Monday, June 3, 2024

August 28: Build Your Legal Practice Like a Pro

This CLE will highlight the keys to successfully build your legal practice, with an emphasis on compliance with the Rules of Professional Conduct. We will solve for the dreaded cocktail party “what do you do” question. We will also discuss strategies for attorneys to market themselves both within their firms as well as to external clients.
Part 2  of Essential Business Skills for Busy Lawyers 
August 28, 2024
1:00 pm EST
Colleen Byers, JD, MBA, RYT200 of Colleen Byers Mediation, LLC ( is a seasoned litigator, mediator, legal educator, certified yoga instructor, and 2020 North Carolina Lawyer of the Year. A seasoned civil litigator with deep business and legal experience, Colleen Byers focuses on mediating complex business, employment, trust, estate, fiduciary and family disputes to help companies, families and individuals solve their legal problems outside the courtroom.
Colleen’s conflict resolution approach weaves together practical business insight, active listening, and strategic foresight. Colleen leverages more than a decade of litigation experience to help people, whether business owners or families, settle legal disputes quickly, effectively, and creatively.
Colleen has received the following recognition:
Lawyer of the Year, North Carolina Lawyers Weekly (2020); North Carolina Lawyer Weekly’s Leaders in the Law (2020); Best Lawyers in America (2020); North Carolina Super Lawyers, Rising Star (2016–2018); Business North Carolina Legal Elite, Young Guns (2016–2018); and Chamber of Commerce Winston Under 40 Leadership Award (2017).
Brought to you by:
Alta Pro Lawyers Risk Purchasing Group provides innovative, intelligent, professional insurance underwriting, claims, risk management, product development, and sales and marketing services to our clients using state of the art information technology.
CLE Credit:
The webinar is free to persons in our program states, otherwise you may have to pay a small attendance fee (~$2) to your state
Each Webinar in this series awards 1.00 Regular Credit
Part 1 - Communicate Like a Pro - May 22, 2024 1:00-2:00pm EST
Part 2 - Build Your Legal Practice Like a Pro - Aug 28, 2024 1:00-2:00pm EST
Part 3 - Manage Your Legal Practice Like a Pro - Oct 2, 2024 1:00-2:00pm EST
Part 4 - Negotiate Like a Pro - Nov 6, 2024 1:00-2:00pm EST

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