.
  • Moderator: Erin Webb, Principal Legal Analyst, Bloomberg Law. Erin L. Webb is a Legal Analyst on the Litigation team. Before joining Bloomberg Law, Erin was a litigator for 19 years. Her practice included insurance coverage and complex commercial litigation. Erin received her BA from Western Michigan University and her JD from the University of Michigan Law School.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 14: Balancing Artificial Intelligence Innovations, Best Practices, and Ethics in Legal Proceedings

In this seminar we will gain an overview of the role of AI in legal settings, how it’s shaping portions of the legal landscape and critical considerations for ethical usage and practice. We will explore different types of generative AI, the critical and multi-faceted role of an officer of the court, and the potential impacts on the legal field. The presentation is pending for 1 hour of Ethics MCLE credit. In this webinar, we will review:
  • AI in Legal Practice
  • The Critical Role of the Officer of the Court
  • Data Privacy and Ethics
  • Best Practices
  • AI in Legal Summary and Information Retrieval in Legal Contexts
  • Deepfakes and Legal Records
  • Practical Applications.
Balancing Artificial Intelligence Innovations, Best Practices, and Ethics in Legal Proceedings
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
11am PT | 12pm MT | 1pm CT | 2pm ET
The number of seats is limited. Register and reserve your seat today!
Mike Murray
Pending 1 Ethics CLE Credit
This webinar is approved in the following states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Washington. This webinar is pending approval in the following states: Idaho, Iowa, Kansas*, Louisiana*, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin* In Kansas, Louisiana and Wisconsin, pending approval for General CLE credit.* The Wisconsin BBE accredits all Veritext programs for 1.0 Law Practice Management hour, not CLE. CLE credits may also be claimed for Law Practice Management courses, but attorneys are limited for 6.0 LPM credits per reporting period. * NY CLE Credit Provided via NYCLE “Other Approved Jurisdictions” Policy. Attorney must provide correct listening code; not available for Transitional Attorneys.* The State Bar of Arizona does not approve or accredit CLE activities for the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education requirement. This activity may qualify for up to 1 hours toward your annual CLE requirement for the State Bar of Arizona, including 0 hour(s) of professional responsibility. There is no formal approval process for organizations that want to provide MCLE courses in Connecticut. If an organization’s MCLE program or course has bene approved by the authority authorized to approve MCLE courses in another jurisdiction, then the organization’s MCLE course is automatically approved in Connecticut. In other jurisdictions, you might self-apply for credit.

November 13: HIPAA - Understanding Enforcement, Penalties & Research Strategies

HIPAA concerns, enacted in 1996, continue to be a very real compliance concern for the healthcare industry. 
Concerns about HIPAA compliance and the potential penalties for noncompliance drive an ongoing need for training employees and staff of hospitals and health systems, medical practices, and other healthcare organizations about HIPAA and its requirements.
HIPAA - Understanding Enforcement, Penalties & Research Strategies
Webinar Date And Time:
November 13, 2024
12:45pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Robin McManigal
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

Sunday, August 11, 2024

September 11: Generative Artificial Intelligence Current Trends in Practice

Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) AI technology has become part of our daily lives, even in the legal profession. The pace of advancement in Generative AI has given rise to unexpected and somewhat concerning challenges in the field of law. Adapting to emerging technology requires careful consideration among attorneys in technology heavy practices. It is crucial for legal professionals to grasp how to confidently advise clients in intellectual property (IP), data security, and healthcare practices given the rapid pace of AI development.
Generative Artificial Intelligence Current Trends in Practice
Webinar Dates And Times:
September 11, 2024 
3:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Robin McManigal, Jen Stringfield
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact

October 11: Due Diligence in Intellectual Property Transactions

This course provides an overview and understanding of the due diligence process in relation to transactions involving intellectual property assets. Tools for researching a company’s intellectual property registrations, ownership status, strength and value, and resources such as checklists, forms and model agreements will be reviewed.
Due Diligence in Intellectual Property Transactions
Webinar Dates And Times:
October 11, 2024
12:45pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time
Register Now for this Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar!
Kristen Baginski
1 credit hour in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin If you don't see your state listed in the registration form, contact