Hours before Justice Kennedy announced his retirement, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in
Janus v. AFSCME, overturning a 40-year-old precedent that had served as the bedrock of American labor law and demonstrating what Justice Kagan described in her dissent as “little regard for the usual principles of stare decisis.” What does this disregard for stare decisis mean as we evaluate President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee? Join ACS on July 17 at 3:00pm ET for a briefing that will provide an overview of the Janus decision, forecast what’s next for American workers, and place the decision in the larger context of what the decision may mean for other long-established precedents that Americans have come to rely upon, including
Roe v. Wade.
The Road from Janus to Roe: What the Supreme Court’s Disregard of Precedent Could Mean for All of Us
Tuesday, July 17, 2018 12:00:00 PM PDT - 1:00:00 PM PDT
Webcast - Register Now!
This event will provide 1 hour California MCLE credit.
More Information And Registration
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