Introduction to Legal Research on Fastcase (2014)
Wednesday, March 4, 2014
12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
Webcast - Preregistration Required
Credit:Typically Fastcase webinars are eligable for free CLE credit in Arizona, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois (ISBA members only), Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
February 18: San Francisco - Housing Negotiation Project Training

Pre-registration is required to attend.
Housing Negotiation Project Training
February 18, 2014
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
301 Battery Street
3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
This training will be given by JDC’s Supervising Attorneys.
Bar Association of San Francisco
MCLE Credits:
Free to volunteers
More Information And Registration
March 6: Webcast - Advanced Tips for Enhanced Legal Research on Fastcase (2014) #MCLE
This webinar is designed for new Fastcase users. This presentation offers a quick refresher on case law search basics as well as a number of research tips that highlight advanced features
Advanced Tips for Enhanced Legal Research on Fastcase (2014)
Wednesday, March 6, 2014
12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
Webcast - Preregistration Required
Credit:Typically Fastcase webinars are eligable for free CLE credit in Arizona, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois (ISBA members only), Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Advanced Tips for Enhanced Legal Research on Fastcase (2014)
Wednesday, March 6, 2014
12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
Webcast - Preregistration Required
Credit:Typically Fastcase webinars are eligable for free CLE credit in Arizona, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois (ISBA members only), Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
March 6: NYC - Avoiding Bankruptcy for Small Businesses in Financial Distress
Pre-registration required. Space is limited so register ASAP!
Avoiding Bankruptcy for Small Businesses in Financial Distress
Part of The Legal Aid Society's 2013-2014 CLE Pro Bono Training Program.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Registration 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Program: 6:30 -8:30 p.m.
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
767 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10153
The Legal Aid Society
CLE Credit: 2 credits total: 2 hours of professional practice/practice management. This program provides transitional credit for
newly admitted attorneys.
Faculty Chairs: Marcia Goldstein, Esq., Alfredo Perez, Esq., Ronit Berkovich, Esq., Abigail Zigman, Esq., and Candace Arthur, Esq., Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP; Peter Laurinaitis, Managing Director in Restructuing and Reorganizing, and Mark Buschmann, Managing Director in Restructuing and Reorganzing, The Blackstone Group.
Training is without charge, but attorneys who attend are expected to undertake the pro bono representation of one or more Legal Aid Society clients over the course of the next year. Participants will be enrolled as members of the NYC Pro Bono Center. Participating Attorneys may attend any session, but space is limited and priority is given to law firms whose generosity makes this program possible and who partner with The Legal Aid Society to provide pro bono legal services to low-income New Yorkers. These seminars also are open to SecondActs attorneys transitioning from a full-time legal practice or have retired and wish to contribute their time and expertise on behalf of low-income New Yorkers. See The Legal Aid Society Website for more information.about it and its Pro Bono Practice.
Monday, January 27, 2014
February 18: San Francisco - Introduction to Landlord Tenant Training
JDC's full scope Eviction Defense Project provides representation to clients during their eviction proceedings. These cases provide excellent litigation experience as the procedures are the same as those involved in business litigation-discovery, motions, settlement, and trial-on a more manageable level. Before you volunteer with this project, we ask that you attend this free MCLE training session.
This training will be given by JDC’s Supervising Attorney who will go over the volunteer procedures as well as the different types of cases we place with volunteers. The substantive portion of the training must be viewed ahead of time on the Practising Law Institute’s Web site. For more information on how to view this webcast and attend our live training, please email probono@sfbar.org. Pre-registration is required to attend.

Pre-registration is required to attend.
Introduction to Landlord Tenant Training
February 18, 2014
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
BASF Conference Center
301 Battery Street
3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
This training will be given by JDC’s Supervising Attorneys.
Bar Association of San Francisco
MCLE Credits:
1 Hour
Free to volunteers
More Information And Registration
This training will be given by JDC’s Supervising Attorney who will go over the volunteer procedures as well as the different types of cases we place with volunteers. The substantive portion of the training must be viewed ahead of time on the Practising Law Institute’s Web site. For more information on how to view this webcast and attend our live training, please email probono@sfbar.org. Pre-registration is required to attend.

Pre-registration is required to attend.
Introduction to Landlord Tenant Training
February 18, 2014
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
BASF Conference Center
301 Battery Street
3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
This training will be given by JDC’s Supervising Attorneys.
Bar Association of San Francisco
MCLE Credits:
1 Hour
Free to volunteers
More Information And Registration
March 5: Cleveland - Shale Gas, Climate Change and Ohio’s Economic Opportunity #MCLE
Shale Gas, Climate Change and Ohio’s Economic Opportunity
March 5, 2014
4:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.
Moot Courtroom (A59)
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
11075 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44106-7148
Bob Inglis, former U.S. Representative
By:The Center for Business Law and Regulation and the Energy & Enterprise Initiative at George Mason University
Free and open to the public. Pre-registration required.
More Free Ohio CLE: http://4freecle.blogspot.com/search/label/Ohio
Shale Gas, Climate Change and Ohio’s Economic Opportunity
March 5, 2014
4:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.
Moot Courtroom (A59)
Case Western Reserve University School of Law
11075 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44106-7148
Bob Inglis, former U.S. Representative
By:The Center for Business Law and Regulation and the Energy & Enterprise Initiative at George Mason University
2.5 hours of CLE credit available, pending approvalCost:
Free and open to the public. Pre-registration required.
More Free Ohio CLE: http://4freecle.blogspot.com/search/label/Ohio
Sunday, January 26, 2014
February 5: Chicago - Income #Tax Update
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Decalogue Society of Lawyers"Justice, Justice shalt thou pursue" |
Income Tax Update
Wednesday February 5, 2014
12:30 PM to 1:30 PM CST
Room 420
39 S LaSalle
Chicago, IL 60603
Lawrence R. Krupp, Director, Kessler Orlean Silver & Company, P.C.
Decalogue Society of Lawyers
1 Hour CLE credit
More Information And Registration
February 26: Stillwater, MN - Introduction to Research on WestlawNext

The Washington County Law Library is pleased to present the following Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs free of charge. These programs are presented in coordination with the Washington County (Minnesota) Bar Association,
but membership in the Association is not required for attendance.
Suggestions for programs are always welcome and should be directed to the County Law Librarian, who may be reached at 651-430-6330.
Introduction to Research on WestlawNext
Noon - 1:00 P.M.
February 26, 2014
Rm LL16, Washington County Government Center
(Please note the room change.)
14949 62nd Street North
Stillwater, MN 55082
One standard CLE Credit pending.
Christopher Duncan, Esq, Research Specialist, Thomson Reuters.
February 25: NYC - U Nonimmigrant Status: Obtaining Lawful Immigration Status for Crime Victims
Please note that this training is open only to attorneys from major law firms. If you have any questions, contact us at CLEtrainings@herjustice.org.
U Nonimmigrant status is offered to a victim of certain crimes, like domestic violence and rape, who cooperates in the investigation or prosecution of her attacker. A grant of U Nonimmigrant status allows an immigrant and her derivative family members to work and live lawfully in the United States, and creates a pathway to their being able to obtain lawful permanent resident status. It also allows a derivative family member residing abroad to enter the United States lawfully to be reunited with the crime victim.
Procedural and substantive aspects of filing a request for U Nonimmigrant status with immigration authorities will be discussed in detail. Training manuals and sample documents will be provided at the training.
Attorneys attending the training will be assigned a case, which may involve representing a crime victim and multiple derivatives, normally her children, for pro bono representation. Attorneys are expected to commit to taking a case pro bono either individually or as part of a team. Experienced Her Justice staff attorneys mentor and consult with pro bono teams throughout the course of representation.
The U Nonimmigrant Status application process is transactional and does not require that the attorney attend an interview with immigration authorities.
Please note that clients' children often reside abroad. In those cases, attorneys are expected to handle the derivative cases until the children successfully enter the United States. Her Justice will provide video CLE training and materials for Consular Processing for U Nonimmigrant Visas. Please contact us for more information.
An inMotion attorney will be assigned to mentor you on your matter. Our experienced staff attorneys are available to consult with you, to answer questions and to review documents throughout your inMotion matter.
Pre-registration is required for all trainings.
U Nonimmigrant Status: Obtaining Lawful Immigration Status for Crime Victims
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
12:30 – 3:00 pm
Shearman & Sterling LLP
599 Lexington Avenue
(between East 52nd & 53rd Streets)
New York, NY 10022
Pre-registration required.
inMotion, Justice for all Women
Trainings are offered to major law firm attorneys who are willing to take an inMotion pro bono matter following the completion of the training course.
This training is open to attorneys who are currently working on inMotion cases without the obligation to take on a new matter. It is also open to attorneys who are willing to take on a new pro bono case. InMotion attorneys are available to mentor volunteers on their cases.
U Nonimmigrant status is offered to a victim of certain crimes, like domestic violence and rape, who cooperates in the investigation or prosecution of her attacker. A grant of U Nonimmigrant status allows an immigrant and her derivative family members to work and live lawfully in the United States, and creates a pathway to their being able to obtain lawful permanent resident status. It also allows a derivative family member residing abroad to enter the United States lawfully to be reunited with the crime victim.
Procedural and substantive aspects of filing a request for U Nonimmigrant status with immigration authorities will be discussed in detail. Training manuals and sample documents will be provided at the training.
Attorneys attending the training will be assigned a case, which may involve representing a crime victim and multiple derivatives, normally her children, for pro bono representation. Attorneys are expected to commit to taking a case pro bono either individually or as part of a team. Experienced Her Justice staff attorneys mentor and consult with pro bono teams throughout the course of representation.
The U Nonimmigrant Status application process is transactional and does not require that the attorney attend an interview with immigration authorities.
Please note that clients' children often reside abroad. In those cases, attorneys are expected to handle the derivative cases until the children successfully enter the United States. Her Justice will provide video CLE training and materials for Consular Processing for U Nonimmigrant Visas. Please contact us for more information.
An inMotion attorney will be assigned to mentor you on your matter. Our experienced staff attorneys are available to consult with you, to answer questions and to review documents throughout your inMotion matter.
Pre-registration is required for all trainings.
U Nonimmigrant Status: Obtaining Lawful Immigration Status for Crime Victims
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
12:30 – 3:00 pm
Shearman & Sterling LLP
599 Lexington Avenue
(between East 52nd & 53rd Streets)
New York, NY 10022
Pre-registration required.
Esther H. Limb, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney, Her Justice.By:
inMotion, Justice for all Women
- 2.5 CLE credits upon course completion - 1.0 skills / 1.0 professional practice / 0.5 ethics
- Up to 10 CLE pro bono credits for providing a Her Justice client with direct legal representation (1 skills credit for every 120 minutes, up to a maximum of 10 credits per attorney registration period).
Trainings are offered to major law firm attorneys who are willing to take an inMotion pro bono matter following the completion of the training course.
This training is open to attorneys who are currently working on inMotion cases without the obligation to take on a new matter. It is also open to attorneys who are willing to take on a new pro bono case. InMotion attorneys are available to mentor volunteers on their cases.
February 7: Everywhere - Forum on the Construction Industry Diversity Fellowship 2014
This is an opportunity to obtain a great many CLE credits, as well as other benefits, at no cost. For example, membership in the ABA includes access to a number of CLEs that are free to members.
Forum on the Construction Industry Diversity Fellowship 2014
The ABA Forum on the Construction Industry is seeking diverse construction lawyers to apply for fellowships to be awarded in the spring of 2014. Up to four (4) three-year Fellowships may be awarded by the Forum each spring. Fellows receive the following benefits:
The ideal candidates will have a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in construction law. If you are aware of diverse construction lawyers who may be interested in applying for the 2014 Fellowship, please direct them to www.americanbar.org/groups/construction_industry where they can find more information about the ABA Forum on the Construction Industry and download an application for the 2014 Fellowship.
Completed Fellowship applications must be received on, or before, Friday, February 7, 2014.
Membership in the ABA includes access to a number of CLEs that are free to members.
ABA Forum on the Construction Industry
More Information
Forum on the Construction Industry Diversity Fellowship 2014
The ABA Forum on the Construction Industry is seeking diverse construction lawyers to apply for fellowships to be awarded in the spring of 2014. Up to four (4) three-year Fellowships may be awarded by the Forum each spring. Fellows receive the following benefits:
- Waiver of all registration fees for the Forum’s Fall, Mid-winter, and Annual Meetings;
- Reimbursement of reasonable travel and accommodation expenses associated with attending the Forum’s Annual Meeting held each spring (not to exceed $1,000 per annum);
- Waiver of Forum membership dues;
- Payment of ABA membership dues in the following amounts: 100% in Year 1; 66% in Year 2; and 33% in Year 3;
- The opportunity to join the steering committee of one of the Forum’s twelve (12) Divisions; and
- If desired, the Forum will arrange a mentor for each Fellow.
The ideal candidates will have a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in construction law. If you are aware of diverse construction lawyers who may be interested in applying for the 2014 Fellowship, please direct them to www.americanbar.org/groups/construction_industry where they can find more information about the ABA Forum on the Construction Industry and download an application for the 2014 Fellowship.
Completed Fellowship applications must be received on, or before, Friday, February 7, 2014.
Membership in the ABA includes access to a number of CLEs that are free to members.
ABA Forum on the Construction Industry
More Information
February 19: NYC - Child and Spousal Support
This training is offered to major law firm attorneys who are willing to take an inMotion pro bono matter following the completion of the training course.
Attorneys will be trained to represent Her Justice-referred clients in child and spousal support proceedings in Family Court. Procedural and substantive aspects will be discussed in detail. Training manuals and sample documents will be provided at the training.
A child and/or spousal support case will be assigned at the training or shortly thereafter. Attorneys are expected to commit to taking a pro bono case either individually or as part of a team. Experienced Her Justice staff attorneys mentor and consult with pro bono teams throughout the course of representation.
Upon completing a training seminar, major law firm attorneys commit to taking a pro bono matter, either individually or as part of a team of two or more attorneys. Detailed practice manuals and sample documents are provided.
An inMotion attorney will be assigned to mentor you on your matter. Our experienced staff attorneys are available to consult with you, to answer questions and to review documents throughout your inMotion matter. Training videos are available for individuals who are unable to attend one of our scheduled training sessions.
Pre-registration is required for all trainings.
Child and Spousal Support
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
12:30 – 2:30 pm
and lunch at noon
Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP
825 Eighth Avenue
(between West 49th & 50th Streets)
New York, NY 10019
Pre-registration required
inMotion, Justice for all Women
Trainings are offered to major law firm attorneys who are willing to take an inMotion pro bono matter following the completion of the training course.
This training is open to attorneys who are currently working on inMotion cases without the obligation to take on a new matter. It is also open to attorneys who are willing to take on a new pro bono case. InMotion attorneys are available to mentor volunteers on their cases.
Attorneys will be trained to represent Her Justice-referred clients in child and spousal support proceedings in Family Court. Procedural and substantive aspects will be discussed in detail. Training manuals and sample documents will be provided at the training.
A child and/or spousal support case will be assigned at the training or shortly thereafter. Attorneys are expected to commit to taking a pro bono case either individually or as part of a team. Experienced Her Justice staff attorneys mentor and consult with pro bono teams throughout the course of representation.
Upon completing a training seminar, major law firm attorneys commit to taking a pro bono matter, either individually or as part of a team of two or more attorneys. Detailed practice manuals and sample documents are provided.
An inMotion attorney will be assigned to mentor you on your matter. Our experienced staff attorneys are available to consult with you, to answer questions and to review documents throughout your inMotion matter. Training videos are available for individuals who are unable to attend one of our scheduled training sessions.
Pre-registration is required for all trainings.
Child and Spousal Support
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
12:30 – 2:30 pm
and lunch at noon
Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP
825 Eighth Avenue
(between West 49th & 50th Streets)
New York, NY 10019
Pre-registration required
- Margie Bechara, Esq., Supervising Attorney, Her Justice
- Laura Sinrod, Esq., Staff Attorney, Her Justice.
inMotion, Justice for all Women
- 2 CLE credits upon course completion - 1.0 skills / 0.5 professional practice / 0.5 ethics
- Up to 10 CLE pro bono credits for providing a Her Justice client with direct legal representation (1 skills credit for every 120 minutes, up to a maximum of 10 credits per attorney registration period).
Trainings are offered to major law firm attorneys who are willing to take an inMotion pro bono matter following the completion of the training course.
This training is open to attorneys who are currently working on inMotion cases without the obligation to take on a new matter. It is also open to attorneys who are willing to take on a new pro bono case. InMotion attorneys are available to mentor volunteers on their cases.
February: Ohio - Understanding Closings and Mortgage Documents
Continuing Educational Services provides seminars geared towards the economy and real estate with a special focus on mortgage lending. Five seminars on "Understanding Closings and Mortgage Documents" will be provided throughout Ohio.
Understanding Closings and Mortgage Documents
February 5: Cuyahoga Falls Sheraton Suites
February 12: Independence Holiday Inn
February 13: Strongsville Holiday Inn
February 19: Mentor La Malfa Hotel
February 26: Westlake Holiday Inn
All events start at 10:45 am.
Khash Saghafi, a nationally renowned speaker in regards to the banking & mortgage lending industry, is an approved instructor by the Department of Commerce, Division of Real Estate in Ohio, Florida and California. Khash Saghafi is also an approved instructor by the Ohio Supreme Court in regards to his expertise in the banking and mortgage industry.
Continuing Educational Services
Approved for credit by the Ohio Supreme Court
More Information And Registration
More Free Ohio CLE: http://4freecle.blogspot.com/search/label/Ohio
Understanding Closings and Mortgage Documents
February 5: Cuyahoga Falls Sheraton Suites
February 12: Independence Holiday Inn
February 13: Strongsville Holiday Inn
February 19: Mentor La Malfa Hotel
February 26: Westlake Holiday Inn
All events start at 10:45 am.
Khash Saghafi, a nationally renowned speaker in regards to the banking & mortgage lending industry, is an approved instructor by the Department of Commerce, Division of Real Estate in Ohio, Florida and California. Khash Saghafi is also an approved instructor by the Ohio Supreme Court in regards to his expertise in the banking and mortgage industry.
Continuing Educational Services
Approved for credit by the Ohio Supreme Court
More Information And Registration
More Free Ohio CLE: http://4freecle.blogspot.com/search/label/Ohio
February 11: Portland, OR - Immigration on the Oregon Ballot: A Debate about Referendum 301
In 2013, the Oregon Legislature passed and the Governor signed SB 833, which allows the issuance of Oregon Drivers Licenses to undocumented immigrants. "Oregonians for Immigration Reform" and "Protect Oregon Drivers Licenses" collected the 58,142 signatures necessary to refer the bill to the Oregon voters, known as Referendum 301. Please join us for a debate featuring Willamette Law Professor Gilbert Paul Carrasco, who will defend SB 833 while Jim Ludwick will provide the opposite view. There will be ample opportunity for questions from the moderator and from the audience.
Immigration on the Oregon Ballot: A Debate about Referendum 301
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Stoel Rives LLP
900 SW Fifth Avenue Suite 2600
Portland, OR.
The Oregon Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society.
1.5 hours of MCLE credits will be applied for.
More Information And Registration
Immigration on the Oregon Ballot: A Debate about Referendum 301
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Stoel Rives LLP
900 SW Fifth Avenue Suite 2600
Portland, OR.
- Prof. Gilbert Paul Carrasco, Professor of Law, Willamette University College of Law
- Jim Ludwick, Communications Director, Protect Oregon Drivers Licenses
- Moderated by: Jon Strauhull, Staff Attorney, Oregon Law Center.
The Oregon Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society.
1.5 hours of MCLE credits will be applied for.
More Information And Registration
February 3: Chicago - Liberty and Security in a Changing World #MCLE
Please join the Chicago Lawyer Chapter for a discussion on the personal experiences of a member of the President's Review Group. Geoffrey R. Stone is the Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. Mr. Stone is the author or co-author of many books on constitutional law, including Speaking Out! Reflections on Law, Liberty and Justice
(2010); Top Secret: When Our Government Keeps Us in the Dark
(2007), War and Liberty: An American Dilemma: 1790 to the Present
(2007), Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime: From the Sedition Act of 1798 to the War on Terrorism
(2004), and Eternally Vigilant: Free Speech in the Modern Era
(Chicago 2002). Perilous Times received eight national book awards, including the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Book Award, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for History, and the Harvard University annual book award for Public Affairs.
Liberty and Security in a Changing World: My Experience on the President's Review Group on the Data Collection Practices of the National Security Agency
Monday, February 3, 2014 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
155 N. Wacker Drive Suite 4000
Chicago, IL
RSVPs and photo IDs are required to enter the building.
Geoffrey R. Stone, Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School; Member, President's Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies; Co-Chair, Chicago Board of Advisors, American Constitution Society.
The Chicago Lawyer Chapter chapter of the American Constitution Society.
1.0 hours of CLE Credit pending.
More Information And Registration
(Chicago 2002). Perilous Times received eight national book awards, including the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Book Award, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for History, and the Harvard University annual book award for Public Affairs.
Liberty and Security in a Changing World: My Experience on the President's Review Group on the Data Collection Practices of the National Security Agency
Monday, February 3, 2014 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
155 N. Wacker Drive Suite 4000
Chicago, IL
RSVPs and photo IDs are required to enter the building.
Geoffrey R. Stone, Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School; Member, President's Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies; Co-Chair, Chicago Board of Advisors, American Constitution Society.
The Chicago Lawyer Chapter chapter of the American Constitution Society.
1.0 hours of CLE Credit pending.
More Information And Registration
February 20: Hastings, MN - Evidence: Trial Objections
The Dakota County Law Library and the 1st Judicial District Bar Association (FDBA)offer monthly free Continuing Legal Education sessions. You do not have to be a FDBA member to attend.
Evidence: Trial Objections
February 20, 2014
Noon-1 p.m.
Dakota County Law Library
Hastings, MN
Speaker:Honorable James A. Morrow, Senior Judge and Professor of Law at Hamline University School of Law
Dakota County Law Library
One standard credit applied for Event Code 187164
More Information
Evidence: Trial Objections
February 20, 2014
Noon-1 p.m.
Dakota County Law Library
Hastings, MN
Speaker:Honorable James A. Morrow, Senior Judge and Professor of Law at Hamline University School of Law
Dakota County Law Library
One standard credit applied for Event Code 187164
More Information
February 14: Cleveland - 45th Annual Moot Court Night: Appellate Advocacy Seminar #MCLE
UPDATE: This event was postponed due to weather conditions on February 5, 2014 and has been rescheduled to Wednesday, February 12. 2014.
The Cleveland-Marshall Moot Court Team will be hosting this year’s annual Moot Court Night on February 14, 2014, from 6:00-7:30 PM in the Moot Court Room. This year’s Moot Court Night will feature a team composed of third-year students, Caitlin Hill, Amanda Martin, and Justin Stevenson. They will be arguing both sides of Conestoga Wood Specialties Corporation v. Sebelius, a case from the Third Circuit on which the Supreme Court recently granted certiorari, along with its companion case, Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius.
The issues involve whether Petitioners, a for-profit corporation and its owners, have standing to assert claims for injunctive relief under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and whether Petitioners will have a likelihood of success on those claims. Petitioners claim that the Women’s Preventative Healthcare Regulations under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act violate their free exercise of religion by requiring them to buy insurance that provides health care services to their female employees that would include emergency contraceptives such as Plan B and Ella.
The presiding judges will include the Honorable Nathanial R. Jones, a Judge from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, along with the Honorable Donald C. Nugent and the Honorable Benita Y. Pearson, both of whom are currently judges on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. The judges will provide a detailed critique of each student-advocate’s performance, zeroing in on what was effective and what was not effective. The judges will also take questions from the audience concerning the finer points of appellate advocacy.
45th Annual Moot Court Night: Appellate Advocacy Seminar
Wednesday, February 14, 2014
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Moot Court Room
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Cleveland State University
1801 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
1.5 hours approved
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law / Cleveland State University
More Information And Registration
More Free Ohio CLE: http://4freecle.blogspot.com/search/label/Ohio
The Cleveland-Marshall Moot Court Team will be hosting this year’s annual Moot Court Night on February 14, 2014, from 6:00-7:30 PM in the Moot Court Room. This year’s Moot Court Night will feature a team composed of third-year students, Caitlin Hill, Amanda Martin, and Justin Stevenson. They will be arguing both sides of Conestoga Wood Specialties Corporation v. Sebelius, a case from the Third Circuit on which the Supreme Court recently granted certiorari, along with its companion case, Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius.

The presiding judges will include the Honorable Nathanial R. Jones, a Judge from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, along with the Honorable Donald C. Nugent and the Honorable Benita Y. Pearson, both of whom are currently judges on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. The judges will provide a detailed critique of each student-advocate’s performance, zeroing in on what was effective and what was not effective. The judges will also take questions from the audience concerning the finer points of appellate advocacy.
45th Annual Moot Court Night: Appellate Advocacy Seminar
Wednesday, February 14, 2014
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Moot Court Room
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Cleveland State University
1801 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
- The Moot Court Teams
- The Honorable Nathanial R. Jones
- The Honorable Donald C. Nugent
- The Honorable Benita Y. Pearson
1.5 hours approved
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law / Cleveland State University
More Information And Registration
More Free Ohio CLE: http://4freecle.blogspot.com/search/label/Ohio
Saturday, January 25, 2014
February 11: Apple Valley, MN - Problem Gambling and other Mental Health and Addiction Issues in the Practice of Law
The Dakota County Law Library and the 1st Judicial District Bar Association (FDBA)offer monthly free Continuing Legal Education sessions. You do not have to be a FDBA member to attend.
Problem Gambling and other Mental Health and Addiction Issues in the Practice of Law
February 11, 2014
8-9 a.m.,
Dakota County Law Library
Apple Valley, MN
Joan Bibelhausen J.D., Executive Director Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (St. Paul)
Dakota County Law Library
One Elimination of Bias credit applied for Event Code 187169.
More Information
Problem Gambling and other Mental Health and Addiction Issues in the Practice of Law
February 11, 2014
8-9 a.m.,
Dakota County Law Library
Apple Valley, MN
Joan Bibelhausen J.D., Executive Director Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (St. Paul)
Dakota County Law Library
One Elimination of Bias credit applied for Event Code 187169.
More Information
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
March 24: Washington State - Public Service Incentive Award Application Deadline (#probono)
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Eager Young Lawyer, Age 40-Something. |
The Rules:
- You may apply if you are a licensed attorneys admitted to practice in Washington, in good standing and meet this definition of a young lawyer: Under the age of 36 or in the first five years of practice. (Yes, I was once a young lawyer in my 40s!)
- The WYLC Public Service Incentive Award subcommmittee considers applicant involvement or proposed involvement in pro bono and public service activities as described in RPC 6.1, including:
Public Service Incentive Award (Quarterly)
- March 24, 2014
- Award recipients will be announced quarterly (December, March, June, September).
- Applicants need only submit one application per year. Awardees may only recieve the award once during the WSBA fiscal year (October 1 - September 30).
- Location: WSBA CLEs are presented in many locations throughout Washington State and on the web.
One free WSBA-CLE of their choice (typically up to six credits).
Washington Young Lawyer Committee
No Charge.
February 20: Webcast - HIPPA/HITECH and the New Omnibus Rule
On Tuesday, February 20, 2014, at 2 PM ET, The TASA Group, Inc., in conjunction with health care expert Scott Cook, will present a free, one-hour, interactive webinar, HIPPA/HITECH and the New Omnibus Rule, for all legal professionals.
HIPPA/HITECH and the New Omnibus Rule
Thursday, February 20, 2014
14:00 Eastern
Scott Cook
The TASA Group, Inc.
Typically, TASA does not apply for credit, but the presenters and content appear to satisfy CLE requirements in a number of jurisdictions in which participants may self-apply for credit.
HIPPA/HITECH and the New Omnibus Rule
Thursday, February 20, 2014
14:00 Eastern
Scott Cook
The TASA Group, Inc.
Typically, TASA does not apply for credit, but the presenters and content appear to satisfy CLE requirements in a number of jurisdictions in which participants may self-apply for credit.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity for interaction and networking.
4freeCLE is and always will be free - Subscribe Now!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
February 26: Webcast - Living with the Volcker Rule: Volcker Rule Impacts on European Asset Managers #MCLE
On December 10, 2013, five U.S. financial regulatory agencies adopted sweeping final rules (Regulations) implementing the Volcker Rule. Dechert's team will discuss the practical implications and execution impacts of the Regulations for a wide variety of financial institutions, investors and market participants as effected U.S. and foreign entities consider how to deal with restrictions on proprietary trading activities and divest or restructure their investments in, and terminate certain relationships with, entities that are treated as private equity funds and hedge funds.
This webinar series will discuss the scope of the Regulations' restrictions and also focus on relevant exceptions and alternative opportunities that may be available to banking entities.
For more information on the Regulations, please visit the sponsor's Volcker Rule site.
Living with the Volcker Rule: Volcker Rule Impacts on European Asset Managers
A Webinar Series Presented by Dechert's Financial Services and Finance and Real Estate Groups
February 26, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
CA, NJ and NY credit applied for.
No charge
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
This webinar series will discuss the scope of the Regulations' restrictions and also focus on relevant exceptions and alternative opportunities that may be available to banking entities.
For more information on the Regulations, please visit the sponsor's Volcker Rule site.
Living with the Volcker Rule: Volcker Rule Impacts on European Asset Managers
A Webinar Series Presented by Dechert's Financial Services and Finance and Real Estate Groups
February 26, 2014
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- Karen L. Anderberg
- Julien Bourgeois
- David J. Harris
- David A. Vaughan
CA, NJ and NY credit applied for.
No charge
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity
4freeCLE is and always will be free. Subscribe Now!
Monday, January 20, 2014
February 28: Philadelphia - Civil Forfeiture #MCLE
To receive credit, a volunteer must take a case with the Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program (VIP) within six months of the training session.
Civil Forfeiture
February 28, 2014
Philadelphia, PA 19103
One CLE credit for each hour of course work attended.
Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program (VIP)
Civil Forfeiture
February 28, 2014
Philadelphia, PA 19103
One CLE credit for each hour of course work attended.
Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program (VIP)
Sunday, January 19, 2014
January 30: Chicago - Of Civil Wrongs & Rights
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Decalogue Society of Lawyers"Justice, Justice shalt thou pursue" |
Of Civil Wrongs & Rights
SPECIAL CLE: Honoring Fred Korematsu Day
Thursday January 30, 2014
11:45 AM to 1:15 PM CST
DePaul College of Law
25 E Jackson
Chicago, IL 60604
Decalogue Society of Lawyers
1 Hour CLE credit
More Information And Registration
Saturday, January 18, 2014
January 22: Chicago - ERISA #MCLE
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Decalogue Society of Lawyers"Justice, Justice shalt thou pursue" |
Wednesday January 22, 2014
12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Room 420
39 S LaSalle
Chicago, IL 60603
Michael Bartolic
Decalogue Society of Lawyers
1 Hour CLE credit
More Information And Registration
January 30: NYC - From the Civil Rights Movement to Stop & Frisk: Film Screening and CLE Panel Discussion
Join CCR Executive Director Vincent Warren for a program that combines a reflection of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s with a panel discussion on the Civil Rights issues faced by people today.
The first half of the program will be a screening of the documentary, Justice is a Black Woman: The Life and Work of Constance Baker Motley, with commentary by filmmaker Dr. Gary Ford, Judge George Bundy Smith and William Kuntz.
After a brief break, the CLE program will begin with a panel presentation addressing contemporary issues including stop and frisk, voting rights and language access relating to justice in the courts.
From the Civil Rights Movement to Stop & Frisk: Film Screening and CLE Panel Discussion
January 30, 2014
2:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Hilton New York Midtown Hotel
6th Ave between 53rd & 54th st
New York, NY
Center for Constitutional Rights
The first half of the program will be a screening of the documentary, Justice is a Black Woman: The Life and Work of Constance Baker Motley, with commentary by filmmaker Dr. Gary Ford, Judge George Bundy Smith and William Kuntz.
After a brief break, the CLE program will begin with a panel presentation addressing contemporary issues including stop and frisk, voting rights and language access relating to justice in the courts.
From the Civil Rights Movement to Stop & Frisk: Film Screening and CLE Panel Discussion
January 30, 2014
2:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Hilton New York Midtown Hotel
6th Ave between 53rd & 54th st
New York, NY
- Kristen Clarke, Civil Rights Chief of the New York State Attorney General’s Office
- Jerry Vattamala, Staff Attorney, Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund
- Vincent Warren, Executive Director, Center for Constitutional Rights
- Moderated by Diana Sen, Chair of the NYSBA’s Standing Committee on Civil Rights
Center for Constitutional Rights
February 7: NYC + Webcast - Exposing and Responding to Human Trafficking in 2014 #MCLE
Human Trafficking has long been a hidden problem in New York state and the US. In 2000, Congress passed the federal Victims of Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act (TVPA) and has since re-authorized it three times making important modifications. In 2005, the US ratified the UN Trafficking Protocol. This was followed by passage of the New York state Trafficking Victim Protection and Justice Act in 2007. The New York law has been heralded as the most comprehensive law of its kind in the country. Yet, relatively few cases have been prosecuted in any jurisdiction. This program will provide an overview of what human trafficking is including in federal and state statutes, how it is often masked, and tools for legal professionals and courts to use in identifying and responding to this complex problem.
What you will learn:

Exposing and Responding to Human Trafficking in 2014
February 7, 2014
1:45 PM Eastern
New York, NY
Also Webcast
Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
Practising Law Institute
More Information And Registration
What you will learn:
- How to define human trafficking
- Who traffickers are and how they operate
- How to interview a victim
- Criminal justice system response to human trafficking
- How to address immigration and other legal issues
- How New York State courts are responding to human trafficking
Exposing and Responding to Human Trafficking in 2014
February 7, 2014
1:45 PM Eastern
New York, NY
Also Webcast
- Chair: Hon. Barry M. Kamins ~ Chief of Policy and Planning, New York State Unified Court System
- Taina Bien-Aime ~ Executive Director, Women's City Club of New York (WCC)
- Hon. Fernando Camacho ~ Judge, NYS Court of Claims; Acting Supreme Court Judge, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Lori L. Cohen ~ Director of Anti-trafficking Initiative, Immigration Intervention Project, Sanctuary for Families
- Dorchen A. Leidholdt ~ Director, Center for Battered Women's Legal Services, Sanctuary for Families
- Anne Milgram ~ Senior Fellow, NYU School of Law
- Kate Mogulescu ~ Supervising Attorney, Trafficking Victims Advocacy Project, The Legal Aid Society
- Hon. William O’Brien ~ Acting County Court Judge, Nassau County Human Trafficking Intervention, Nassau County District Court
- Hon. Toko Serita ~ Criminal Court Judge, New York City Criminal Court, Queens County
- John Temple ~ Assistant District Attorney, Attorney in Charge of the Human Trafficking Program, New York County District Attorney's Office
- Program Attorney: Doreen Odom ~ Practising Law Institute.
Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
Practising Law Institute
More Information And Registration
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Free CLE Right In Your Web Browser! |
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, 4freeCLE brings you 20 or more opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: Bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand Recordings: Let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: Traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity for interaction and networking.
4freeCLE is and always will be free. Subscribe Now!
February 10: NYC & DC - Immigration Equality’s Asylum 101 #MCLE

Immigration Equality’s Asylum 101
A CLE Seminar Presented by Dechert LLP and Immigration Equality
February 10, 2014
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
New York, NY and Washington, D.C.
Albert R. Chen focuses his practice on investment management in relation to hedge fund, private equity and venture capital fund formation. Prior to joining Dechert, Mr. Chen worked in the alternative investment funds group of a large international law firm. Mr. Chen’s prior experience also includes serving as a pro bono legal fellow at Immigration Equality in New York City and as a law clerk at the Federal Court of Canada, which reviews refugee determinations by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.
Paul S. Lee manages Dechert’s pro bono program and mentors on a variety of pro bono matters, especially those involving immigration and juvenile law. Prior to joining Dechert, Mr. Lee served as the pro bono coordinator for Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) for three years. He also previously served with an international law firm as a Georgetown Pro Bono Fellow.
Aaron C. Morris runs Immigration Equality’s pro bono asylum project and provides technical assistance and mentoring on LGBT and HIV immigration issues to attorneys around the country. He supervises the in-house legal team, and advocates for policy reform within the immigration system. Aaron is a graduate of the American University’s Washington College of Law and the University of Oklahoma. Before joining Immigration Equality, he was an immigration staff attorney in the Office of Legal Affairs of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Currently, Aaron is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and the New York City Bar Association’s Committee on LGBT Rights.
- Dechert
- Immigration Equality
Pending in CA, IL, NC, NY, NJ, PA and TX.
No charge
February 20: Webcast - Living with the Volcker Rule: Volcker Rule Impacts on Asian Asset Managers #MCLE

This webinar series will discuss the scope of the Regulations' restrictions and also focus on relevant exceptions and alternative opportunities that may be available to banking entities.
For more information on the Regulations, please visit the sponsor's Volcker Rule site.
- Entities covered by the Regulations
- Restrictions on proprietary trading
- Restrictions on covered fund activities
- Special provisions for non-U.S. activities4
Living with the Volcker Rule: Volcker Rule Impacts on Asian Asset Managers
A Webinar Series Presented by Dechert's Financial Services and Finance and Real Estate Groups
February 20, 2014
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- Karl J. Paulson Egbert
- Robert H. Ledig
- Corey F. Rose
CA, NJ, NY credit applied for.
No charge
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity
4freeCLE is and always will be free. Subscribe Now!
February 11: Webcast - Fundamentals of Cross Examination
Creating effective cross examinations does not have to be hard. The “4 Corners” approach to cross-examination will provide the practitioner with the necessary structure and tools to create effective and impactful cross-examinations.
J.C will cover the persuasive question form and organization that most effectively and efficiently gathers information that supports your case theory. Additionally, this webcast will include advances techniques for question impact and the controlling of difficult witnesses
Fundamentals of Cross Examination
11am Mountain Time
February 11, 2014
JC Lore, Rutgers University School of Law
National Institute for Trial Advocacy
J.C will cover the persuasive question form and organization that most effectively and efficiently gathers information that supports your case theory. Additionally, this webcast will include advances techniques for question impact and the controlling of difficult witnesses
Fundamentals of Cross Examination
11am Mountain Time
February 11, 2014
JC Lore, Rutgers University School of Law
National Institute for Trial Advocacy
According to the sponsor: "The intense, focused content and materials of one-hour NITA webcasts should be CLE-qualifiable, whether live, or pre-recorded, because a faculty member is always present to answer questions. Please register with your state individually for your participation. (States vary in computing credit; many give one credit for 60 minutes of actual participation.) If you need confirmation of attendance or materials other than what is available for downloading during the webinar, contact us. If your state does not permit self-registration, or you are faced with other issues in securing CLE by direct application, please contact us. NITA provides this low-cost, intense on-line program to augment your live NITA program skills with burst-learning on-line. When you file directly with your state for CLE credit, you help us continue bringing you CLE-quality on-line learning."
More Information And Registration
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity for interaction and networking.
4freeCLE is and always will be free - Subscribe Now!
February 19: Webcast - Blocked Shots: Examining the Basis, Nature and Public Health Impact of Vaccine Exemption Laws

Proponents of non-medical exemptions maintain that disease prevention is an individual responsibility, and that vaccinations are not completely safe or effective. Exemption opponents counter that mandating vaccinations protects the public’s health by decreasing the incidence of preventable disease, hospitalizations and deaths.
This Webinar will examine the legal and ethical basis for vaccination requirements, review a recent assessment of how non-medical vaccination exemption laws impact the annual incidence rates of vaccine-targeted diseases, and explore how states are changing their vaccine exemption laws.
Blocked Shots: Examining the Basis, Nature and Public Health Impact of Vaccine Exemption Laws
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
1:00pm - 2:00pm (ET)
Webcast - Register Now!
- Andy Baker-White, JD, MPH., Associate Director, Network for Public Health Law – Mid-States Region at the University of Michigan School of Public Health (Moderator)
Ross D. Silverman, JD, MPH, Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IUPUI - Y. Tony Yang, ScD, LLM, MPH, Associate Professor of Health Policy and Law at George Mason University
- Daniel G. Orenstein, JD, Deputy Director, Network for Public Health Law – Western Region at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University.
- ASLME : American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
- Network for Public Health Law
- Public Health Law Research Program.
You may qualify for CLE credit. ASLME is an approved provider of continuing legal education credits in several states. ASLME will also apply for CLE credits in other states upon request. Past ASLME webcasts have received credit in states such as Washington.
More Information And Registration
4freeCLE is the free Newsletter of free Continuing Legal Education.
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity
4freeCLE is and always will be free.
Subscribe Now!
Subscribe Now!
Friday, January 17, 2014
January 23: Webcast - Living with the Volcker Rule: Proprietary Trading

This webinar series will discuss the scope of the Regulations' restrictions and also focus on relevant exceptions and alternative opportunities that may be available to banking entities. For more information on the Regulations, please visit the sponsor's Volcker Rule site.
- General restrictions on proprietary trading
- Permissible market-making and underwriting
- Permissible hedging
- Derivatives
- Exchange-traded funds
- Other permissible trading activities.
Living with the Volcker Rule: Proprietary Trading
A Webinar Series Presented by Dechert's Financial Services and Finance and Real Estate Groups
January 23, 2014
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
- Elliott R. Curzon
- Matthew K. Kerfoot
- Robert H. Ledig
- Jeremy I. Senderowicz
Credit applied for in NY, NJ and CA.
No charge
February 27: NYC - Employment Law for Nonprofi ts and Small Businesses #probono #MCLE
This seminar provides an overview of best practices in employment law for counsel representing nonprofit organizations and low-income small businesses. These nonprofits and small businesses
must adopt employment policies that are fair, understood by all employees, and minimize disputes and litigation.
Topics covered will include:
Pre-registration required. Space is limited so register ASAP!
Employment Law for Nonprofi ts and Small Businesses
Part of The Legal Aid Society's 2013-2014 CLE Pro Bono Training Program.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Registration 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Program: 6:30 -8:30 p.m.
O’Melveny & Myers LLP
7 Times Square
New York, NY 10036
The Legal Aid Society
Faculty Chairs: Jeff Kohn, Esq., and Ari Rom, Esq., O’Melveny & Myers LLP
CLE Credit: 2 credits total: 1.5 hours of professional practice/ practice management and .5 hour skills. This program provides transitional credit for newly admitted attorneys.
Training is without charge, but attorneys who attend are expected to undertake the pro bono representation of one or more Legal Aid Society clients over the course of the next year. Participants will be enrolled as members of the NYC Pro Bono Center. Participating Attorneys may attend every session of interest, but space is limited and priority is given to law firms whose generosity makes this program possible and who partner with The Legal Aid Society to provide pro bono legal services to low-income New Yorkers. These seminars also are open to SecondActs attorneys transitioning from a full-time legal practice or have retired and wish to contribute their time and expertise on behalf of low-income New Yorkers. See The Legal Aid Society Website for more information.about it and its Pro Bono Practice.
Topics covered will include:
- hiring and termination;
- employee evaluation and discipline;
- the proper classification of employees and independent contractors;
- wage and hour laws; and exempt versus nonexempt employees
- Special issues involving nonprofit organizations, including the proper use of volunteers and the payment of stipends.
Pre-registration required. Space is limited so register ASAP!
Employment Law for Nonprofi ts and Small Businesses
Part of The Legal Aid Society's 2013-2014 CLE Pro Bono Training Program.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Registration 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Program: 6:30 -8:30 p.m.
O’Melveny & Myers LLP
7 Times Square
New York, NY 10036
The Legal Aid Society
Faculty Chairs: Jeff Kohn, Esq., and Ari Rom, Esq., O’Melveny & Myers LLP
CLE Credit: 2 credits total: 1.5 hours of professional practice/ practice management and .5 hour skills. This program provides transitional credit for newly admitted attorneys.
Training is without charge, but attorneys who attend are expected to undertake the pro bono representation of one or more Legal Aid Society clients over the course of the next year. Participants will be enrolled as members of the NYC Pro Bono Center. Participating Attorneys may attend every session of interest, but space is limited and priority is given to law firms whose generosity makes this program possible and who partner with The Legal Aid Society to provide pro bono legal services to low-income New Yorkers. These seminars also are open to SecondActs attorneys transitioning from a full-time legal practice or have retired and wish to contribute their time and expertise on behalf of low-income New Yorkers. See The Legal Aid Society Website for more information.about it and its Pro Bono Practice.
January 30: Webcast - Living with the Volcker Rule: Covered Funds

This webinar series will discuss the scope of the Regulations' restrictions and also focus on relevant exceptions and alternative opportunities that may be available to banking entities.
For more information on the Regulations, please visit the sponsor's Volcker Rule site.
- Exclusions from covered fund status
- Business development company options
- Impact on registered investment companies
- Permissible covered funds
- Asset securitizations
- Foreign activities.
Living with the Volcker Rule: Covered Funds
A Webinar Series Presented by Dechert's Financial Services and Finance and Real Estate Groups
January 30, 2014
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Eastern.
- David J. Harris
- Richard Horowitz
- David A. Vaughan
- Cynthia J. Williams
Credit applied for in NY, NJ and CA.
No charge
Every week, it brings to your email box more than 20 opportunities to learn about the legal profession while earning Continuing Legal Education credits.
- Webcasts: bring CLE to your home or office
- On-Demand: let you learn what you need when you need it
- In-Person: traditional classroom settings give you the maximum opportunity
4freeCLE is and always will be free. Subscribe Now!
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