The University of Washington Moot Court Honor Board and the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution seeks experienced lawyers and mediators for the Regional Representation in Mediation Competition, February 28, 2015, at the University Of Washington School Of Law.
In this competition, law students role-play as attorneys and clients in a mediation setting. The competition measures how well law students model appropriate preparation for and representation of a client in mediation. The competition will bring law student competitors from various law schools in the Western region, including UC Berkeley and Chapman University. We welcome attorneys from all practice areas to participate.

Regional Representation in Mediation Competition
February 28, 2015
The morning round begins at 8AM and ends at 12PM. The afternoon round begins at 1PM and ends at 5PM. University of Washington School of Law. If you serve for both rounds, you get lunch free.
Seattle, WA
Preregistration is absolutely essential. Register now!
The Mock Trial Competitions are two of five annual in-house competitions hosted by the Moot Court Honor Board to provide students with the opportunity to gain first-hand experience with a variety of practical lawyering skills. Students form teams of two and are provided the mock trial problem in advance. Teams must prepare an opening statement, direct examination of two witnesses, cross examination of two witnesses and closing arguments. The competition features two preliminary rounds and three elimination rounds (quarterfinal, semifinal, and final).
As a judge, you will provide feedback and evaluate the participants’ performance. We welcome attorneys from all practice areas. We will provide you with details regarding the problem and fact pattern in advance of the competition.
Judging for a UWLS competition is an opportunity to provide law students with valuable feedback on their trial advocacy skills. Volunteer judges are also invaluable to the continued success of the Moot Court Honor Board and the in-house competition program.
For your service as a judge, you may receive 3 free CLE credits for judging 1 competition or 5.5 credits for judging 2.
University of Washington Moot Court Honor Board
Register now; space is limited
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