Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 4: Litigation Finance and Trade Secret Disputes: A Guide for In-House Counsel

Protection of trade secrets is paramount for most companies, including the ability to pursue litigation for misappropriation. Litigation finance is an important tool that allows companies to mitigate litigation risk and reduce outside legal budgets while protecting their intellectual property.
Join us on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 12pm ET / 9am PT for the next edition of our Deep Dives Series, Stephanie Southwick, Senior Investment Counselor at Law Finance Group and Chris Buntel, Co-Founder and CIPO of Tangibly, discuss litigation finance for trade secret cases.
Discussion topics include:
  • How companies can use litigation finance to protect their trade secrets,
  • Why trade secret cases are well-suited for funding,
  • How litigation finance can help companies evaluate the strength of a trade secret case, and
  • What makes a trade secret case attractive to a funder.
Chris and Stephanie will also discuss practical tips like what information an in-house team should gather before approaching a funder and how to evaluate whether a company should file a lawsuit.
Who should attend:
In-house counsel and legal operations professionals who manage or are involved in the protection or management of Trade Secrets.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
12pm ET / 9am PT
Stephanie Southwick, Senior Investment Counselor at Law Finance Group and Chris Buntel, Co-Founder and CIPO of Tangibly
In-House Connect is an online in-house counsel networking group, comprised of over 15,000 members across the United States. In-House Connect's mission is to help in-house counsel form meaningful connections with one another and cultivate key skills so that together we can advance our careers, derive greater job satisfaction, and provide maximum value to the organizations we serve.

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