During this presentation on the proposed amendments to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, the panelists will touch on the process of amending the rules but will focus mainly on four of the proposed new rules - Rules 1.00, 1.13, 1.14. 1.17 - and the proposed amendments to four conflict-of-interest rules - Rules 1.06 through 1.09 - that have sparked considerable debate during the amendment process. This online class is intended to help lawyers understand the proposed rules.
FREE Online Class - Available 24/7!
Proposed DR's: Final Draft Before Referendum
MCLE Credit: 2 hrs ethics MCLE No: 901216050 Registration Fee: FREE Register for free online class
Panelists include:
· Linda Eads
Past chairwoman of the State Bar of Texas Committee on the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct
· Tom WatkinsChairman of the Supreme Court of Texas Task Force on the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct
· Kennon PetersonSupreme Court's Rules Attorney
Visit for more info or to vote online!
TexasBar.com Referendum 2011 --
And thanks for the head's-up from
Marvin I. Morales
P.O. Box 14015
San Antonio, Texas 78214 Phone: (210) 695-0682 |
Monday, January 31, 2011
Anytime/Web (TX) - Proposed DR's: Final Draft Before Referendum
Monday, January 24, 2011
Feb 9/Scotsdale, AZ - Inherently Unequal: The Betrayal of Civil Rights 1865-1903
Unequal: The Betrayal of Civil Rights 1865-1903".

Wednesday, Feb 9, 2011 7 pm
At The Poisoned Pen
4014 N. Goldwater Blvd Suite 101
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
No pre-registration necessary.
Arriving at least 15 minutes in advance to sign in for CLE credit is
MORE about the event:
MORE about the book:
"Comprehensive and remarkably lucid"—Publishers Weekly
"A furious indictment of the Supreme Court as an accessory to the
anti-democratic machinations of Gilded Age elites."—Kirkus Reviews
"One of the saddest episodes in American history has been inadequately explored
and poorly understood—until now. Lawrence Goldstone's brilliantly written book,
Inherently Unequal, traces the post-Reconstruction Supreme Court's slow
strangulation of equal rights for African-Americans. It will be a shock to many
that the judicial branch, viewed in the modern context as the premier defender
of civil rights, was primarily responsible for the nation's descent into a deep,
racist inequality that ruined the lives of millions for a century. As Goldstone
shows us, Lincoln's great legacy was cynically dismantled by the officeholders
best positioned to protect it."—Larry Sabato
Friday, January 21, 2011
Now thru Jan 29/Web (TX) - Ethics CLE: Proposed Disciplinary Rules Referendum
Proposed Disciplinary Rules Amendments:
Analysis, Selected Issues and Problems
Featuring: Amon Burton, Charles Herring, Jr., and Jim McCormack
Title: UT Law Free Ethics CLE: Proposed Disciplinary Rules Referendum
To enroll go to http://www.utcle.org/
TX MCLE Credit Hours: 1.00 hrs/1.00 hrs ethics
This course will be available free through January 29, 2011 and again from February 2, 2011 through February 18, 2011. Between January 30, 2011 and February 1, 2011 the cost will be $35.
And thanks for the head's-up from ...
P.O. Box 14015
San Antonio, Texas 78214
Phone: (210) 695-0682
Facsimile: (210) 247-9410
Circular 230 by Ronny Buni
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More: http://www.lawline.com/cle/cart.php?c=1298&s=07153fc57816e36734b1ff4397779818 |
Thursday, January 20, 2011
ABA Online, Complementary CLE Programs
This post was written more than a year ago. Since then, the amount of free CLE on the ABA's CLE Now! page seems to have dwindled and you can't use it if you haven't got a paid ABA membership.
If you're looking for free, on-demand CLE you're better off looking at Top 3 Bundles of Free On-Demand MCLE.
The ABA'S CLE Now! page offers several free, web-based CLE programs at http://www.abanet.org/cle/clenow/home.html. You'll have to create a login to access them, but that's free too.
- More information on MCLE
- More free ABA CLE
- More free Non-ABA CLE On Demand
- Free Webinar CLE
- For weekly updates on free CLE, sign up for the free 4freeCLE Email Newsletter.

Feb 17/Seattle, WA - Ethical Considerations in Dealing with Administrative Agencies
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Feb 17/Web + Chicago, IL - Ethical Applications of the New Illinois Rules of Evidence
Clifford Law Offices is sponsoring a two-hour free continuing legal education webinar entitled "Ethical Applications of the New Illinois Rules of Evidence." This program has been approved for 2 hours of professional responsibility credit. Our panelists include, The Honorable Donald C. Hudson, Justice of the Second District Illinois Appellate Court, Chair of the Judicial Inquiry Board and Chair of the Special Supreme Court Committee on Illinois Evidence, Professor Stephan Landsman, Evidence Professor at DePaul University College of Law for more than 25 years, and Lawrence J. Fox, Visiting Lecturer of Law at Yale Law School. They will address the rules of evidence in the context of the Rules of Professional Conduct. The program will explore when the offering of false evidence triggers the rules of professional conduct such as Rule 3.3, when discussing the case with others puts Rule 4.1 into play, how the lawyer must deal with and preserve confidential, privileged and work product protections when offering evidence, and how the gathering of evidence on an informal basis can violate Rule 4.4. The speakers will explore these issues through various hypotheticals with interactivity from a live audience as well as from those participating on the web.
For further information, please call 312-899-9090.
Click here to register for the February 17, 2011 program: http://totalwebcasting.com/view/?func=RGTR&id=6YQQV83MLM
MCLE Information: This program has been approved for 2 hours of professional responsibility credit
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011
Time: 2:30-4:30pm CST
120 N. LaSalle Street, 31st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602
Feb 15/New York, NY - Ethical Issues in the Practice of Real Estate Law
Ethical Issues in the Practice of Real Estate Law
Bank of America, 335 Madison Avenue (44th Street), 5th Floor
February 15, 2011, 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Marc Israel, Esq., Kensington Vanguard National Land Services
CLE Credit:
3 Ethics and Professionalism Practice Credits
Get More Information/Register:
Monday, January 17, 2011
Jan 31/New York, NY - Legal Ethics Through A Religious Lens: The Practitioner’s Viewpoint
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Thursday, January 13, 2011
Feb 8/NYC, NY - A Guide to IRC 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges
Date and Time: February 8, 2011, 8:30 am to 12:00 pmLocation: Bank of America 335 Madison Avenue (44th Street), 5th FloorCost: Free
Instructor: Marc Israel, Esq., Kensington Vanguard National LandCLE Credit: 3 Areas of Professional Practice CreditsSponsor: Bank of AmericaTo Resister: http://marcisrael.com/launch/register-now/?event=122
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Jan 18/Cleveland, OH - Prop 8 and the Future of Same-Sex Marriage
Prop 8 and the Future of Same-Sex Marriage
- Susan J. Becker, Charles R. Emrick Jr - Calfee, Halter & Griswold Endowed Professor of Law, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
- George W. Dent, Jr., Schott-van den Eynden Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
- Timothy J. Downing, Partner, Ulmer & Berne LLP; Board of Directors, Human Rights Campaign
- Matthew D. Besser, Of Counsel, The Law Offices of Cathleen Bolek, LLC; ACS Northeast Ohio Chapter Board Member
Check-In and Reception: 5:30 p.m.
Program: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Moot Court Room
1801 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH
RSVP: http://www.acslaw.org/chapters/lawyer/neohio/rsvp
Arizona - eDiscovery and forensics issues - TERIS free CLE courses
TERIS Phoenix, a full-service litigation support provider, also offers free CLE courses on eDiscovery and forensics issues to Arizona-based law firms and in-house counsel. TERIS has successfully presented courses at 15 firms in 2010, including several large national firms in the Phoenix area.
- An Introduction to eDiscovery
- Forensic Collection & The Pitfalls of In-House IT Collection
- Got Sanctions? The 2009 eDiscovery Year in Review
- Methods to Cull Data and Lower eDiscovery Costs
- Document Retention Policies
- Document Review – Best Practices & Tips and Tricks
- Early Case Assessment
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Web/Anytime - Tim Wu and The Master Switch by Intellectual Property Colloquium
Link: www.ipcolloquium.com/Programs/17.html
Monday, January 10, 2011
Jan 25/ Chicago, IL - Government Benefits for Persons with Disabilities
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Friday, January 7, 2011
Jan 26/Stillwater, MN - Tips from the New Bench
Jan. 26, 2011
Judge John C. Hoffman & Judge Ellen L. Maas
Judges of Tenth District Court, State of Minnesota
"Tips from the New Bench"
One standard CLE credit will be applied for
This CLE will be held in Room 5599 of the Washington County Government Center
Suggestions for programs are always welcome and should be directed to the County Law Librarian, who may be reached at 651-430-6330.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Jan 12/CLeveland OH - The Memory of Justice: The Unexpected Place of Lviv, Ukraine in International Law - A Personal History
Klatsky Seminar in Human Rights presented by the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center
"The Memory of Justice: The Unexpected Place of Lviv, Ukraine in International Law - A Personal History"
Jan 12, 2011 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Moot Courtroom (A59)
CLE Credit:
1.0 of CLE credit available, pending approval.
Additional Information:
Open to the public at no cost. One FREE hour of CLE credit will be available, pending approval, to lawyers who attend.
Please note - Recording in any form is prohibited.
There is no law school parking, however, public parking, for a fee, is available in the Cleveland Botanical Garden parking underground garage. Also, meter parking might be available.
The Klatsky Seminar in Human RightsIn 2000, university trustee Bruce J. Klatsky endowed two annual fellowships for Case Western Reserve University law students at Human Rights Watch and an annual lecture, the Klatsky Seminar in Human Rights, which has featured Sir. Christopher Greenwood, International Court of Justice; Harold Koh, U.S. Department of State; Richard Goldstone, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia; Kenneth Roth, Human Rights Watch; and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Samantha Power.
Speaker Information:
Prof. Sands is a regular commentator on the BBC and CNN and writes frequently for leading newspapers. He is frequently invited to lecture around the world, and in recent years has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto (2005), the University of Melbourne (2005) and the Universite de Paris I (Sorbonne) (2006, 2007). He has previously held academic positions at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies, Kings College London and , University of Cambridge and was a Global Professor of Law at New York University from 1995-2003. He was co-founder of FIELD (Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development), and established the programmes on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. He is a member of the Advisory Boards of the European Journal of International Law and Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (Blackwell Press). In 2007 he served as a judge for the Guardian First Book Prize award.
As a practicing barrister he has extensive experience litigating cases before the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, and the European Court of Justice. He frequently advises governments, international organisations, NGOs and the private sector on aspects of international law. In 2003 he was appointed a Queen's Counsel. He has been appointed to lists of arbitrators maintained by ICSID and the PCA.
Feb 4/Lawrence, KS - 15th annual Tribal Law & Government Conference
15th annual Tribal Law & Government Conference
Friday, Feb. 4, 2011
9 am-4:30 pm
Burge Union, University of Kansas
1535 W. 15th Street
Lawrence, KS 66045
Free CLE credit for Kansas and Missouri will be offered.
REGISTER ONLINE: http://www.law.ku.edu/academics/triballaw/conference/2010_2011_Conference.shtml
Speakers include:
- Tim Coulter, Indian Law Resource Center
- Carrie Garrow, Syracuse University College of Law
- Barbara Creel, University of New Mexico School of Law
- Gavin Clarkson, University of Houston Law Center
- Colette Routel, William Mitchell College of Law
- Ezra Rosser, American University Washington College of Law
The conference is sponsored by the University of Kansas School of Law, the Tribal Law & Government Center and the National American Indian Court Judges Association.