The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) Task Force on Judicial Excellence (TFOJE) will hold its second public forum on Thursday, February 24, 2011, at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in the Moot Courtroom from 7 to 9 p.m. The topic of this forum will be: "What We Know About Judicial Elections in Ohio – creating a 'baseline' for judicial election processes in Ohio, and especially Cuyahoga County." In addressing this topic, the TFOJE aims to discuss (a) a brief history of why we elect judges in Ohio; (b) the inherent conflicts in an elective system involving the judiciary; (c) what we know about how people make decisions in judicial elections; and (d) what can be done to help voters to make more informed judgments when voting for judge. Speakers will include Lawrence Baum, Professor of Political Science at The Ohio State University, and Michael E. Solimine, the Donald P. Klekamp Professor of Law at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. Professor Baum will present on his empirical studies of how and why voters select candidates in the voting booth. Professor Solomine is the most frequent author of law reviews on Ohio and its election of judges. The forum will be open to the public for comment. The CMBA is approved for 2.0 hours of CLE credit from the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on CLE.
Thu, 02/24/2011 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
1801 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 (Moot Court Room) Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association's Task Force on Judicial Excellence The Task Force on Judicial Excellence is an initiative of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association that seeks to study, evaluate and make recommendations to improve the system through which Ohio elects judges. Comprised of experienced local attorneys from diverse practices, the Task Force holds monthly public forums that give members the opportunity to gather information and elicit suggestions. For more information on the Task Force, visit and What We Know About Judicial Elections in Ohio Read articles by Lawrence Baum (below are links to summaries and the full articles) |
Subject Matter:
RCW 13.36 Guardianships
When: February 25, 2011 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. Where: Attorney General's Office, Chief Sealth Room 800 5th Ave., 20th Floor, Seattle Credits: 1.25 CLE credits pending
WSBA Juvenile Law Section -
Check back for more information and registration form:
The Irreverent Lawyer writes: "General online learning can provide another creative way to free CLE Granted, approval from your jurisdiction will be required to obtain credit. But there's a lot of upside to the following creative approach to getting free continuing legal education through non traditional CLE study in Law or Philosophy. The Internet has made widely available a treasure trove of free high-quality online academic video lectures to the general public through websites like Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures. And lawyers can also benefit from their offerings. For example ..." ...Read more at General online learning can provide another creative way to free CLE |
The Toledo Intellectual Property Law Association (TIPLA) is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the 2011 Spring Seminar on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. This year's Seminar is entitled "A Comprehensive Approach to Protecting Designs: The Overlap of Patent Design, Trade Dress, and Copyright Protection" and is intended for attorneys, paralegals, academics, business leaders, and interested parties. The Seminar will include a substantive lecture portion along with a panel discussion applying the various forms of IP protection to a hypothetical product design.
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Location: The University of Toledo, College of Law
Time: 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Registration begins @ 12:00 p.m.)
Cost: Free TIPLA members (4.0 hours of CLE) $100 Non-TIPLA members (4.0 hours of CLE) Free Students / Businesses / Others Guest Speakers:
Click here for a brochure providing additional information along with a registration form. We ask that you please RSVP by March 4th to receive lecture materials, however, admission will also be permitted at the door. 4.0 hours of Ohio CLE will be available (pending approval) for those who qualify. Beverages and light snacks will be provided before and during the event.
Please feel free to contact any of the TIPLA Officers with questions or comments.
– Brent Bondy Toledo Intellectual Property Law Association
When: March 10, 2011 at 5:30 PM
Where: Hunter College in New York City
RSVP Contact: or 516.741.4723
Title: "The Effects of the Foreclosure Crisis on the Practice of Law: How to Avoid Pitfalls"
According to Jeff Hammond, principal analyst from Forrester Research, "when it comes to Enterprise IT adoption, open source has 'Crossed the Chasm' " and is a mainstream part of most development processes. But open source, while free, is not free of license obligations and can impact the valuation of a company's IP and software assets. For people involved in M&A transactions open source can present significant challenges and issues that need to be managed properly to minimize or avoid risks related to valuation, delays in the process, or potentially even loss of a deal.
This webinar ( ) will focus on the legal issues involving open source and M&A transactions. Attendees will learn a recommended process and how to discover potential issues, including the use of technology to scan software to uncover unknown open source and its associated license obligations. Angela Zeigenhorn, a Director in Symantec's Legal Department, along with Karen Copenhaver of Choate Hall & Stewart and Mark Radcliffe of DLA Piper will discuss strategy and perspective on this subject, how they approach it based on their years of experience, and recommendations. Black Duck has teamed up with thought leaders from the open source community to address a range of issues from the basics of open source to more advanced topics on open source management, strategy and best practices.
For the next Webinar in the series, Karen Copenhaver, partner at Choate Hall & Stewart and Counsel for the Linux Foundation and Mark Radcliffe, partner at DLA Piper and General Counsel for the Open Source Initiative (OSI), will join Angela Zeigenhorn, a Director in Symantec's legal department to cover open source software legal issues in M&A. Each Webinar will be presented live and then archived for future viewing. MCLE credit is offered for this Webinar. For more information on MCLE credit, please visit our website