Wednesday, June 26, 2024

September 26: The Basics of Insurance for Construction and Legal Professionals

If you are a construction professional and believe you understand insurance well enough to protect yourself, your loved ones, your staff, your clients, and the public, think twice. We are dead serious. Insurance is an absolute necessity, and it's high time to buckle down and learn the basics as they apply to buildings and building.
In addition to inspection and testing, estimating, and quality and construction management services, for the past 20 years, our business has been involved in hundreds of building claims and litigation matters, including expert witness testimony. We have been hired to assess the liability of many thousands of project participants. In this program, we will leverage our experience to explain the importance of risk mitigation, outline the types of insurance relevant to the building industry, and define the roles of the various stakeholders at each step of the process.
While this program undoubtedly provides valuable insights for construction and legal professionals seeking to broaden their grasp of insurance as it pertains to their fields, insurance professionals can also find value in this program as a communication tool when engaging with clients who may not possess any prior insurance knowledge. The 'curse of knowledge' often leads experts to unintentionally presume a shared foundation of understanding on topics they encounter daily. Even when attempting to convey 'just the basics,' experts often grapple with the challenge of simplifying a subject they are deeply familiar with into plain, everyday language.
Learning Objectives
  • Define the basic concepts of insurance in language anyone can easily comprehend.
  • Explain the fundamentals of insurance as it applies to buildings and understand why they are important.
  • Understand the types of coverage relevant to the construction industry and the legal issues associated with them.
  • Examine real-world case studies to understand how insurance is involved in issues related to construction.
The Basics of Insurance for Construction and Legal Professionals
Date+Time Of Webinar:
Thursday, September 26, 2024
10:00am Pacific Time
Register Now!
1 Credit in California, Florida, and Texas You may be able to self-apply in other states.
  • Pete Patterson, Expert, Pete Fowler Construction
  • John Hochhausler, Partner, Manning & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, Trester LLP
  • Walter Nelson, Casualty Claims Specialist, Tokio Marine HCC
Pete Fowler Construction Services:

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