Friday, August 9, 2024

August 13: Considerations and Strategies for Integrating Social Services and Legal Teams serving Unaccompanied Children

The ABA Children’s Immigration Law Academy (CILA) invites you to a webinar presentation During this webinar, CILA staff will explore the topic of integrating social services and legal teams at legal service providers and highlight findings from the soon to be released written resource, “Collaborative Efforts to Immigration Relief: A Call for Integration of Social Workers + Lawyers,” prepared by CILA consultant Yvonne Mendoza. Yvonne is a an LMSW and Clinical Professor at the University of Houston’s Graduate School of Social Work. In preparing the resource, Yvonne spoke with staff at six legal service providers in various geographic areas about the structure and functioning of their programs, as they work across disciplines to serve unaccompanied children.
The webinar will cover various themes that resulted from those interviews, including role definition, social worker – attorney communications, and case staffing, and offer key considerations and best practices for effective integration. The presenters will highlight some common challenges that arise with respect to duties of confidentiality and mandatory reporting requirements, as well as ways to navigate them.
This webinar is a great learning opportunity for organizations with established or new interdisciplinary programs, as well as those currently exploring the option of incorporating social services staff into their teams. The goal is for attendees to gain insight and practical tools to enhance their approach to holistic services, ensuring better outcomes for their clients.
Considerations and Strategies for Integrating Social Services and Legal Teams serving Unaccompanied Children
August 13, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Register Now!
• Yvonne Mendoza, LMSW, Clinical Assistant Professor at The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work
• Marissa Barrera, CILA Managing Social Worker
• Yasmin Yavar, CILA Deputy Director
ABA Children's Immigration Law Academy (CILA).
The ABA will seek 1.0 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states, and 1.2 hours of CLE credit for this program in 50-minute states. Credit hours are estimated and are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules. Please visit for general information on CLE at the ABA.

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