Raj Bhala of the University of Kansas School of Law will present the
fall 2011 Law Journal Lecture at the University of St. Thomas School of
Law on Wednesday, Nov. 2 His presentation is titled, “The Doha Round as a Failed Instrument in Counter-Terrorism.”
The Doha Round is a program of the World Trade Organization.
According to the WTO, the goals of the program are “. . . to achieve
major reform of the international trading system through the
introduction of lower trade barriers and revised trade rules.” In his
lecture, Bhala will focus particularly on the issues of agricultural
tariffs and subsidies.
Bhala is the associate dean for International and Comparative Law and
Rice Distinguished Professor at the University of Kansas School of
Law. His expertise is in the area of international trade law including
Shari’a (or Islamic law). Robert Delahunty of the St. Thomas School of
Law and Frank Garcia from Boston College Law will respond to Bhala’s
The event, which is open to the public, will begin at 4:30 p.m. in
the Frey Moot Courtroom on the St. Thomas School of Law’s Minneapolis
campus, 1000 LaSalle Avenue · Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403-2015.
Bhala is the author of “Understanding Islamic Law (Shari’a)” and is
often called on for his expertise. He recently taught a course at Ft.
Leavenworth in Kansas as an elective to Command and General Staff
College students through a program funded by the U.S. Army John F.
Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. Bhala was charged with
helping the leaders understand Shari’a law, and in some cases he
indicated being able to help them understand where violence extremists
are misusing the law.
CLE credits have been applied for. A reception for attendees will be
held immediately following the event. For more information or to
preregister please contact lawrsvp@stthomas.edu.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Intellectual Property Risk Management - On-demand #ethics CLE
Attendees will learn about the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Responsibility, how they differ from USPTO rules and authority, and the Office of Enrollment and Discipline (OED) governance. The program will examine conflicts of interest that may arise with existing and potential clients and malpractice issues as defined by the ABA Model Rules.
Topics discussed:
- Representation of others before the USPTO
- OED compliance and disciplinary actions
- Consistent types of conduct giving rise to malpractice complaints
- Patent Office Rules of Conduct (15 minutes)
- ABA Rules of Professional Conduct (20 minutes)
- Conduct to Leading to Malpractice Complaints (25 minutes)
Intellectual Property Risk Management
Jul. 8, 2009
- NY: 1 credit Ethics; Credit Expires 7/7/2012; WA (Activity ID 234615 - expires 2014)
- Other Jurisdictions: Check with your credit-granting authority
Donald W. Rupert, Esq., Partner, Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
Donald W. Rupert provides intellectual property counseling and litigation with an emphasis on complex technology matters, including all phases of intellectual property litigation, and the negotiation and preparation of technology transfer agreements. Mr. Rupert has handled nearly 100 intellectual property lawsuits in his career and has been lead counsel in jury and bench trials involving patent, copyright, trademark and related matters in federal and state courts throughout the country and overseas and has argued cases before the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the Seventh Circuit.
His practice also includes negotiating domestic and international licensing and litigation settlements and corporate due diligence reviews and transactions in the intellectual property area. Mr. Rupert has been the lead intellectual property attorney in licensing and corporate transactions having a cumulative value of more than $15 billion. His experiences also include patent prosecution in the mechanical, electrical, computer, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. He is a member of the American Arbitration Association Commercial Panel of Arbitrators, arbitrating intellectual property disputes.
Offered By
Practicing Law Institute
Nov 15/Web - Tips for Texas - Current Issues Facing Texas Law Firms (#ethics CLE)
Join speakers Jay Thompson, Texas attorney of 39 years and a partner at Thompson Coe and Sally Field, Texas attorney of 30 years and Legal Professional Liability Leader for Attorney Protective as they discuss current issues facing Texas law firms. Topics will include 2011 legislation passed, tips for lawyers to avoid malpractice based on the conduct of staff, client relations issues and ethics updates.
Current Issues Facing Texas Law Firms
November 15, 2011 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST.
Current Issues Facing Texas Law Firms
November 15, 2011 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST.
Pre-Registration Required:
This webinar is currently approved for 1 hour of CLE (ethics) credit in Texas.More:
Pre-Registration Required:
This webinar is currently approved for 1 hour of CLE (ethics) credit in Texas.More:
Friday, October 28, 2011
Nov 3/Dallas, TX - Managing Risk in a Changing Environment: The SEC's New Whistleblower Rules and Innovative Approaches to Prevent and Detect #Fraud
The fraud risks for public companies and financial services businesses have never been greater. Dire economic conditions and an aggressive regulatory and enforcement environment are challenging companies to rethink the scope of their internal compliance and reporting systems - as well as their response to reports of wrongdoing. Of particular concern are the whistleblower provisions under Section 21F of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which provide for large monetary awards for individuals who report misconduct to the SEC and others. Our panelists will address fraud drivers in the current environment; global regulatory and enforcement initiatives; the impact of the Dodd-Frank whistleblower provisions; and innovative approaches for managing the challenges ahead.
Thompson & Knight & Navigant Consulting Seminar -"Managing Risk in a Changing Environment: The SEC's New Whistleblower Rules and Innovative Approaches to Prevent and Detect Fraud"
Nov 3, 2011 at 8:00-8:30 a.m. - Breakfast & Registration; 8:30-10:00 a.m. - Program
Thompson & Knight LLP
1722 Routh Street, Suite 1500
Dallas, Texas 75209
William M. Katz, Jr. and Rose L. Romero
1.5 hours of CLE and CPE (Texas and New York) are pending approval. Newly admitted attorneys are not eligible for CLE credit in New York.
For more information about this program, please contact Hadleigh Henderson at Hadleigh.Henderson@tklaw.com or 214.969.1743
RSVP For Program
Thompson & Knight & Navigant Consulting Seminar -"Managing Risk in a Changing Environment: The SEC's New Whistleblower Rules and Innovative Approaches to Prevent and Detect Fraud"
Nov 3, 2011 at 8:00-8:30 a.m. - Breakfast & Registration; 8:30-10:00 a.m. - Program
Thompson & Knight LLP
1722 Routh Street, Suite 1500
Dallas, Texas 75209
William M. Katz, Jr. and Rose L. Romero
1.5 hours of CLE and CPE (Texas and New York) are pending approval. Newly admitted attorneys are not eligible for CLE credit in New York.
For more information about this program, please contact Hadleigh Henderson at Hadleigh.Henderson@tklaw.com or 214.969.1743
RSVP For Program
Nov 3/Pittsburgh - The Future of the Establishment Clause in Context: Neutrality, Religion, or Avoidance?

This disarray has led to intractable controversies over such issues as "one Nation under God" and "In God We Trust". Government neutrality toward religion is now challenged by some members of a newly assertive, national religious majority. Conversely, a growing number of nonbelievers, especially among the young, reject even generic references to God. Disappointingly, the Supreme Court has responded to these developments by limiting standing to bring Establishment Clause challenges, rather than by a coherent reinterpretation of the text.
In conjunction with a symposium issue of The Chicago-Kent Law Review, six scholars will explore the future of the Establishment Clause in terms of this contested context at Duquesne University School of Law on November 3, 2011. They will inquire into the possibilities set forth by the three paths open to us into the future of religion in the public square: a new government neutrality, a new relationship of government and religion, and a new understanding of how the Establishment Clause is to be enforced.
The Future of the Establishment Clause in Context: Neutrality, Religion, or Avoidance?
Thursday, November 3, 2011
12:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Symposium Presenters
- Bruce Ledewitz, Professor of Law, Duquesne University School of Law
- Christopher Lund, Assistant Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School
- Zachary R. Calo, Associate Professor of Law, Valparaiso University School of Law
- Samuel J. Levine, Professor of Law, and Director of the Jewish Law Institute, Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center
- Richard Albert, Assistant Professor of Law, Boston College Law School
- Mark C. Rahdert, Charles Klein Professor of Law & Government, Temple University Beasley School of Law
This course has been approved by the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board for three (3) hours of substantive law, practice and procedure CLE credit and zero (0) hours of ethics, professionalism or substance abuse CLE credit.
No CLE fee charged for this Symposium
To register, contact Kathy Koehler at 412.396.6282 or koehler@duq.edu
And thanks for the head's up from:
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Anytime/Web: Insurance Law Fundamentals
Learning the nuts and bolts of insurance law is the first step toward successfully litigating claims involving insurance disputes. In this program, our accomplished presenters give attorneys with little experience in insurance law, as well as those looking for a refresher course, the knowledge they need to confidently tackle an insurance case. This program is for litigators, transactional attorneys, and in-house counsel who encounter insurance related issues in their practice.
Topics of this program include:
With Lexvid, you can fulfill all* of your MCLE Requirements without paying a dime!
Topics of this program include:
- The Duty to Defend
- Indemnity
- Umbrella and Excess Insurance
- Bad Faith Issues
- Subrogation
Insurance Law FundamentalsDan M. Forman, Partner, Carlton, DiSante & Freudenberger, LLP. Credit: 1.75
______________________________ |

Simply create a free account, choose a program from our library of accredited content, and begin viewing! Once you have completed a program, we will send you a certificate of completion.
Yes, it's that easy!
What's more, Lexvid automatically tracks your viewing progress, allowing you to stop and restart a program any time you wish, and will keep you informed of any new programs added to our library that are relevant to your practice.
Go here to learn more.
*Limitations on the number of MCLE hours that can be earned online apply in some states. Please visit www.lexvid.com to learn more.
Yes, it's that easy!
What's more, Lexvid automatically tracks your viewing progress, allowing you to stop and restart a program any time you wish, and will keep you informed of any new programs added to our library that are relevant to your practice.
Go here to learn more.
*Limitations on the number of MCLE hours that can be earned online apply in some states. Please visit www.lexvid.com to learn more.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Nov 15/Chicago & Web - Personality Disorders
Darlene Perry of the Chicago School of Professional Psychology Forensic Center will discuss the key issues and concerns in working with individuals with personality disorders.
Personality DisordersSponsors:
Darlene Perry of the Chicago School of Professional
Psychology Forensic Center will discuss the key issues and concerns in
working with individuals with personality disorders.
During the live webcast, you will be able to apply for CLE credit. More: http://www.illinoislegaladvocate.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=calendar.calendarDetails&eventID=3700
Personality DisordersSponsors:
Volunteer Legal Services Foundation
Illinois Legal Aid Online |
Date: | Tuesday, November 15, 2011 |
Time: | 12:15 PM - 01:15 PM |
Location: | 100 N. LaSalle Suite 900 Chicago, IL 60602 |
Speakers: | Darlene Perry, Chicago School of Professional Psychology Forensic Center |
Request MCLE Credit
This webcast is eligible for 1 hours of MCLE credit.During the live webcast, you will be able to apply for CLE credit. More: http://www.illinoislegaladvocate.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=calendar.calendarDetails&eventID=3700
Oct 31/ CA - The Story Behind Maxwell v. J. Baker (#ethics and #IP )
Gender disparity in intellectual property law is pronounced. According to a study American Intellectual Property Law Association just 18 percent of IP attorneys are women. The disparity is also apparent in the number of patents awarded. Just 10 percent of patents are awarded to women.
A free CLE at the end of this month, sponsored by Law Week Colorado and Merchant & Gould, will explore these disparities. It will include presentations by inventor Susan Maxwell; Daniel McDonald and Kirstin Stoll-Debell, patent and trademark litigators with Merchant & Gould; and Lisa DeCaro, a jury consultant with Courtroom Performance.
Maxwell, who invented a system for connecting mated pairs of shoes to prevent separation and possible mismatching when offered for sale in self-service stores, will speak to her experience as a female inventor and plaintiff in a number of patent infringement cases, most notably Maxwell v. Baker.
The CLE will include a panel discussion, and two ethics or general credits are available. For more information, contact Brandon Pohlman at Brandon@CircuitMedia.com.
A free CLE at the end of this month, sponsored by Law Week Colorado and Merchant & Gould, will explore these disparities. It will include presentations by inventor Susan Maxwell; Daniel McDonald and Kirstin Stoll-Debell, patent and trademark litigators with Merchant & Gould; and Lisa DeCaro, a jury consultant with Courtroom Performance.
Maxwell, who invented a system for connecting mated pairs of shoes to prevent separation and possible mismatching when offered for sale in self-service stores, will speak to her experience as a female inventor and plaintiff in a number of patent infringement cases, most notably Maxwell v. Baker.
The CLE will include a panel discussion, and two ethics or general credits are available. For more information, contact Brandon Pohlman at Brandon@CircuitMedia.com.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Nov 7/Sunnyvale, CA - Effective Tactics and #Ethical Concerns in Securities Proceedings
In celebration of Pro Bono Month, this MCLE
seminar, presented by SCCBA, SABA-NC and ACC-SFBA, is free to pro bono
volunteers who sign up to staff two SABA legal clinics between October
1, 2011 and March 31, 2012.
Can overly aggressive courtroom tactics backfire? How should in-house
and outside counsel handle their ethical and fiduciary responsibilities
with respect to nonpublic information? How do you identify and
effectively manage potential conflicts of interest between parties or
between companies and their employees?
The Pro Bono Committees of the South Asian Bar Association of Northern California, the Santa Clara County Bar Association and the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel are pleased to co-sponsor a seminar that will offer insights on these thorny issues from both a seasoned litigator and a judge.
Effective Tactics and Ethical Concerns in Securities Proceedings
NetApp, Inc.
495 East Java Drive
Building 1, Founders Theater
Sunnyvale, CA
This seminar will provide an overview of:
SCCBA, SABA-NC and ACC-SFBA thank NetApp for hosting this seminar through the use of its conference facilities.
How to Register: If you are interested in volunteering, please check the volunteer schedule on the SABA pro bono website, http://www.southasianbar.org/committees/pro-bono-committee, and contact probono@southasianbar.org to let us know which dates you wish to volunteer. You will receive the promo code and instructions on how to register for the seminar.
Once you have confirmed your assignment with SABA please contact Angie Loyola atangiel@sccba.com for free registration.
Volunteers: Free of Charge
Non-volunteers: $45.00
MCLE Credit: 1.5 Legal Ethics State Bar of California Approved
The Pro Bono Committees of the South Asian Bar Association of Northern California, the Santa Clara County Bar Association and the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel are pleased to co-sponsor a seminar that will offer insights on these thorny issues from both a seasoned litigator and a judge.
Effective Tactics and Ethical Concerns in Securities Proceedings
NetApp, Inc.
495 East Java Drive
Building 1, Founders Theater
Sunnyvale, CA
This seminar will provide an overview of:
- Effective (and ineffective) courtroom tactics
- Ethical concerns for both in-house and outside counsel, including conflicts of interest in multi-party cases and between companies and their employees
- The use of confidential and nonpublic information
SCCBA, SABA-NC and ACC-SFBA thank NetApp for hosting this seminar through the use of its conference facilities.
How to Register: If you are interested in volunteering, please check the volunteer schedule on the SABA pro bono website, http://www.southasianbar.org/committees/pro-bono-committee, and contact probono@southasianbar.org to let us know which dates you wish to volunteer. You will receive the promo code and instructions on how to register for the seminar.
Once you have confirmed your assignment with SABA please contact Angie Loyola atangiel@sccba.com for free registration.
Volunteers: Free of Charge
Non-volunteers: $45.00
MCLE Credit: 1.5 Legal Ethics State Bar of California Approved
Monday, October 24, 2011
Nov 9/Web - Overview of Asylum Law and Procedures & Working with Survivors of #Torture
Probono Net reports:
More Information:On Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 2:00 pm ET, please join us for a 90-minute webinar with an asylum law expert from Human Rights First, which will focus on pro bono representation of asylum-seekers in the United States. During this webinar, you will learn about some of the key issues in asylum law, and will get an introduction to representing asylum-seekers before the Asylum Offices and the Immigration Courts. You will also learn about the bars to asylum and will gain insight into how best to work with survivors of torture.
To register for this free webinar, click here.
Membership to http://probono.net/Asylum is not required to attend this webinar, but it is encouraged.
Also, don't forget to visit the resource library, where you will also find a recorded webinar presentation on creating a successful social group for an asylum claim. (login required - if you are not currently a member of probono.net/Asylum, please join now!)Why Volunteer?
There are more people fleeing persecution today than at any time since World War II. As the need for help becomes more critical, however, countries with traditionally liberal asylum policies, among them the United States, have developed new barriers to turn away refugees seeking protection.
Collectively, volunteer and staff lawyers working with our host organizations represent more than 1,500 clients from more than 70 countries. These cases generally involve representation of an individual seeking asylum, including preparation of an application with a supporting brief and affidavits and a hearing before an INS administrative law judge. These cases provide great training for new litigators and are tremendous opportunities for people interested in human rights issues.
Why Join?
This website contains tremendous online support and resources for its participating lawyers, including news, a calendar of trainings and events, online listings of new cases for volunteers, and an online library of training manuals, briefs and practice materials.
The participants in this practice area come from many of the country's most prestigious law firms and public interest organizations. If you are interested in becoming a part of this growing online community, apply for membership now!
Nov 8/Minneapolis, MN - Searching Westlaw.com
The Hennepin County Law Library offers training on using technology to find law and legal materials. There is no charge for HCLL subscribers.
Searching Westlaw.com
- 1 hour CLE credit
- No charge to attend
- Hands-on training from a West instructor
- Focus on databases available in HCLL
- Focus on finding information
2011 Dates. Classes meet from 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.:
- Tuesday, November 8
- Tuesday, December 13
C-2451 Government
300 S. Sixth St.
Minneapolis, MN 55487
Voice: 612-348-3022
Fax: 612-348-2372
300 S. Sixth St.
Minneapolis, MN 55487
Voice: 612-348-3022
Fax: 612-348-2372
Register Online or call 612-348-3024
Oct 26/Cleveland - Civil Rights in a Post-911 World
The CM Law Library blog reports:
On Wednesday October 26, from 5:00 to 6:00pm, Michael Ratner will present his ideas on how civil rights have deteriorated since September 11, 2001, for the C|M|LAW community.
The lecture will take place in the Moot Court Room and one free hour of CLE is offered for attending.
Michael Ratner is President of the Center for Constitutional Rights, a nonprofit legal organization dedicated to protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. He served as co-counsel in the Supreme Court case of Rasul v. Bush, which established that detainees at Guantanamo Bay had the right to invoke habeas corpus. He continues to fight against the undermining of fundamental rights in the name of the “war on terror” by representing victims of torture, rendition, and domestic spying. He has taught at Yale Law School and Columbia University Law School and is the author of many books and articles. In 2006, he was included by the National Law Journal on the list of the “100 Most Influential Lawyers in America.”
Mr. Ratner will speak about the erosion of civil rights following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.More:
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Oct 28/NC - Re-Entry Barriers Facing your Clients and Legal Remedies (Multiple Locations)
Re-Entry Barriers Facing your Clients and Legal Remedies
Friday October 28th, 2011 from 10:30am to 2:00pm
Legal Services of Southern Piedmont
1431 Elizabeth Ave
Charlotte, NC 28204
Using video conferencing, attorneys will be able to participate in the live program at over a dozen statewide sites. Learn More!
Using video conferencing, attorneys will be able to participate in the live program at over a dozen statewide sites. Learn More!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Nov 1/Cleveland, OH - Navigating the Storm: The State Department Legal Adviser and International Law
Davis Robinson
will discuss the important role that attorneys play in shaping U.S.
foreign policy. He will also address the tendency of decision makers to
exclude lawyers from decisions and the negative impacts he has seen
arise in the foreign policy context as a result. He will explain how
involving the Legal Adviser helps the “Ship of State” avert crises. Mr.
Robinson will discuss his experiences in establishing the Iran-U.S.
Claims Tribunal, Operation "Urgent Fury" in Granada, the mining of
Nicaragua's Harbors and the Nicaragua ICJ Case, the Huguang Railroad
Bonds Case with China, and the Gulf of Maine Case before the ICJ.
Navigating the Storm: The State Department Legal Adviser and International Law
Speaker InformationDavis Robinson served as the U.S. Department of State's Legal Adviser under President Reagan from 1981 to 1984. During his tenure, he played a critical role in advising on numerous legal issues that impacted international law including the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and Operation "Urgent Fury" in Grenada. He also led U.S. efforts in negotiating the Gulf of Maine case before the International Court of Justice. As a career Foreign Service Officer, Davis also served Attorney-Adviser in the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and as Staff Assistant to the Secretary of State. Davis currently serves as Senior Managing Director at Richard C. Breeden & Co. LLC and is an Executive Committee member to the Canada-U.S. Law Institute.
SponsorCanada-U.S. Law Institute
of Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Co-sponsored byWestern Law
LocationMoot Courtroom (A59)
11075 East Blvd
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Free and open to the public. Lunch follows.
1 hr. continuing legal education credit available, pending approval.
At one-hour CLE activities, Ohio Supreme Court regulations require attorneys to be present for the entire hour to obtain credit. Therefore, registration for one-hour lectures will close at the time the event is scheduled to start. Everyone is welcome to attend the lecture, but we cannot submit CLE credit for late arrivals.
At events longer than one hour, we will submit credit based on an attorney’s arrival time and duration of attendance, but no less than the minimum of one full hour of attendance.
We encourage attendees to arrive at registration 20 minutes prior to the start of a lecture to sign in, obtain materials, and be seated.
Recording in any form is prohibited.
Navigating the Storm: The State Department Legal Adviser and International Law
Speaker InformationDavis Robinson served as the U.S. Department of State's Legal Adviser under President Reagan from 1981 to 1984. During his tenure, he played a critical role in advising on numerous legal issues that impacted international law including the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and Operation "Urgent Fury" in Grenada. He also led U.S. efforts in negotiating the Gulf of Maine case before the International Court of Justice. As a career Foreign Service Officer, Davis also served Attorney-Adviser in the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and as Staff Assistant to the Secretary of State. Davis currently serves as Senior Managing Director at Richard C. Breeden & Co. LLC and is an Executive Committee member to the Canada-U.S. Law Institute.
SponsorCanada-U.S. Law Institute
of Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Co-sponsored byWestern Law
LocationMoot Courtroom (A59)
11075 East Blvd
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Free and open to the public. Lunch follows.
1 hr. continuing legal education credit available, pending approval.
At one-hour CLE activities, Ohio Supreme Court regulations require attorneys to be present for the entire hour to obtain credit. Therefore, registration for one-hour lectures will close at the time the event is scheduled to start. Everyone is welcome to attend the lecture, but we cannot submit CLE credit for late arrivals.
At events longer than one hour, we will submit credit based on an attorney’s arrival time and duration of attendance, but no less than the minimum of one full hour of attendance.
We encourage attendees to arrive at registration 20 minutes prior to the start of a lecture to sign in, obtain materials, and be seated.
Recording in any form is prohibited.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Oct 22/Web - ABA General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division 2011 National Solo & Small Firm Conference (Track 3C)
Another Webcast from ALI-ABA!
ABA General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division 2011 National Solo & Small Firm Conference
The Magic of Collaborative Practice in Divorce Cases.
Just how does the magic of collaborative practice happen in chaotic world of divorce cases? The speaker will introduce the attendees to collaborative law through providing a brief history of this part of the law. Attendees will learn what team members are needed to achieve this interdisciplinary approach to the law, how to structure the collaborative process and the results that once may expect. Additionally, the Uniform Collaborative Law Act will be discussed as well
as other legal disputes besides divorce.
Running a Law Office on a MAC (and other APPLE products)
More and more solo and small firm attorneys have turned to the Mac and the Apple OS to run
their offices. Many more are considering whether they should make the switch. We will talk about the pros and cons of running your law office on the Mac in order to help you make the decision about whether to switch to the Mac. As we will talk about specific programs that may help you with your practice, if you are already a Mac user, you will not want to miss this program as you may discover that key piece of software you have searched for since you switched or something else that may make it easier for you to run your office because you have chosen to move to the Mac and the Apple OS.
Leveraging Technology for More Efficient ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) systems are designed to effectively prevent, manage, and resolve claims, conflicts, and disputes. The challenging part in any system design is to determine what will be ‘effective’ in any given situation to prevent disputes and to minimize the severity and cost of disputes that still occur. This session will explore how to leverage web-based technologies to design and manage efficient and effective ADR systems, and how to introduce clients to the benefits of utilizing ADR to prevent and minimize disputes.
Click here for information on subscription discounts and Group Viewing opportunities.
Purchase of this product provides online access for 180 days. If you are purchasing a live webcast, you will receive complimentary access to the on demand version for 180 days once it becomes available. Please note that the on demand and podcast versions may, or may not be accredited in your state.
If you intend to take a course for CLE credit, please make sure your state is listed in the "Accreditation" section to the upper right of the program description. Accreditation displayed is unique to the purchased program format (live conference, live webcast, on demand, podcast). Credit totals listed for live conferences are the maximum credits available. Credits issued will be based upon actual time in attendance. Credit totals for other formats are for complete programs. Partial credit is not available for any online or downloadable format.
West LegalEdcenter will not provide accreditation for states not listed.
ABA General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division 2011 National Solo & Small Firm Conference
The Magic of Collaborative Practice in Divorce Cases.
Just how does the magic of collaborative practice happen in chaotic world of divorce cases? The speaker will introduce the attendees to collaborative law through providing a brief history of this part of the law. Attendees will learn what team members are needed to achieve this interdisciplinary approach to the law, how to structure the collaborative process and the results that once may expect. Additionally, the Uniform Collaborative Law Act will be discussed as well
as other legal disputes besides divorce.
Running a Law Office on a MAC (and other APPLE products)
More and more solo and small firm attorneys have turned to the Mac and the Apple OS to run
their offices. Many more are considering whether they should make the switch. We will talk about the pros and cons of running your law office on the Mac in order to help you make the decision about whether to switch to the Mac. As we will talk about specific programs that may help you with your practice, if you are already a Mac user, you will not want to miss this program as you may discover that key piece of software you have searched for since you switched or something else that may make it easier for you to run your office because you have chosen to move to the Mac and the Apple OS.
Leveraging Technology for More Efficient ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) systems are designed to effectively prevent, manage, and resolve claims, conflicts, and disputes. The challenging part in any system design is to determine what will be ‘effective’ in any given situation to prevent disputes and to minimize the severity and cost of disputes that still occur. This session will explore how to leverage web-based technologies to design and manage efficient and effective ADR systems, and how to introduce clients to the benefits of utilizing ADR to prevent and minimize disputes.
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Practice Areas: | ![]() | Accounting & Business of Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Domestic Relations, Family Law, Law Practice Management , Law Practice Technology |
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Online Media Type: | ![]() | Video |
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Production Date: | ![]() | 10/22/2011 10:10 AM EDT |
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Level: | ![]() | Intermediate |
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Category: | ![]() | Standard |
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Duration: | ![]() | 4 Hours, 20 Minutes |
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Online Format: | ![]() | Live |
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Speakers: | ||||||||||||
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Click here for information on subscription discounts and Group Viewing opportunities.
Purchase of this product provides online access for 180 days. If you are purchasing a live webcast, you will receive complimentary access to the on demand version for 180 days once it becomes available. Please note that the on demand and podcast versions may, or may not be accredited in your state.
If you intend to take a course for CLE credit, please make sure your state is listed in the "Accreditation" section to the upper right of the program description. Accreditation displayed is unique to the purchased program format (live conference, live webcast, on demand, podcast). Credit totals listed for live conferences are the maximum credits available. Credits issued will be based upon actual time in attendance. Credit totals for other formats are for complete programs. Partial credit is not available for any online or downloadable format.
West LegalEdcenter will not provide accreditation for states not listed.
Accreditation: | ||||||||
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
Oct 24-28/Ohio - Pro Bono Week CLEs in Northeast #Ohio
National Pro Bono Week is October 22 – 29, 2011… and many events will celebrate the week in Northeast Ohio. Click here for more information: lasclev.org/2011probonoweek/
There is still time to register for FREE continuing legal education presentations related to Pro Bono week. Click on the event below to learn more and register:
October 24, 9am – 12:15pm: Foreclosure Litigation
October 24, 1:30pm – 4:45pm: Foreclosure Mediation
October 26, 8:30am – 12:30pm: Domestic Relations BasicsOctober 26, 1:00pm – 3:30pm: Sealing a Criminal Record
October 26, 3:00pm – 5:00pm: Legal Considerations for the Terminally Ill
October 28, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Elder Law Update (Lake County)
All CLEs are free for attorneys willing to accept a pro bono case or attend a pro bono clinic.
And… don’t forget the free happy hour celebration on Wednesday, honoring all pro bono volunteers! Please join us at Barley House – click here to learn more and register.
Any questions? Email probono@lasclev.org
Oct 27/Web - Ethical and Early Resolution of Errors

Join speakers Alton Stephens, Partner at Gallagher Sharp
and attorney of 36 years and Sally Field, Legal Professional Liability
Leader of Attorney Protective, and attorney of 30 years to learn how to
limit the damage caused by mistakes in your law firm.
Join us for a Webinar on October 27, 2011
Oct. 27, 2011 12:00 PM-1:05 PM EDT.
Oct. 27, 2011 12:00 PM-1:05 PM EDT.
This course
has been approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing
Legal Education for 1.00 total CLE hours with 1.00 of ethics
Other Jurisdictions: Check with your credit-granting authority.
Oct 21/Web - Immigration Hearings 101: A Complete Tool Kit for Representing Children in #Immigration Court- Part 1
ABA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 2011 National Solo and Small Firm Conference (Track 3B) – worth 3 MCLE credits based on a 60 min hour. What they require is profile creation on the West Legal Education site - which is free to register!
Immigration Hearings 101: A Complete Tool Kit for Representing Children in Immigration Court- Part 1
Immigration Hearings 101: A Complete Tool Kit for Representing Children in Immigration Court- Part 1
This comprehensive CLE will be taught by experienced immigration lawyers and trainers and will provide lawyers with the tools needed to competently represent children in the immigration courts. This program is being sponsored by the GP Solo Pro Bono & Public Service Committee and upon completion of the training, attendees will be offered the opportunity to participate in immigration proceedings representing unaccompanied children, through established pro bono
programs that identify and screen clients, and provide mentors and support.
This comprehensive CLE will be taught by experienced immigration lawyers and trainers and will provide lawyers with the tools needed to competently represent children in the immigration courts. This program is being sponsored by the GP Solo Pro Bono & Public Service Committee and upon completion of the training, attendees will be offered the opportunity to participate in immigration proceedings representing unaccompanied children, through established pro bono
programs that identify and screen clients, and provide mentors and support.
Immigration Hearings 101: A Complete Tool Kit for Representing Children in Immigration Court – Part 2
This is the second part of the comprehensive CLE will be taught by experienced immigration
lawyers and trainers and will provide lawyers with the tools needed to competently represent
children in the immigration courts. This program is being sponsored by the GP Solo Pro Bono &
Public Service Committee and upon completion of the training, attendees will be offered the
opportunity to participate in immigration proceedings representing unaccompanied children, through established pro bono programs that identify and screen clients, and provide mentors and support.
This is the second part of the comprehensive CLE will be taught by experienced immigration
lawyers and trainers and will provide lawyers with the tools needed to competently represent
children in the immigration courts. This program is being sponsored by the GP Solo Pro Bono &
Public Service Committee and upon completion of the training, attendees will be offered the
opportunity to participate in immigration proceedings representing unaccompanied children, through established pro bono programs that identify and screen clients, and provide mentors and support.
The Changing Face of the Legal Profession: How Commoditization and Specialization Is
Permanently Altering the Practice of Law
For many years, the legal profession has operated from a bespoke approach, with services highly-tailored to the needs of every individual client. The proliferation of technology has changed that model, with more firms offering packaged services. Increasingly, legal services are being commoditized, which offers greater quality, consistency, and faster turnaround for a client.
How can a small or solo firm compete in this arena? This session will explore how cloud-based technologies can assist the small or solo firm to compete in this new model, while at the same time increasing client satisfaction.
Permanently Altering the Practice of Law
For many years, the legal profession has operated from a bespoke approach, with services highly-tailored to the needs of every individual client. The proliferation of technology has changed that model, with more firms offering packaged services. Increasingly, legal services are being commoditized, which offers greater quality, consistency, and faster turnaround for a client.
How can a small or solo firm compete in this arena? This session will explore how cloud-based technologies can assist the small or solo firm to compete in this new model, while at the same time increasing client satisfaction.
http://westlegaledcenter.com/program_guide/course_detail.jsf?courseId=41610921Anytime/Web - A New Approach in Open Source Compliance
The Linux Foundation, with support and participation from Black Duck Software and others, recently launched the Open Compliance Program and a new standardization effort, the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX™), to address this issue.
Depends on jurisdiction. You may have to register this seminar for credit in your jurisdiction.
Black Duck Software
Black Duck Software
More Information & Registration:
This is a recording of a webinar, and includes access to course materials.
This is a recording of a webinar, and includes access to course materials.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Nov 3/Web - New Developments in New York Mortgage Foreclosure Laws
Join us as we take a closer look at how cloud computing is impacting the
way attorneys practice law and how they interact with clients. Cloud
computing is still not fully understood by many attorneys and in this
webinar, we promise to keep the language simple and non-technical to
provide a good basis on what cloud computing is. As attorneys, you have a
responsibility to ensure you are safe guarding your client’s data;
learn what to look for when looking at a cloud computing solution.
You’ll learn the trends happening in the legal industry, how it will
change the way you practice, and how local and national bars are
reacting. In today’s environment, we see the rise of mobile apps, online
collaboration tools and cross-platform solutions that are being used to
solve real law firm business challenges.
New Developments in New York Mortgage Foreclosure Laws
More Information And Registration
New Developments in New York Mortgage Foreclosure Laws
Thursday, November 3, 2011
2:00 PM -
3:30 PM Eastern Time
Dangers and unintended consequences of new and proposed legislation in New York responding to the foreclosure crisis are explored by Bruce J. Bergman, author of Bergman on NY Mortgage Foreclosures,
in a new CLE offered by LexisNexis. Mr. Bergman will answer
questions and speak in-depth about new issues and what the future may
hold for mortgage foreclosure law and practice in New York during a complimentary webinar on Nov. 3, 2011 from 2:00-3:30 PM, ET.
Bruce J. Bergman is a partner at the Garden City, New York law firm Berkman, Henoch, Peterson, Peddy & Fenchel, P.C. and concentrates his practice on real estate litigation and mortgage foreclosure. He has authored more than 350 articles on the subjects of mortgage foreclosure, real estate and construction law. He is the author of the 3-volume work entitled Bergman on New York Mortgage Foreclosures, published by LexisNexis, which is updated by its author twice a year. This year is the 20th year that the treatise has been cited by New York courts and it was recently cited outside of New York, by the California Court of Appeal.
Mr. Bergman will discuss the following topics:
Bruce J. Bergman is a partner at the Garden City, New York law firm Berkman, Henoch, Peterson, Peddy & Fenchel, P.C. and concentrates his practice on real estate litigation and mortgage foreclosure. He has authored more than 350 articles on the subjects of mortgage foreclosure, real estate and construction law. He is the author of the 3-volume work entitled Bergman on New York Mortgage Foreclosures, published by LexisNexis, which is updated by its author twice a year. This year is the 20th year that the treatise has been cited by New York courts and it was recently cited outside of New York, by the California Court of Appeal.
Mr. Bergman will discuss the following topics:
- The unintended consequences of new foreclosure legislation
- The danger to lenders and foreclosing parties of contemplated and passed foreclosure legislation
- Standing: Is it even possible in light of proposed legislation?
- Impacts of residential foreclosure laws on commercial mortgages
- The problem of legislation awarding legal fees to borrowers
- The morass of passed omnibus foreclosure litigation effective 2010
- The peril of proposed New York City legislation on foreclosure and lender maintenance requirements
More Information And Registration
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Oct 26/St Paul, MN - The Role of Gender in the Practice of #Law: Perspectives from a Transgender Lawyer
The Role of Gender in the Practice of Law: Perspectives from a Transgender Lawyer
Oct 26 4:30:00 PM - 5:30:00 PM, Room 105
1536 Hewitt Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284
1 Elimination of Bias CLE credit for this presentation
The Role of Gender in the Practice of Law: Perspectives from a Transgender Lawyer
Oct 26 4:30:00 PM - 5:30:00 PM, Room 105
1536 Hewitt Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284
1 Elimination of Bias CLE credit for this presentation
Oct 26/Web+Cleveland - Is #Terrorism Worth Defining? (Continuing Legal Education)
"Case Downtown" Monthly Lecture Series
Oct 26, 2011 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
The City Club of Cleveland
850 Euclid Ave., 2nd floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44114CLE Credit:
1 of CLE credit available.
Michael P. Scharf
John Deaver Drinko – Baker and Hostetler Professor of Law
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Michael Scharf directs the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center, Henry T. King, Jr. War Crimes Research Office and the Summer Institute for Global Justice in The Netherlands, and serves as U.S. director of the Canada-U.S. Law Institute. He also directs the new LL.M. in International Criminal Law program at the School of Law. In February 2005, Prof. Scharf and the Public International Law and Policy Group, a Non-Governmental Organization that he co-founded and directs, were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by six governments and the Prosecutor of an International Criminal Tribunal for the work they have done to help in the prosecution of major war criminals, such as Slobodan Milosevic, Charles Taylor, and Saddam Hussein. During the first Bush and Clinton Administrations, Prof. Scharf served in the Office of the Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State, where he held the positions of Attorney-Adviser for Law Enforcement and Intelligence, Attorney-Adviser for U.N. Affairs, and delegate to the U.N. Human Rights Commission. Judicial clerk to Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat on the Eleventh Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, Prof. Scharf has testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Armed Services Committee and is the author of over 70 scholarly articles and 13 books, including three that have won national book of the year honors. Recipient of the Case Western Reserve University School of Law Alumni Association’s 2005 “Distinguished Teacher Award” and Ohio Magazine’s 2007 “Excellence in Education Award,” Prof. Scharf teaches International Law, International Criminal Law, the Law of International Organizations, and the War Crimes Research Lab. During a sabbatical in 2008, he served as Special Assistant to the Prosecutor of the Cambodia Genocide Tribunal. He received his B.A. (1985) and his J.D. (1988), Order of the Coif, from Duke University.
The City Club of Cleveland
850 Euclid Ave., 2nd floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44114CLE Credit:
1 of CLE credit available.
Michael P. Scharf
John Deaver Drinko – Baker and Hostetler Professor of Law
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Michael Scharf directs the Frederick K. Cox International Law Center, Henry T. King, Jr. War Crimes Research Office and the Summer Institute for Global Justice in The Netherlands, and serves as U.S. director of the Canada-U.S. Law Institute. He also directs the new LL.M. in International Criminal Law program at the School of Law. In February 2005, Prof. Scharf and the Public International Law and Policy Group, a Non-Governmental Organization that he co-founded and directs, were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by six governments and the Prosecutor of an International Criminal Tribunal for the work they have done to help in the prosecution of major war criminals, such as Slobodan Milosevic, Charles Taylor, and Saddam Hussein. During the first Bush and Clinton Administrations, Prof. Scharf served in the Office of the Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State, where he held the positions of Attorney-Adviser for Law Enforcement and Intelligence, Attorney-Adviser for U.N. Affairs, and delegate to the U.N. Human Rights Commission. Judicial clerk to Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat on the Eleventh Circuit Federal Court of Appeals, Prof. Scharf has testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Armed Services Committee and is the author of over 70 scholarly articles and 13 books, including three that have won national book of the year honors. Recipient of the Case Western Reserve University School of Law Alumni Association’s 2005 “Distinguished Teacher Award” and Ohio Magazine’s 2007 “Excellence in Education Award,” Prof. Scharf teaches International Law, International Criminal Law, the Law of International Organizations, and the War Crimes Research Lab. During a sabbatical in 2008, he served as Special Assistant to the Prosecutor of the Cambodia Genocide Tribunal. He received his B.A. (1985) and his J.D. (1988), Order of the Coif, from Duke University.
Free and open to the public. Reception follows.
1 hr. continuing legal education credit available, pending approval.
Recording in any form is prohibited.
http://law.case.edu/Lectures.aspx?lec_id=2761 hr. continuing legal education credit available, pending approval.
Recording in any form is prohibited.
Supplemental Readings:
Case Downtown Lectures will take place on the following dates:
Fall 2011: September 14, October 26, November 16, December 14
Spring 2012: January 11, February 8, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13
Fall 2011: September 14, October 26, November 16, December 14
Spring 2012: January 11, February 8, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Oct 20/Web - Internet and New Media, How Emerging Technologies Challenge Well-Established Legal Principles
EDITTED: this event, contrary to information on the CASE website, does not appear to be a CLE or open to the public. I apologize for this error.
Bob Gurwin,
Assistant General Counsel with AOL Inc., will discuss how the emergence
of social networks, sites that rely predominantly on user-generated
content, and new technologies like smart phones, tablets, cloud
computing, and streaming have given us reason to have a fresh look at
established principles in many areas of the law, including intellectual
property, privacy law, torts, and even criminal statutes.
How Emerging Technologies Challenge Well-Established Legal Principles
Center for Law, Technology, and the Arts
How Emerging Technologies Challenge Well-Established Legal Principles
Center for Law, Technology, and the Arts
Date/Time/Location:Oct 20, 2011 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Eastern)
Moot Courtroom (A59)
11075 East Blvd
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
CLE Credit:
1 of CLE credit available.
Bob Gurwin
Assistant General Counsel
AOL Inc.
Serving as an Assistant General Counsel for products and technology at AOL Inc., Bob Gurwin is also a lecturer and consultant on legal issues relating to the Internet and other forms of electronic communication, including copyrights, trademarks, domain name registrations, and disputes; web site terms of use, privacy policies, hosting, and development agreements; Internet advertising; technology licensing; and a variety of information technology transactions. He is licensed to practice in Michigan, Illinois, and the District of Columbia, and as corporate counsel in Virginia. Mr. Gurwin is also a member of the adjunct faculty at John Marshall Law School in Chicago where he has taught courses in the master of laws program in information technology. He holds a juris doctor degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Law and a master of laws degree in information technology and privacy law from John Marshall Law School. Mr. Gurwin has written and frequently presents on information technology topics.
CLE Credit:
Check your jurisdiction
More:Moot Courtroom (A59)
11075 East Blvd
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
CLE Credit:
1 of CLE credit available.
Bob Gurwin
Assistant General Counsel
AOL Inc.
Serving as an Assistant General Counsel for products and technology at AOL Inc., Bob Gurwin is also a lecturer and consultant on legal issues relating to the Internet and other forms of electronic communication, including copyrights, trademarks, domain name registrations, and disputes; web site terms of use, privacy policies, hosting, and development agreements; Internet advertising; technology licensing; and a variety of information technology transactions. He is licensed to practice in Michigan, Illinois, and the District of Columbia, and as corporate counsel in Virginia. Mr. Gurwin is also a member of the adjunct faculty at John Marshall Law School in Chicago where he has taught courses in the master of laws program in information technology. He holds a juris doctor degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Law and a master of laws degree in information technology and privacy law from John Marshall Law School. Mr. Gurwin has written and frequently presents on information technology topics.
CLE Credit:
Check your jurisdiction
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