Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August 21: Cultivating A Thriving Profession: Insights from Our Membership Demographic Study

The Washington State Bar Association recently partnered with a research consultancy based in Oregon to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the composition and experiences of the WSBA membership. This seminar will share main findings from this research study and their implications on systemic efforts to enhance member wellness, access to justice, and public trust in the judiciary system. We will include recommendations for employers and legal professionals informed by this data on developing workplace policies, initiatives, and organizational cultures that can recruit and retain a workforce enriched by a diversity of perspectives.
Cultivating A Thriving Profession: Insights from Our Membership Demographic Study
Webinar Date+Time:
August 21, 2024
11:55 AM - 1:00 PM PT
Free Continuing Legal Education Webinar - Register Now!
  • Dr. Ben Kim-Gervey - KGR+C LLC, Portland, OR
  • Saleena Salango - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
  • Elliott Schwebach - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
  • Diana Singleton - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
Washington State Bar Association; Presented in collaboration with the WSBA Equity & Justice Team; Sponsored by ALPS

  • Washington State: 1.00 Ethics (Equity)
  • Other States: Certificate of attendance provided upon request.

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