Richard Clem |
This is the first hour of a four-part comprehensive review of the Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys in states including Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, and Minnesota. Most states have adopted substantially similar rules governing lawyers, and this course will review the rules as adopted in these and other states. Where the rules differ, we will go over the differences as adopted in other states. Seeing these differences gives insight into the meaning of the rule in all states. Many lawyers review the Rules in their entirety only once, and that is before they take the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam in law school. But the rules change over the years and decades, and some of the finer points might be forgotten. We'll cover many of the rules, and the written materials will cover the rules in their entirety. The parts stand alone and can be taken in any order. The course materials for this portion of the program are available at this link.
This program will cover Rules 1.0 through 1.6. Rules 1.7 through 8.5 will be covered in a program held on different dates, including November 20.
During the program, there will be an opportunity for all participants to submit questions via e-mail or at the end of the program. The program will be fully interactive and participatory.
Pre-register Now!
Attendance will be taken. During the program, a "PIN number" will also be given. Attorneys in some states, such as Indiana, will need to e-mail this PIN number in order to receive a certificate of completion.
Ethics Refresher 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
1:00 PM Eastern
Noon Central
11:00 AM Mountain
10:00 AM Pacific.
Please call in at least five minutes prior to the start time so that attendance and opening remarks can be taken care of prior to the start of the program.
To register, simply e-mail clem.law@usa.net with any information that you need included on the certificate of completion, such as your name, address, and state bar number. The sponsor will manually e-mail you instructions for calling and the access code. Please note that this will be sent manually, so please allow a day or two to receive it.
Richard P. Clem has been in private practice in the Twin Cities for 25 years. His reported cases include: Asociacion Nacional de Pescadores a Pequena Escala o Artesanales de Colombia v. Dow Quimica de Colombia, 988 F.2d 559, rehearing denied, 5 F.3d 530 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 510 U.S. 1041 (1994); LaMott v. Apple Valley Health Care Center, 465 N.W.2d 585 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991); Abo el Ela v. State, 468 N.W.2d 580 (Minn. Ct. App. 1991).
Richard Clem Continuing Legal Education
High quality, reasonably priced CLE opportunities
This is a convenient way to earn CLE credits at no cost. If you need additional credits, the sponsor has additional low-cost conference call programs available. There is, however, no obligation, and you're welcome to take the free program, even if you don't intend to take any additional programs.
Upon registration, you will be given a telephone number and access code. At the time of the program, you simply call in, enter the access code, and listen to the program. You can submit live questions during the program. Your only cost will be the normal long-distance charge to an Iowa telephone number. If you have unlimited long distance, there will be no cost whatsoever.
International callers, please note that North America will be on standard time at the time of this program, which means that the start time is 1800 Greenwich Mean Time (UTC). This is the same as 1:00 PM New York time and 12:00 noon Chicago time.
CLE Credit has been applied for/approved or is available in the following states:
- Alaska: Alaska Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in or from other states if the program has been accredited by another MCLE jurisdiction
- Arizona: The State Bar of Arizona does not accredit programs for the MCLE requirement. The Rules and Regulations are predicated on the assumption that attorneys can evaluate CLE activities offered based on the guidelines and report their activities by affidavit.
- Arkansas: Upon receipt of a completed certificate of attendance form confirming attendance at an out-of-state continuing legal education program approved by the situs state, the attorney shall be entitled to CLE credits in Arkansas.
- California: Program is eligible for California CLE credit only if the attorney is calling in from outside of California. The program cannot be taken for California credit if you call in from California.
- Colorado: Colorado attorneys should submit a Colorado Affidavit form along with a statement certifying that the CLE program is accredited in another mandatory CLE state.
- Florida: Courses approved by other state bars are generally acceptable for use toward satisfying CLE requirement but attorneys must first submit a CLE Application for Course Attendance Credit.
- Hawaii: Program is eligible for Hawaii CLE credit only if the attorney is calling in from outside of Hawaii. The program cannot be taken for Hawaii credit if you call in from Hawaii.
- Indiana: 1.0 ethics CLE credit (distance education) applied for. Indiana attorneys may use up to 6 distance education credits per reporting cycle.
- Iowa: 1.0 ethics CLE credit approved (Iowa activity # 118698).
- Maine: Credit hours for activities approved by another MCLE state will be accepted for identical credit by the Board of Overseers of the Bar in Maine upon the Board's receipt of evidence of such certification as issued by that state
- Minnesota: 1.0 ethics CLE credit applied for (Minnesota event code 184113).
- Montana: Montana will honor the approval given by other CLE jurisdictions. Simply attach documentation of the other state's approval to your affidavit at the end of the reporting year.
- New Jersey: New Jersey attorneys who are taking courses approved for CLE by another state will receive 1:1 credit for courses approved in that jurisdiction through reciprocity.
- New York: Attorneys may claim New York CLE hours if the program is accredited in states including Indiana and Wisconsin.
- Washington: 1 live ethics CLE credit approved; MCLE ID 353372.
- Wisconsin: 1.0 ethics and professional responsibility CLE credit applied for.
- Other States: CLE credit is available in many other states if the participating attorney applies for credit. For further information on reciprocity, see the Baran CLE Reciprocity Guide.
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