All active ALRP Panel Attorneys and associates at partner pro bono law firms are welcome to attend any of ALRP’s free MCLE trainings. Attorneys who are not currently members of the Panel are requested to join our Panel and accept two ALRP referrals in the next year. Pre-registration is required to attend.
Social Security and Overpayments
May 6, 2014
5:30pm - 7:00pm
San Francisco Bar Association Board Room
301 Battery Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA
Amy Orgain and John Fasesky, Staff Attorneys at ALRP
AIDS Legal Referral Panel
MCLE Credits:
1.5 General CLE Credits
Free to active ALRP Panel Attorneys and associates at partner pro bono law firms
More Information And Registration
Monday, March 31, 2014
May (Multiple Dates)/Ohio: Core Fair Housing

Continuing Educational Services provides seminars through Ohio geared towards the economy and real estate with a special focus on mortgage lending.
Core Fair Housing
- May 7, 2014
Cuyahoga Falls Sheraton Suites - May 14, 2014
Independence Holiday Inn - May 15, 2014
Strongsville Holiday Inn - May 21, 2014
Mentor La Malfa Hotel - May 28, 2014
Westlake Holiday Inn.
Khash Saghafi is an instructor in the banking and mortgage industry.
Continuing Educational Services
Approved for 2.0 credits by the Ohio Supreme Court.
More Information And Registration
May 14: Tacoma - De Facto Parenting: Understanding Local Laws – #MCLE
McKinley Irvin associate Elizabeth Hoffman will provide an overview of the evolving law of de facto parentage in Washington State. She will cover the history of the doctrine, from its adoption by the Supreme Court in the 2005 case In re the Custody of L.B. to the Court’s most recent opinions in In re Custody of A.F.J. and In re the Custody of B.M.H. This will include a discussion of each factor of the doctrine as applied and interpreted in past de facto cases, and how to identify and litigate de facto cases under the current case law.
De Facto Parenting: Understanding Local Laws
May 14, 2014
12-1 p.m.
Conference Room 5C
Fountain Court Level
1201 Pacific Avenue
(in the Wells Fargo Building)
McKinley Irvin
1 credit
Please RSVP to this event by sending your name and bar number to
De Facto Parenting: Understanding Local Laws
May 14, 2014
12-1 p.m.
Conference Room 5C
Fountain Court Level
1201 Pacific Avenue
(in the Wells Fargo Building)
McKinley Irvin
1 credit
Please RSVP to this event by sending your name and bar number to
Sunday, March 30, 2014
April 9: Webcast - Antitrust Compliance: Emerging Risks & Best Training Practices #MCLE
Without realizing it, enthusiastic executives may think they are using harmless phrases -- such as "this will help us dominate the market!" in an email, for example -- when in reality they have created a poorly drafted document that may provide antitrust agencies with damaging evidence in support of allegations of anticompetitive behavior. Recent enforcement actions highlight the importance of effective training and compliance programs to minimize antitrust risk.
Our panel has experience in major acquisitions, litigation and investigations including working with the FTC itself and will share insights on the following areas:
Antitrust Compliance: Emerging Risks & Best Training Practices
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
2:00 - 3:35 p.m. ET
Webcast - Register Now!
1.5 CLE Credits applied for in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Washington State and possibly others.
Our panel has experience in major acquisitions, litigation and investigations including working with the FTC itself and will share insights on the following areas:
- Emerging risks that lead to antitrust investigations and litigation
- Impact of recent judicial and administrative decisions on company conduct and compliance programs
- Elements of effective training programs
- Critical risks inherent in corporate communications and other documents
- Best practices in working with competitors
- How to assess the seriousness of a risk
- How to appropriately escalate a red flag
- Practical pointers for executives, employees and compliance trainers.
Antitrust Compliance: Emerging Risks & Best Training Practices
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
2:00 - 3:35 p.m. ET
Webcast - Register Now!
1.5 CLE Credits applied for in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Washington State and possibly others.
- Chong Park, Esq., Partner, Steptoe & Johnson
- Timothy (Ty) Carson, Counsel, Crowell & Moring
- Lori Beardell, Corporate Counsel, DuPont
April 14: Telecon - Recent Minnesota Decisions
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Richard Clem |
- Statute of Limitation, conclilation cases removed to district court
- Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
- Freedom of Information Act.
Recent Minnesota Decisions
April 14, 2014
12:00 Noon Central Daylight Time (Chicago time)
17:00 GMT
Telephone Conference Call
Richard Clem Continuing Legal Education
No cost. If, however, you wish to make a small voluntary payment, you may do so after the program. See Why Is This Program Free?
One Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, or Indiana CLE credit, absolutely free. In addition:
- Alaska: Alaska Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in or from other states if the program has been accredited by another MCLE jurisdiction
- Arizona: The State Bar of Arizona does not accredit programs for the MCLE requirement. The Rules and Regulations are predicated on the assumption that attorneys can evaluate CLE activities offered based on the guidelines and report their activities by affidavit.
- Arkansas: Upon receipt of a completed certificate of attendance form confirming attendance at an out-of-state continuing legal education program approved by the situs state, the attorney shall be entitled to CLE credits in Arkansas.
- California: Program is eligible for California CLE credit only if the attorney is calling in from outside of California. The program cannot be taken for California credit if you call in from California.
- Colorado: Colorado attorneys should submit a Colorado Affidavit form along with a statement certifying that the CLE program is accredited in another mandatory CLE state.
- Florida: Courses approved by other state bars are generally acceptable for use toward satisfying CLE requirement but attorneys must first submit a CLE Application for Course Attendance Credit.
- Hawaii: Program is eligible for Hawaii CLE credit only if the attorney is calling in from outside of Hawaii. The program cannot be taken for Hawaii credit if you call in from Hawaii.
- Iowa: 1.0 CLE credit approved.
- Indiana: 1.0 CLE credit applied for. Attorney Clem will report attendance by Indiana attorneys to the Indiana CLE office. After the program when requesting CLE credit, please inform me if you are an Indiana attorney so that I can include your name on the report.
- Maine: Credit hours for activities approved by another MCLE state will be accepted for identical credit by the Board of Overseers of the Bar in Maine upon the Board's receipt of evidence of such certification as issued by that state
- Minnesota: 1.0 CLE credit applied for
- Montana: Montana will honor the approval given by other CLE jurisdictions. Simply attach documentation of the other state's approval to your affidavit at the end of the reporting year.
- New Jersey: New Jersey attorneys who are taking courses approved for CLE by another state will receive 1:1 credit for courses approved in that jurisdiction through reciprocity.
- New York: Attorneys may claim New York CLE hours for programs accredited in Indiana or Wisconsin.
- Wisconsin: 1.0 CLE credit applied for.
- Other States: CLE credit is available in many other states if the participating attorney applies for credit.
Richard P. Clem is an attorney and continuing legal education (CLE) provider in Minnesota. He has been in private practice in the Twin Cities for 25 years. He has a J.D., cum laude, from Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul and a B.A. in History from the University of Minnesota. His reported cases include: Asociacion Nacional de Pescadores a Pequena Escala o Artesanales de Colombia v. Dow Quimica de Colombia, 988 F.2d 559, rehearing denied, 5 F.3d 530 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 510 U.S. 1041 (1994); LaMott v. Apple Valley Health Care Center, 465 N.W.2d 585 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991); Abo el Ela v. State, 468 N.W.2d 580 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991).
April 24: Webcast - The "Internet of Evidence" Little Brother is Watching You - And He's Taking Notes
On Thursday, April 24, 2014, at 2 PM ET, The TASA Group, Inc., in conjunction with software/computer expert Wayne Norris, will present a free, one-hour, interactive webinar, The "Internet of Evidence" Little Brother is Watching You - And He's Taking Notes, for all legal professionals.
The "Internet of Evidence" Little Brother is Watching You - And He's Taking Notes
Thursday, April 24, 2014 14:00 Eastern
Webcast - Register Now!
Wayne Norris
The TASA Group, Inc.
Typically, TASA does not apply for credit, but the presenters and content appear to satisfy CLE requirements in a number of jurisdictions in which participants may self-apply for credit.
The "Internet of Evidence" Little Brother is Watching You - And He's Taking Notes
Thursday, April 24, 2014 14:00 Eastern
Webcast - Register Now!
Wayne Norris
The TASA Group, Inc.
Typically, TASA does not apply for credit, but the presenters and content appear to satisfy CLE requirements in a number of jurisdictions in which participants may self-apply for credit.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity for interaction and networking.
4freeCLE is and always will be free - Subscribe Now!
Saturday, March 29, 2014
April 23: St. Paul - Working With Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women Program Manager and Policy Expert Rebekah Moses will lead this practical training focusing on how to develop skills for working with survivors of domestic violence. This training will discuss trauma's impact on survivors and their attorneys, the urgent need for attorneys willing to take domestic violence-related cases, and hands-on skills for working with domestic violence cases across a wide range of legal areas (family law, employment law, immigration law, etc.).
Working With Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
10:20am - 11:20am
Hamline University School of Law Room 4
St. Paul, MN
Rebekah Moses
Hamline University School of Law Chapter of American Constitution Society
1 standard CLE credit has been approved.
More Information And Registration
Working With Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
10:20am - 11:20am
Hamline University School of Law Room 4
St. Paul, MN
Rebekah Moses
Hamline University School of Law Chapter of American Constitution Society
1 standard CLE credit has been approved.
More Information And Registration
April 16: Denver - Equality for All: Challenging Colorado's Same Sex Marriage Bans
On February 19, nine same-sex couples in Colorado filed a lawsuit in state court seeking the freedom to marry in the Centennial state or respect for their marriages legally performed in other states. This panel discussion will feature the lead plaintiff Kris McDaniel-Miccio, GLBT Community Center of Colorado legal director Mindy Barton and equal protection scholar Susannah Pollvogt.
Equality for All: Challenging Colorado's Same Sex Marriage Bans
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
1700 Lincoln Street
3200 Wells Fargo Center
Denver, CO
Chapter(s): University of Denver College of Law, University of Colorado Law School, Colorado Lawyer Chapter
The Colorado Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution, the University of Colorado Law School, University of Denver College of Law Student Chapters of the American Constitution Society present
More Information And Registration
Equality for All: Challenging Colorado's Same Sex Marriage Bans
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
1700 Lincoln Street
3200 Wells Fargo Center
Denver, CO
- Mindy Barton, Legal Director, GLBT Community Center of Colorado
- Arash Jahanian, Attorney, Rathod Mohamedbhai LLC, Plaintiff Counsel, Courage, et al. v. Wyoming, et al.
- G. Kristian McDaniel-Miccio, Professor, University of Denver Sturm College of Law
- Susannah Pollvogt, Visiting Lecturer, University of Denver Sturm College of Law.
Chapter(s): University of Denver College of Law, University of Colorado Law School, Colorado Lawyer Chapter
The Colorado Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution, the University of Colorado Law School, University of Denver College of Law Student Chapters of the American Constitution Society present
More Information And Registration
April 3: Minneapolis - 2013 Housing Protections for Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors

VAWA 2013 Housing Protections for Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors
Thursday - April 3, 2014
noon - 1:00 pm
Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi
800 LaSalle Avenue
2800 La Salle Plaza
Minneapolis, MN 55402)
- Dorinda Wider, Attorney at Law, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
- Christy Snow-Kaster, Managing Attorney, Central Minnesota Legal Services
Volunteer Lawyers Network
One Standard CLE Credit will be applied for.
April 9: NYC - The Jury Trial is Dying - Should We Mourn its Demise?
Jury trials in civil cases are part of our Bill of Rights, and the jury trial has always been thought of as a pillar of American democracy. In practice, however, it is increasingly rare. Why is this happening? What does the demise of the jury trial mean for our civil justice system? Does it change democratic citizenship? Can the trend be reversed? Should we try, or just allow the jury trial become a relic of an earlier time? Our distinguished panel of trial and appellate lawyers and academic experts will discuss these and other hotly debated questions.
The Jury Trial is Dying - Should We Mourn its Demise?
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
12:25-1:50 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall, Greenberg Lounge
New York, NY
The Center on Civil Justice with additional support from the American Constitution Society and the Federalist Society
1.5 credit hours
The Jury Trial is Dying - Should We Mourn its Demise?
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
12:25-1:50 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall, Greenberg Lounge
New York, NY
The Center on Civil Justice with additional support from the American Constitution Society and the Federalist Society
1.5 credit hours
- Mark Behrens, Partner, Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP
- Renée Lettow Lerner, Professor, The George Washington University Law School
- Andrew Pincus, Partner, Mayer Brown
- Stephen Susman, Partner, Susman Godfrey
- Moderator: Arthur R. Miller, University Professor, NYU School of Law
March 31: Webcast - Medicare Savings Programs Update and Texas Public Information Act Basics
Two webinar of Texas Legal Services Center (TLSC) will occur on Monday, March 31, 2014. The first webinar will be a Medicare Savings Programs Update. The webinar will address the QMB, SLMB, QI, and QDWI programs, as well as the Low-Income Subsidy. The Medicare Savings Programs are established in the Medicaid law, 42 United States Code §1396. The Low-Income Subsidy is established in the Medicare law, 42 United States Code §1395. The second webinar will provide practical information on use of the Texas Public Information Act, especially in regard to representing persons of modest means in public benefits “fair hearings.” The webinar will include an overview of the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act, as well as considerations of ethics aspects relating to use of the Texas Public Information Act.
These webinars are intended for staff members and volunteers, who provide legal assistance in Texas’ Legal Aid offices and Texas’ Area Agencies on Aging, or on referral from a Texas Legal Aid office or a Texas Area Agency on Aging.
Medicare Savings Programs Update and Texas Public Information Act Basics
Jessica Cassidy, Attorney in TLSC’s Health Law Program, and Bruce Bower, TLSC Deputy Director.
Texas Legal Services Center
These course have been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE.
These webinars are intended for staff members and volunteers. Why not Volunteer?
More Information And Registration
Subscribe to 4freeCLE!
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
These webinars are intended for staff members and volunteers, who provide legal assistance in Texas’ Legal Aid offices and Texas’ Area Agencies on Aging, or on referral from a Texas Legal Aid office or a Texas Area Agency on Aging.
Medicare Savings Programs Update and Texas Public Information Act Basics
Jessica Cassidy, Attorney in TLSC’s Health Law Program, and Bruce Bower, TLSC Deputy Director.
Texas Legal Services Center
These course have been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE.
These webinars are intended for staff members and volunteers. Why not Volunteer?
More Information And Registration
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity
4freeCLE is and always will be free.
Subscribe Now!
Subscribe Now!
May 21: Cleveland - Justice and Judges #MCLE
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Joel Levin |
Justice and Judges
May 21, 2014
8:30 A.M. - 9:30 A.M.
The City Club of Cleveland
850 Euclid Avenue #200
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

, he attempted to provide a general theory of civil law. His play on Benjamin Cardozo, Marrano Justice, with music, recently ran in Arizona. For more than 30 years, he has been an adjunct professor at Case Law School, where he currently teaches Legal Philosophy.
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Approved for 1 hour of in-person CLE credit
Free and open to the public. Pre-registration required.
More Information and Registration
Friday, March 28, 2014
April 15: NYC + Philadelphia - Final Pretrial Matters #MCLE
This program addresses the drafting and content of dispositive motions as well as various forms of motions in limine and other evidentiary motions; drafting of a trial brief.
Final Pretrial Matters
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM
New York and
Joseph K. Hetrick
No charge
Final Pretrial Matters
April 15, 201412:15 PM - 1:30 PM
New York and
Joseph K. Hetrick
CLE credit is pending in CA, NJ, NY and PA.
Cost:No charge
April 30: San Francisco - Medical Marijuana Law and HIV
This training will discuss disability rights, employment law, and medical marijuana. It will explore several landmark cases (Ross v. RagingWire, Goldstein v. Superior Court, United States v. Kuriyama) and the federal government’s stance towards medical marijuana as it relates to HIV/AIDS patients.
All active ALRP Panel Attorneys and associates at partner pro bono law firms are welcome to attend any of ALRP’s free MCLE trainings. Attorneys who are not currently members of the Panel are requested to join our Panel and accept two ALRP referrals in the next year. Pre-registration is required to attend.
Medical Marijuana Law and HIV
5:30pm - 7:00pm
San Francisco Bar Association Board Room
301 Battery Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA
Joseph Elford, Esq.
AIDS Legal Referral Panel
MCLE Credits:
1.5 General CLE Credits
Free to active ALRP Panel Attorneys and associates at partner pro bono law firms
More Information And Registration
All active ALRP Panel Attorneys and associates at partner pro bono law firms are welcome to attend any of ALRP’s free MCLE trainings. Attorneys who are not currently members of the Panel are requested to join our Panel and accept two ALRP referrals in the next year. Pre-registration is required to attend.
Medical Marijuana Law and HIV
April 30, 20145:30pm - 7:00pm
San Francisco Bar Association Board Room
301 Battery Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA
Joseph Elford, Esq.
AIDS Legal Referral Panel
MCLE Credits:
1.5 General CLE Credits
Free to active ALRP Panel Attorneys and associates at partner pro bono law firms
More Information And Registration
March 31: Cleveland - Four Core Differences in US and Australian Law and Application to Schools, Teachers and Students

Four Core Differences in US and Australian Law and Application to Schools, Teachers and Students
Monday, March 31, 2014
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Moot Court Room
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Cleveland State University
1801 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Joy Cumming is a Professor of Education in the Faculty of Education and Arts at the Australian Catholic University, leading a research program on Assessment, Evaluation and Student Learning within the Learning Sciences Institute Australia. Originally a secondary school teacher in English and Mathematics, she has been involved in educational research for nearly 40 years.
1 hour approved
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law / Cleveland State University
More Information And Registration
April 29: NYC - Going All the Way: No-Fault 'Serious Injury' Law & The Court of Appeals: The Ramkumar Decision #MCLE
Going All the Way: No-Fault 'Serious Injury' Law & The Court of Appeals: The Ramkumar decision
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Bank of America
114 West 47th Street, 12th Floor (US Trust Bldg)
New York, NY 10036
Judah Cohen, Esq.
National Law Institute
3 credits NJ and NY
Going All the Way: No-Fault 'Serious Injury' Law & The Court of Appeals: The Ramkumar decision
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Bank of America
114 West 47th Street, 12th Floor (US Trust Bldg)
New York, NY 10036
Judah Cohen, Esq.
National Law Institute
3 credits NJ and NY
April 22: Webcast - Cutting Through the Noise: Practical Guidance on Administering #Obamacare & Other Health Plans #MCLE
You have heard the continual coverage of Obamacare, and maybe you have had your attention-span tested during educational programs where speakers took you through an excruciating reading of the regulations. Unfortunately, neither approach is helpful in actually dealing with the Affordable Care Act in particular, or your health benefit plans in general. Just-released final employer responsibility regulations are only part of the myriad health plan compliance and enforcement challenges that employers and health plan administrators must address when designing and administering employee health plans. To give you some practical perspectives we are pleased to present three speakers -- one who specializes in advising organizations large and small, public and private, on the design and implementation of plans, another with the State of Kentucky whose approach and operation has been hailed as a model for other states, and a third from a major health care insurance provider in the thick of the sweeping changes in how health care is paid for in our country. Join this experienced panel of health benefit leaders in a lively, question-and-answer dialogue as they tackle questions including:
Cutting Through the Noise: Practical Guidance on Administering Obamacare & Other Health Plans
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
2:00 - 3:35 p.m. ET
Webcast - Register Now!
1.5 CLE Credit applied for in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey.
More Information And Registration
- When do the final employer responsibility rules apply and what do they mean to your organization and its employee benefit plan?
- What health benefits and coverage must your health plan provide to meet minimum essential coverage requirements and other mandates?
- How will your plan and design be affected by rules governing employer responsibility, health and cafeteria plans, nondiscrimination, mental health parity and requirements?
- How will changes in the SHOP regulations affect the options and costs for small and other employers and individuals to get health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplaces or private exchanges?
- How can you properly identify and classify workers for these and other health plan rules?
- How do the rules differ for government employers and insured or self-insured health plans?
- What are the ACA restrictions on the use of HRAs, Health FSAs and other defined contribution health plan strategies?
- What is the viability and implication of offering “preventive only” and other just-enough-to-comply "skinny plans" as options?
- What was the adopted mission and operational approach that made Kentucky's roll-out so successful?
Cutting Through the Noise: Practical Guidance on Administering Obamacare & Other Health Plans
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
2:00 - 3:35 p.m. ET
Webcast - Register Now!
1.5 CLE Credit applied for in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey.
- Cynthia Stamer, Esq.
- Jaan Sidorov M.D., M.H.S.A., Principal, Sidorov Health Solutions
- William Nold, Deputy Director, Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange.
More Information And Registration
April 7: Webcast - Recent Iowa Decisions #MCLE
This program will be a summary of recent decisions from the Iowa Supreme Court, the Iowa Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, as well as decisions of interest from other courts:
Recent Iowa Decisions
April 7, 2014
12:00 Noon Central Daylight Time (Chicago time)
17:00 GMT
Telephone Conference Call
Richard Clem Continuing Legal Education
There is absolutely no cost to attend this program, and no payment is expected. If, however, you wish to make a small voluntary payment, you may do so after the program. See Why Is This Program Free?
One Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, or Indiana CLE credit, absolutely free. Also:
Richard P. Clem is an attorney and continuing legal education (CLE) provider in Minnesota. He has been in private practice in the Twin Cities for 25 years. He has a J.D., cum laude, from Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul and a B.A. in History from the University of Minnesota. His reported cases include: Asociacion Nacional de Pescadores a Pequena Escala o Artesanales de Colombia v. Dow Quimica de Colombia, 988 F.2d 559, rehearing denied, 5 F.3d 530 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 510 U.S. 1041 (1994); LaMott v. Apple Valley Health Care Center, 465 N.W.2d 585 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991); Abo el Ela v. State, 468 N.W.2d 580 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991).
- Torts, Sudden Emergency Doctrine
- Federal Employer Liability Act, damages
- State Guarantees of Private Business, crony capitalism
- Probable Cause
- Freedom of Information Act
Recent Iowa Decisions
April 7, 2014
12:00 Noon Central Daylight Time (Chicago time)
17:00 GMT
Telephone Conference Call
Richard Clem Continuing Legal Education
There is absolutely no cost to attend this program, and no payment is expected. If, however, you wish to make a small voluntary payment, you may do so after the program. See Why Is This Program Free?
One Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, or Indiana CLE credit, absolutely free. Also:
- Alaska: Alaska Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in or from other states if the program has been accredited by another MCLE jurisdiction
- Arizona: The State Bar of Arizona does not accredit programs for the MCLE requirement. The Rules and Regulations are predicated on the assumption that attorneys can evaluate CLE activities offered based on the guidelines and report their activities by affidavit.
- Arkansas: Upon receipt of a completed certificate of attendance form confirming attendance at an out-of-state continuing legal education program approved by the situs state, the attorney shall be entitled to CLE credits in Arkansas.
- California: Program is eligible for California CLE credit only if the attorney is calling in from outside of California. The program cannot be taken for California credit if you call in from California.
- Colorado: Colorado attorneys should submit a Colorado Affidavit form along with a statement certifying that the CLE program is accredited in another mandatory CLE state.
- Florida: Courses approved by other state bars are generally acceptable for use toward satisfying CLE requirement but attorneys must first submit a CLE Application for Course Attendance Credit.
- Hawaii: Program is eligible for Hawaii CLE credit only if the attorney is calling in from outside of Hawaii. The program cannot be taken for Hawaii credit if you call in from Hawaii.
- Iowa: 1.0 CLE credit approved.
- Indiana: 1.0 CLE credit applied for. Attorney Clem will report attendance by Indiana attorneys to the Indiana CLE office. After the program when requesting CLE credit, please inform me if you are an Indiana attorney so that I can include your name on the report.
- Maine: Credit hours for activities approved by another MCLE state will be accepted for identical credit by the Board of Overseers of the Bar in Maine upon the Board's receipt of evidence of such certification as issued by that state
- Minnesota: 1.0 CLE credit applied for
- Montana: Montana will honor the approval given by other CLE jurisdictions. Simply attach documentation of the other state's approval to your affidavit at the end of the reporting year.
- New Jersey: New Jersey attorneys who are taking courses approved for CLE by another state will receive 1:1 credit for courses approved in that jurisdiction through reciprocity.
- New York: Attorneys may claim New York CLE hours for programs accredited in Indiana or Wisconsin.
- Wisconsin: 1.0 CLE credit applied for.
- Other States: CLE credit is available in many other states if the participating attorney applies for credit.
Richard P. Clem is an attorney and continuing legal education (CLE) provider in Minnesota. He has been in private practice in the Twin Cities for 25 years. He has a J.D., cum laude, from Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul and a B.A. in History from the University of Minnesota. His reported cases include: Asociacion Nacional de Pescadores a Pequena Escala o Artesanales de Colombia v. Dow Quimica de Colombia, 988 F.2d 559, rehearing denied, 5 F.3d 530 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 510 U.S. 1041 (1994); LaMott v. Apple Valley Health Care Center, 465 N.W.2d 585 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991); Abo el Ela v. State, 468 N.W.2d 580 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991).
April 24: NYC - Setting Up a Medical Practice
Setting Up a Medical Practice
Thursday, April 24, 2014
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Popular Community Bank
120 Broadway, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10271
Instructor: Gary Sastow, Esq.
National Law Institute
3 credits NJ and NY
Setting Up a Medical Practice
Thursday, April 24, 2014
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Popular Community Bank
120 Broadway, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10271
Instructor: Gary Sastow, Esq.
National Law Institute
3 credits NJ and NY
Thursday, March 27, 2014
April 8: NYC + Webcast - Ethical Issues in the Practice of Real Estate Law (#ethics #MCLE)

Ethical Issues in the Practice of Real Estate Law
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Bank of America
114 West 47th Street, 12th Floor (US Trust Bldg)
New York, NY 10036
Also Webcast
Marc Israel, Esq.
National Law Institute
3.0 Ethics and Professionalism credits NJ and NY
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
May 1: Webcast - Introduction to Legal Research on Fastcase (2014) #MCLE
Introduction to Legal Research on Fastcase (2014)
Wednesday, May 1, 2014
12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
Webcast - Preregistration Required
Credit:Typically Fastcase webinars are eligable for free CLE credit in Arizona, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois (ISBA members only), Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Introduction to Legal Research on Fastcase (2014)
Wednesday, May 1, 2014
12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
Webcast - Preregistration Required
Credit:Typically Fastcase webinars are eligable for free CLE credit in Arizona, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois (ISBA members only), Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
April (Multiple Dates)/Ohio: Advice for Struggling Homeowners

Advice for Struggling Homeowners
- April 2, 2014
Cuyahoga Falls Sheraton Suites - April 9, 2014
Independence Holiday Inn - April 10, 2014
Strongsville Holiday Inn - April 16, 2014
Mentor La Malfa Hotel - April 23, 2014
Westlake Holiday Inn.
Khash Saghafi is an approved instructor by the Ohio Supreme Court in regards to his expertise in the banking and mortgage industry.
Continuing Educational Services
Approved for 2.0 creditz by the Ohio Supreme Court
More Information And Registration
April 3: NYC - Negotiating an Office Lease #MCLE
This class will provide a comprehensive overview of issues an attorney should be aware of when negotiating an office lease for a tenant in New York City. Specific lease provisions, different types of office leases, and essential practice points and tips will all be discussed.
Negotiating an Office Lease
Thursday, April 3, 2014
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Bank of America
114 West 47th Street, 12th Floor (US Trust Bldg)
New York, NY 10036
Diane Schottenstein, Esq.
National Law Institute
3 credits NJ and NY
Negotiating an Office Lease
Thursday, April 3, 2014
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Bank of America
114 West 47th Street, 12th Floor (US Trust Bldg)
New York, NY 10036
Diane Schottenstein, Esq.
National Law Institute
3 credits NJ and NY
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
May 9: San Francisco + Webcast - Representing the #ProBono Client: Consumer Law Basics 2014 #MCLE
- Introduction to Fair Credit Reporting Act
- Overview of State and Federal Restraints on Debt Collection
- A Primer on Automobile Fraud
- Representing the Unsecured Debtor
- Mortgage Servicer Litigation.
Representing the Pro Bono Client: Consumer Law Basics 2014
May 9, 2014
9:00 AM Pacific / Noon Eastern
Also presented in-person in San Francisco, CA.
- Chair: Robert W. Murphy ~ Law Office of Robert W. Murphy
- Hawk Barry ~ Rosner, Barry & Babbitt, LLP
- Justin M. Baxter ~ Baxter & Baxter, LLP
- Carolyn E. Coffey ~ Supervising Attorney, MFY Legal Services, Inc.
- James A. Kowalski, Jr. ~ Executive Director, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc.
- Program Attorney: Christina Thompson ~ Program Attorney, Practising Law Institute.
Up to 5 credits in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Practising Law Institute
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Free CLE Right In Your Web Browser! |
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, 4freeCLE brings you 20 or more opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: Bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand Recordings: Let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: Traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity for interaction and networking.
4freeCLE is and always will be free. Subscribe Now!
April 17: Webcast - Information Governance in a Big Data World
On Thursday, April 17, 2014, at 2 PM ET, The TASA Group, Inc., in conjunction with Shawn Huston, Marc Portner and Michael Hayes, will present a free, one-hour, interactive webinar, Information Governance in a Big Data World, for all legal professionals.
Information Governance in a Big Data World
Thursday, April 17, 2014
14:00 Eastern
The TASA Group, Inc.
Typically, TASA does not apply for credit, but the presenters and content appear to satisfy CLE requirements in a number of jurisdictions in which participants may self-apply for credit.
Information Governance in a Big Data World
Thursday, April 17, 2014
14:00 Eastern
- Shawn Huston
- Marc Portner
- Michael Hayes.
The TASA Group, Inc.
Typically, TASA does not apply for credit, but the presenters and content appear to satisfy CLE requirements in a number of jurisdictions in which participants may self-apply for credit.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity for interaction and networking.
4freeCLE is and always will be free - Subscribe Now!
Monday, March 24, 2014
April 2: Minneapolis - New Volunteer Orientation #MCLE
This meeting introduces new volunteers to our organization, specific volunteer opportunities and our staff. It is a great opportunity to meet with other volunteers too. RSVP here.
New Volunteer Orientation
Wednesday - April 2, 2014
noon - 1:30 pm
600 Nicollet Mall - Suite 390
Minneapolis, MN
Volunteer Lawyers Network
1.5 Elim of Bias CLE credits
New Volunteer Orientation
Wednesday - April 2, 2014
noon - 1:30 pm
600 Nicollet Mall - Suite 390
Minneapolis, MN
Volunteer Lawyers Network
1.5 Elim of Bias CLE credits
April 28: Philadelphia - Custody (Pro bono #MCLE)
To receive credit, a volunteer must take a case with the Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program (VIP) within six months of the training session.
April 28, 2014
12 - 2:15 pm
Fox Rothschild LLP
2000 Market Street 20th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
One CLE credit for each hour of course work attended.
Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program (VIP)
April 17: Webcast - Regulating Non-Medical Marijuana: Lessons Learned and Paths Forward
Colorado and Washington State have legalized the commercial production, distribution and sale of marijuana for non-medical use, and a number of other states are considering similar legislation. Policy-makers, advocates and others are grappling with how to process licenses, develop regulations and manage production in an industry that is still largely illegal in the national and international arenas. This webinar will provide an overview of issues related to non-medical marijuana regulation through lessons learned from decades of alcohol and tobacco regulation, along with insights from Washington State’s recent implementation of a marijuana law. The webinar will also examine implications for drug policy and enforcement, as well as health department structure.
Regulating Non-Medical Marijuana: Lessons Learned and Paths Forward
Thursday, April 17, 2014
1:00pm - 2:00pm (ET)
Webcast - Register Now!
You may qualify for CLE credit. ASLME is an approved provider of continuing legal education credits in several states. ASLME will also apply for CLE credits in other states upon request. Past ASLME webcasts have received credit in states such as Washington.
More Information And Registration
Subscribe to 4freeCLE!
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
Regulating Non-Medical Marijuana: Lessons Learned and Paths Forward
Thursday, April 17, 2014
1:00pm - 2:00pm (ET)
Webcast - Register Now!
- Beau Kilmer, PhD., Co-Director, RAND Drug Policy Research Center and Senior Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation
- Laura Hitchcock, JD., Policy, Research & Development Specialist, Public Health - Seattle & King County
- Alexander Wagenaar, PhD., Professor, Institute for Child Health Policy, University of Florida (Moderator)
- Amanda Reiman, PhD., Policy Manager, Drug Policy Alliance California.
- ASLME : American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
You may qualify for CLE credit. ASLME is an approved provider of continuing legal education credits in several states. ASLME will also apply for CLE credits in other states upon request. Past ASLME webcasts have received credit in states such as Washington.
More Information And Registration
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity
4freeCLE is and always will be free.
Subscribe Now!
Subscribe Now!
Sunday, March 23, 2014
April 30: Chicago - Attorneys of Faith: Staying True to One's Religion While Engaged in the Practice of Law
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Decalogue Society of Lawyers"Justice, Justice shalt thou pursue" |
Attorneys of Faith: Staying True to One's Religion While Engaged in the Practice of Law
Wednesday, April 30, 20145:30-7:30pm
Greenberg Traurig
77 W Wacker
Chicago, IL.
Speaker: 77 W Wacker
Chicago, IL.
- Judge Thomas Donnelly
- Fazila Vaid
- Rabbi Elisha Prero
- Amar Bhachu
- Jeff Segall.
- Decalogue Society of Lawyers
- Arab American Bar
- Asian American Bar
- Catholic Lawyers Guild
- Indian American Bar
- Muslim American Bar
- Women’s Bar Association of Illinois
1.5 hours Professional Responsibility Credits pending
April 9: Chicago - Illinois Gun Laws in light of People v. Aguilar
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Decalogue Society of Lawyers"Justice, Justice shalt thou pursue" |
Illinois Gun Laws in light of People v. Aguilar
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
134 N LaSalle, Suite 775
Lester Finkle
Decalogue Society of Lawyers
1 Hour CLE credit
April 2: Chicago - TROs & Injunctions #MCLE
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Decalogue Society of Lawyers"Justice, Justice shalt thou pursue" |
TROs & Injunctions
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
134 N LaSalle, Suite 775
Judge Moshe Jacobius, Presiding Judge, Chancery
Decalogue Society of Lawyers
1 Hour CLE credit
More Information And Registration
April 10: Dallas - Antitrust and Ethics Hot Topics
Please join Thompson & Knight LLP and Charles River Associates for a program highlighting the latest antitrust developments. The panelists, comprised of T&K and CRA experts, will discuss recent high profile antitrust matters and investigations, RAND (reasonable and non-discriminatory licensing), and ethical issues related to expert witnesses.
Antitrust and Ethics Hot Topics
Thursday, April 10, 2014
3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Thompson & Knight LLP
1722 Routh Street, 15th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75205
This program has been approved for 1.5 hours of CLE credit, including .5 hours of Ethics CLE credit.
There is no cost to attend. Complimentary valet parking will be provided.
Antitrust and Ethics Hot Topics
Thursday, April 10, 2014
3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Thompson & Knight LLP
1722 Routh Street, 15th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75205
This program has been approved for 1.5 hours of CLE credit, including .5 hours of Ethics CLE credit.
- Thompson & Knight LLP
- Charles River Associates
There is no cost to attend. Complimentary valet parking will be provided.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
April 24: NYC - Investment Arbitration 360 #MCLE
The last decade has witnessed significant growth in the utilization of investment arbitration as a means of resolving disputes with sovereign states – and even greater growth in the development of third party funding and other risk/recovery sharing mechanisms for these arbitrations and the enforcement of the resulting arbitral awards. Members of the panel will discuss all of the dimensions of these matters – including many aspects that are often overlooked, including:
Investment Arbitration 360
A Seminar Presented by Dechert LLP
April 24, 2014
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Dechert LLP
1095 Avenue of Americas
New York, NY 10036
Patrick D. Dolan
José-Manuel García Represa
Miriam Gonzalez
Dennis H. Hranitzky
Eduardo Silva Romero
Kira N. Brereton
CLE credit for this seminar is pending.
No charge
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Structuring and nationality issues to consider before making a cross-border investment;
- Developing, prosecuting and defending investment arbitration claims;
- Crafting third-party funding and other risk/recovery sharing arrangements;
- Enforcing an investment arbitration award against a sovereign state; and
- The keys to effectively negotiating with a sovereign state before, in parallel with and after the arbitration.

Investment Arbitration 360
A Seminar Presented by Dechert LLP
April 24, 2014
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Dechert LLP
1095 Avenue of Americas
New York, NY 10036
Patrick D. Dolan
José-Manuel García Represa
Miriam Gonzalez
Dennis H. Hranitzky
Eduardo Silva Romero
Kira N. Brereton
CLE credit for this seminar is pending.
No charge
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity
4freeCLE is and always will be free. Subscribe Now!
April 4: San Francisco + Webcast - Representing the Pro Bono Client: Effective Written Advocacy 2014
What you will learn:
- Drafting Effective Briefs
- Preparing Witness Declarations
- Crafting Complaints
Representing the Pro Bono Client: Effective Written Advocacy 2014
April 4, 2014
9:00 AM Pacific
San Francisco, CA
Also Webcast
- Co-Chairs:
- Robert P. Capistrano ~ Staff Attorney, Bay Area Legal Aid
- Jocelyn Larkin ~ Executive Director, The Impact Fund
- Program Attorney: Christina Thompson ~ Program Attorney, Practising Law Institute
Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
Practising Law Institute
More Information And Registration
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Free CLE Right In Your Web Browser! |
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, 4freeCLE brings you 20 or more opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: Bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand Recordings: Let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: Traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity for interaction and networking.
4freeCLE is and always will be free. Subscribe Now!
April 22: Atlanta - Does the Constitution Protect Corporate Religious Freedom? #MCLE
Do the United States’ Constitution’s first amendment religious freedom rights apply to for-profit corporations?
Please join the ACS Georgia Lawyer Chapter for a panel discussion on the Supreme Court’s consideration of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby, Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius, and Autocam Corp. v. Sebelius, which address whether corporations may deny coverage to their employees for items such as contraceptives drugs to which they would otherwise be entitled under the Affordable Care Act based on the religious objections of the corporation's owners under both the First Amendment’s free exercise clause and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Topics to be discussed include religious freedom and discrimination, corporate personhood and federal health policy.
Does the Constitution Protect Corporate Religious Freedom?: SCOTUS Review of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
11:30am - 1:30pm
Bryan Cave LLP
One Atlantic Center
1201 West Peachtree Street Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA
The Georgia Lawyer Chapter, Georgia State University College of Law, Emory Law School and John Marshall Law School-Atlanta Student Chapters of the American Constitution Society.
More Information And Registration
Topics to be discussed include religious freedom and discrimination, corporate personhood and federal health policy.
Does the Constitution Protect Corporate Religious Freedom?: SCOTUS Review of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
11:30am - 1:30pm
Bryan Cave LLP
One Atlantic Center
1201 West Peachtree Street Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA
- Kathleen Burch, Associate Professor of Law, John Marshall Law School
- William P. Marshall, William Rand Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Law, University of North Carolina School of Law, former Deputy White House Counsel
- Frank J. Mulcahy, Executive Director, Georgia Catholic Conference
- Anne Tucker, Assistant Professor of Law, Georgia State University College of Law
- Moderated by: Jeffrey O. Bramlett, Partner, Bondurant Mixson & Elmore LLP; Chair Emeritus, ACS Georgia Lawyer Chapter Board of Advisors.
The Georgia Lawyer Chapter, Georgia State University College of Law, Emory Law School and John Marshall Law School-Atlanta Student Chapters of the American Constitution Society.
CLE Credits for this event are pending.
More Information And Registration
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