Wednesday, June 19, 2024

July 30: Defective Notices to Appear

The ABA Children’s Immigration Law Academy (CILA) invites you to a webinar presentation The ABA Children’s Immigration Law Academy (CILA) invites you to join us as experts from the National Immigration Litigation Alliance (NILA) discuss recent issues and developments in case law, including those surrounding defective notices to appear (NTAs).
During this webinar, NILA cover:
  • Defective NTA issues generally and including:
  • Campos-Chaves v. Garland, No. 22-674, argued before the Supreme Court in January 2024;
  • Matter of Aguilar-Hernandez, 28 I. & N. Dec. 774 (BIA 2024);
  • Suate-Orellana v. Garland, (9th Cir. 2024), and other select circuit court decisions; and  
  • Flores v. Garland, No. CV 85-4544-DMG (AGRx) (C.D. Cal. Apr. 3, 2024), the recent decision enforcing the Flores agreement regarding children in immigration detention on Open Air Detention Sites (OADS).
Defective Notices to Appear
July 30, 2024 
3:00 PM EDT / 2:00 PM CDT / 1:00 PM MDT / 12:00 PM PDT.
 Register Now!
  • Trina Realmuto, Executive Director, NILA  
  • Kristin Macleod-Ball, Senior Staff Attorney, NILA  
ABA Children's Immigration Law Academy (CILA).
The ABA will seek 1.5 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states, and 1.8 hours of CLE credit for this program in 50-minute states. Credit hours are estimated and are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules. Please visit for general information on CLE at the ABA. Please visit for general information on CLE at the ABA.

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