Friday, July 19, 2024

December 19: Expert Expectations: Avoiding Regrets by Defining What Good Performance Looks Like Webinar

"Expert Expectations: Avoiding Regrets by Defining What Good Performance Looks Like" is for everyone who works in the whacky world of litigation, especially the construction litigation business. We are going to have a 60-minute conversation with industry experts from the legal, insurance, and expert witness community. Our esteemed panel will discuss a list of qualities that good experts embody and why those qualities are important.
An Expert Witness is "a person who is permitted to testify at a trial because of special knowledge or proficiency in a particular field that is relevant to the case." All experts obviously need the minimum qualifications to be allowed to testify. But good experts systematically investigate, think, write, and present at a level of professionalism that makes everyone they deal with think "That expert is smart, has their act together, and that assignment is safe in their hands."
Expert investigations require curiosity, a scientific approach, and supporting documentation that is good enough to be considered "forensic." Lawyerly thinking requires knowledge of the law, legal procedure, and strategic thinking. Journalistic writing requires translating technical speak into plain language that everyone can understand so they can make informed decisions. Presenting like Walter Cronkite means being honest, trustworthy, and prepared when the time to perform arrives.
Learning Objectives
  • Introduce a list of qualities that good experts embody.
  • Articulate our values related to our expert witness work.
  • Explain why investigating like Sherlock Holmes is important.
  • Describe aspects of thinking like a lawyer for experts. Explore the idea that investigative and explanatory journalism skills are helpful for experts. Show how powerful presenting like Walter Cronkite can be.
Expert Expectations: Avoiding Regrets by Defining What Good Performance Looks Like Webinar
Date+Time Of Webinar:
Thursday, December 19, 2024
10:00am Pacific Time 
Register Now!
This webinar is either approved or is pending approval for 1.0 credit hour of both CE (insurance) and MCLE (legal) continuing education credit in the following states: Texas, California, Nevada, Florida. You may be able to self-apply in other states.
  • Don Gifford, Expert, Pete Fowler Construction.
  • Elgin Hakala, Technical Manager, Pete Fowler Construction.
  • John Toohey, Partner, Bremer, Whyte, Brown & O'Meara, LLP.

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